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Portrait of A. B. Simpson at Age of Sixty-five.
Official Authorised Edition
With Special Chapters by
Paul Rader
James M. Gray, D. D. Kenneth Mackenzie
J. Gregory Mantle, D. D. F. H. Senft, B. A.
R. H. Glover, M. D. W. M. Turnbull, D. D,
The Christian Alliance Publishing Company,
318 West 39TH St., New York.
Copyright, 1920, by
Christian Alliance Publishing Co.
SOME over bold word artist may yet attempt to depict
the life of A. B. Simpson on the terms laid down
by Oliver Cromwell when sitting for young Lally —
"Paint me as I am. If you leave out a scar or wrinkle,
I will not pay you a shilling." But what canvas could re-
ceive the face of Cromwell and what page can reveal
the life of A. B. Simpson?
Photography is more accurate than painting, for God's
sunlight truly reflects the image on the negative ; but what
mind is sensitive enough to receive the impression of a
life so unique, and great enough to reveal it without
retouching it into its own ideal?
Someone has said that we should take the Bible as our
model, forgetting what Graham Scroggie remarked with
Scotch sententiousness, "God wrote those biographies."
And if God should write a third Testament for the mil-
lennial age, and should choose Albert B. Simpson as one
of its characters, who would dare to predict what incident
or excellency or flaw the Holy Spirit might select for His
Miniatures not a few, mental photographs brought to
the light of day from the treasures of memory, portraits
done by hands love inspired, pen sketches revealing feat-
ures and attitudes, and delineations of some of the great
life lines have all been brought together in an attempt to
create a composite picture of a great and beautiful life.
Caricatures there are none, though these would fill vol-
umes if collected, the fact that he provoked so many and
such extravagantly distorted depictions being but another
proof of (lie extraordinary quality of his life, for only
real greatness lends itself to burlesque.
There has been no lack of material. Mrs. Simpson,
with characteristic foresight, preserved in huge scrap-
books much of the newspaper comment and many an-
nouncements, programs, and records of outstanding
events. His sister. Miss Louisa Simpson, and old Ca-
nadian friends have kindly recalled for us their inti-
mate knowledge of his early life. Fortunately he had
begun an autobiography which he carried forward as far
as his college days. A wide circle of friends have sent
incidents and personal impressions. A few souvenirs
and the official annual reports have been trustworthy
guides. His scores of books and nearly fifty volumes
of his periodicals have been mines of information. It
has thus been possible to recover many of the revelations
concerning himself which Dr. Simpson made on rare
occasions, and so to give a more personal touch to the
story. The photograph, of which the frontispiece is a
copy, has been hanging before us as we wrote, constantly
reminding us of the modesty that forbade him to pro-
claim himself, but on every page the attempt has been
made to break through that fine reserve and compel him
to disclose the secret of his life.
To those who have supplied data we here offer the
readers' thanks with our own. Miss Emma F. Beere,
who for many years was Dr. Simpson's secretary, has
assisted in the collection of materials, giving valuable
reading of the proofs. Mrs. C. Myron Peck also gave
valuable assistance. The special contributors have each
put us under obligation by their sketches of features
and phases of this wonderful life. Mrs. Simpson and
the Editorial Committee of the Christian and Missionary
Alliance, including Revs. F. H. Senft, W. M. Turnbull,
A, C. Snead, and the Editor, have done their part to make
the work an official biography.
If in any true sense this sketch is "A Life of A. B.
Simpson," our aim has been attained. No word but life
is adequate, for he lived intensely, unselfishly, nobly,
godly in this present age, holding forth the Word of
Life that he might not run in vain neither labor in vain.
Nyack-on-Hudson, N. Y. A. E. T.
Mounting up with wings as eagles,
Waiting on the Lord we rise;
Strength receiving, life renewing.
How our spirit heavenward flies!
Then our springing feet returning
To the pathway of the saint,
We shall run and not be weary.
We shall walk and never faint.
Oh, we need these heights of rapture
Where we mount on eagle's wings;
Then returning to life's duties.
All our heart exultant springs.
This our every burden lightens
Till, with sweet, divine constraint,
We can run and not be weary.
We can walk and never faint.
— A. B. Simpson.
A. Household of Faith i
Personal Reminiscences 7
The High Calling 24
College Days 31
The First Pastorate 41
Pastoral Evangelism 53
The Life Crisis 63
Divine Life for the Body 72
In the Great Metropolis 82
Manifold Ministries 92
Conventions and Tours 104
The Missionary Vision 118
The Christian and Missionary Alliance 128
The Ministry of Healing 138
Author and Editor 150
A Man of Action 160
A Pauline Mystic 171
A Man of Prayer 184
A Modern Prophet 194
Leader and Friend 204
A Christian Educator^ by W. M. Turnbull 214
The Missionary Outcome, by R. H. Glover 224
Some Characteristics of the Message, by J. Gregory Mantle 236
Dr. Simpson and Modern Movements, by Kenneth Mackenzie 246
The Saneness of A. B. Simpson., by James M. Gray 258
The Man as I Knew Him, by Frederic H. Senft 268
In Memoriam 276
A Great Legacy, by Paul Rader ,,,..,,.,.,... 291
Portrait of A. B. Simpson at Age of Sixty-five. .Frontispiece
A. B. Simpson at Seventeen 15
A. B. Simpson in College Years 2)2
A. B. Simpson During Hamilton Pastorate 50
A. B. Simpson at the Crisis 71
Mrs. a. B. Simpson 141
A. B. Simpson During Last Visit to England 277
At Old Orchard Convention, 1916 log
At Old Orchard Convention, 1918 no
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson 281
ALBERT B. SIMPSON came of generations of
sturdy and upright stock and was reared in sur-
roundings congenial to the development of noble and
godly character. The "Bonnie Highlands" of Scotland
is the home of a race as rugged as its rocky hills, yet as
sensitive as its matchless lakes to the moods of wind
and weather. Neither Roman legions nor Saxon knights
ever subdued those haughty, crafty clansmen, and on
every battlefield of modern nations the tartan and bonnet
of "The Kilties," marching to the weird skirl of the
pibroch, have been in the hottest of the fray. As widely
scattered, as easily recognized, and as successful as the
sons of Jacob, some one has sung of them,
"They thrive where'er they fall.
Oh, grasp the hardy thistle close,
Or grasp it not at all."
Nor need young Canada, his own much loved native
land, be abashed even in the presence of the Highlands.
As Dr. Simpson himself said in a lecture, delivered both
in his native island and in the church where fifty years
before he had been ordained, "Every Canadian seems by
^^his very attitude to be forever saying, T can.' His life
story will reveal many influences, all instrumental in the
making of a life of rare completeness. But it would be
a very faulty interpretation that overlooked the effects
of his ancestry and early environment. For the seeds
of character are the fruit of a family tree, and the home
and the community are as soil and sunlight to the young
The Simpson family emigrated from Morayshire, Scot-
land, and settled in Prince Edward Island in 1774. James
Simpson, the grandfather of Albert B. Simpson, was then
a boy of five years. In after years he married a daughter
of the island and reared a family of seven boys and four
girls. The fourth boy, James, married Jane, the daughter
of William Clark, who with his wife was also of Scottish
ancestry, being descended from the "Covenanters." He
was a member of the Legislature, and on his death, his
son William, then only twenty-one years of age, was
elected to his seat, which he carried in every election till
he was eighty years old. The family is still widely known
and greatly respected.
Jane Clark's maternal grandmother, Mrs. McEwan, a
very godly woman, told her tales of the persecutions her
people had suflFered at the hands of Claverhouse and his
dragoons; of their faithfulness to the truth amid the
fiercest persecution; of Peden, the prophet, and other
great preachers ; of the secret conventicles among the
hills where these godly folk worshipped at the risk of
their lives ; of miracles of deliverance, and of the final
triumph of the reformers in Scotland. No more thrilling
chapter has been written in Church History, and the
heart of this highminded girl was stirred to a passion
of devotion to the faith of her fathers and the God whom
they worshipped.
Nor was James Simpson less earnest in his consecra-
tion to Christ than the young lady whom he sought as his
helpmeet. Carefully instructed in the great truths for
which his forefathers had bled, and converted at the age
of nineteen, he became an earnest student of the Bible,
Though away from home during the years of his early
manhood and cast among godless companions who scoffed
at his religion, he continued true to his convictions and
steadfast in his Christian life. He stood at the marriage
altar a clean, capable, industrious, and prosperous young
man, worthy of the remarkable woman whose heart he
had won.
The iron crane was hung in the home of James and
Jane Simpson in Bayview, Prince Edward Island, on
February ist, 1837. Here five of their nine children
were given to them. Albert Benjamin, the fourth child,
was born on December 15th, 1843. The firstborn, James
Albert, was taken away when only two and a half years
old. William Howard and Louisa were older than Albert,
and Margaret Jane two years younger. It was a happy
home, and sunny skies smiled upon it.
James Simpson had established himself as a shipbuilder,
miller, merchant, and exporter. He carried on his busi-
ness in connection with the Cunard Steamship Company,
exporting the product of his mills — flour, oatmeal, and
pearl barley — and importing British goods which he sold
in his store to the farmers for their produce. Such a
medium of exchange was a necessity, and the business
prospered till the financial depression which tested the
foundations of British commerce swept over the empire.
Shipbuilding was suspended, and export trade was threat-
ened with extinction. James Simpson sold his business
and with part of the proceeds bought a farm in Western
Miss Louisa Simpson, the only surviving member of
the household, gives us the following intimate sketch of
the journey to their new home and of the family.
"When my father moved to this country in 1847, he
chartered a sailing vessel, and, taking with him seven
families some of whom had worked with him in his large
business, crossed the Gulf of St. Lawrence and sailed
up the river. At Montreal he took a boat for the Great
Lakes. From Detroit a river boat brought us up the
Thames to Chatham. It was a journey of thrilling pleas-
ure to me. Albert, then three and one-half years old,
was sick all the time, and it was a great trial to him.
On his arrival at Chatham, father at once bought valuable
property and settled us in a nice home, intending to
remain permanently and enter into partnership with a
shipbuilder in town ; but our little sister took ill and died
in an epidemic which nearly depleted the town of its
infants; and my mother, in dread for the rest of the
children, insisted on going to the farm nine miles away,
not caring what the hardships might be if only she could
save her three remaining children from death.
"Father was not a farmer, and it was a hard struggle
for him, but he was very courageous and with hired help
he soon cleared the farm. Being an excellent carpenter,
he converted the log house into a comfortable home and
with his own hands made beautiful furniture from the
walnut on the farm. My mother decorated the home and
surrounded it with beautiful flowers. A few years later
a new house and fine farm buildings were erected. The
surrounding country was gradually transformed into the
garden of Western Ontario.
"While speaking of my father, I feel that I owe it to
his memory to say that, in a period ranging from my
babyhood till he was nearly eighty-five years of age, I
never once saw him lose his temper or say an unkind word ,
to anyone, though I often saw him hurt deeply, for he t »
was very tender and most affectionate. His life was ra- \/
diant with sunshine. As my brother James, who Hved
on the farm, stood with me beside father's coffin, he said
almost enviously, 'There lies a man who never wronged
his fellow.'
"Mother was a most earnest Christian all her life. She
was a woman of the highest ideals. I could add a long
list to the names of her favorite poets which my brother
has mentioned. In fact we had about all the poets worth
while in our little library. What Albert says in his sketch
regarding her sensitive nature and poetic temperament
is emphatically true. Deeply religious, she trained us
to take everything to God in prayer. When I was not
more than six years old, I used to talk to Jesus and tell
Him everything as if He were really present in person.
"With such parents ours was a very happy home. The
children who were brought to the farm and the others
who were born there made a large family circle. Albert
was very timid and imaginative, and anything unusual
left a deep impress upon his memory. The thought of
punishment would fill him with terror. I never saw him
get a whipping; and if he ever got one, it was very ten-
derly administered. He had been devoted to the Lord
in his infancy, but my parents withheld this knowledge
from him as they felt that God alone had any right to
influence him in this matter.
"Howard was four years older than Albert. He was
shy, sensitive, affectionate, a great lover of flowers and
of everything beautiful, a brilliant student, and a writer
of many poems of considerable merit, yet he thought
nothing of his own attainments. His thirst for knowledge
was insatiable, and he would stand beside his father at
his work all day and ply him with questions. He was
always delicate, probably as the result of being burned
almost to death when less than three years old, and he
contracted an illness during his last pastorate in Frank-
fort, Indiana, necessitating his retirement from active
work while still in middle Hfe and his return to Chatham
where he died August 22nd, 1888.
"James Darnley was born on the farm, and there he
spent his life. Sturdy and healthy, he w^as generous to a
fault. Albert when writing to my father spoke of him
as 'my noble brother James.' He united mother's high
ideals and father's beautiful disposition. His conversion
was very similar to Albert's, his conviction of sin being
terrible, and his peace, when at last it came, was most
profound. He lived wholly for others, helping them in
their bodily needs in order to reach their souls.
"Peter Gordon, our youngest brother, was a carpenter
and builder. In temperament he was mathematical rather
than literary. He was delicate in health and died at the
age of forty-seven.
"We had a little sister, Elizabeth Eleanor, born on
Albert's birthday, December 15th, 1852, of whom he was
exceedingly fond, but she was taken from us when less
than four years old. A baby brother died at birth.
"And now the family tree has but one leaf left, and
that is fluttering in the breeze ready to drop — the little
sister and helper of the rest — and soon all will meet
above an unbroken family, not one missing."
AT the urgent request of friends, Dr. Simpson began
an autobiography and wrote a few pages, sketching
in his racy style some of the events of his early years.
His disinclination to speak of himself, which was a note-
worthy characteristic, overcame him, and he left us only
what follows in this chapter and a few paragraphs which
appear in the story of his college days.
"The earliest recollection of my childhood is the picture
of my mother as I often heard her in the dark and lonely
nights weeping in her room; and I still remember how
I used to rise and kneel beside my little bed, even before
I knew God for myself, and pray for Him to coqifort
her. The cause of her grief I afterwards better under-
stood. In that lonely cabin, separated from the social
traditions to which she had been accustomed and from
all the friends she held so dear, it was little wonder that
she should often spend her nights in weeping, and that
her little boy should find his first religious experiences in
trying to grope his way to the heart of Him. who alone
could help her.
'T would not leave the impression that my beloved
mother was not a sincere and earnest Christian, but she
had not yet learned of that deep peace, which came to
my own heart later in life, and which alone can make
us independent of our surroundings and conditions. She
was of a sensitive and highly poetic temperament. Her
favorite reading was old English ppets. She delighted
in Milton, Pollock, Thompson, Kirke, White, and others
of that highly imaginative school, and I am sure that I
have inherited a certain amount of inspiration from her
lofty nature.
"My next reminiscence has also a tinge of religion
about it. I had lost a boy's chief treasure — a jack-knife,
and I still remember the impulse that came to me to kneel
down and pray about it. Soon afterwards I was dehghted
to find it. The incident made a profound impression upon
my young heart and gave me a life-long conviction, which
has since borne fruit innumerable times, that it is our
privilege to take everything to God in prayer. I do not
mean to convey the idea that I was at this time already
converted. I only knew God in a broken, far-away sense ;
but I can see now that God was then discounting my
future, and treating me in advance as if I were already
His child, because He knew that I would come to Plim
later and accept Him as my personal Saviour and Father.
This perhaps explains why God does so many things in
answer to prayer for persons who do not yet know Him
fully. He is treating them on the principle of faith, and
calling 'the things that are not as though they were.'
"The truth is the influences around my childhood were
not as favorable to early conversion as they are today in
many Christian homes. My father w'as a good Presby-
terian elder of the old school, and believed in the Shorter
Catechism, the doctrine of foreordination, and all the con-
ventional principles of a well ordered Puritan household.
He was himself a devout Christian and most regular in
all his religious habits. He was an influential officer in
the Church and much respected for his knowledge of the
Scriptures, his consistent life, his sound judgment, and his
strong, practical common sense. I can still see him rising
long before daylight, sitting down with his Hghtcd candle
in the family room, tarrying long at his morning devo-
tions, and the picture filled my childish soul with a kind
of sacred awe. We were brought up according to the
strictest Puritan formulas. When we did not go to
church on Sunday in the family wagon, a distance of
nine miles, we were all assembled in the sitting room, and
for hours father, mother, or one of the older children
read in turn from some good old book that was far be-
yond my understanding. It gives me a chill to this day
to see the cover of one of those old books, such as Bos-
ton's Fourfold State, Baxter's Saints' Rest, or Dod-
deridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, for
it was with these, and such as these, that my youthful
soul was disciplined. The only seasons of relief came
when it happened to be my turn to read. Then my heart
would swell with pleasure, and I fear with self-conscious
pride, and for a time I would forget the weariness of the
volume. In the afternoon we all had to stand in a row
and answer questions from the Shorter Catechism. There
were about one hundred and fifty questions in all. Our
rule was to take several each Sunday till they were fin-
ished, and then start over again and keep it up from year
to year as the younger children grew up and joined the
"My good father believed in the efficacy of the rod,
and I understood this so well that I succeeded in es-
caping most dispensations of that kind. One of the few
whippings, however, which I remember, came one Sab-
bath afternoon when the sun was shining and the weather
was delightful. I ventured to slip out of the house, and
was unfortunately seen by my father scampering 'round
the yard in the joy of my ungodly liberty. I was speedily
called back and told with great solemnity that I would get
my whipping the next morning after breakfast, for it
was not considered quite the thing to break the Sabbath
even by a whipping. I got the whipping that was coming
to me all right the next morning. But I still remember
how my elder brother, who had a much wider experience
and a deeper mind than I, took me aside that day and
told me that if I was ever condemned to a whipping, he
knew a way of getting out of it. Then he told me with
great secrecy that if such an occasion should arise, to get
up that morning before daylight, a little before my
father was accustomed to rise, light the candle, and go
and sit in a corner of the sitting-room with the big Bible
before me, showing a proper spirit of penitence and se-
riousness. He had found by experience that my father
would take the hint and let him off. I am sorry to say
that my heart was as yet sufficiently unsanctified to take
the hint, and sure enough one morning when a whipping
was coming to me, I stole out of my bed and sat down
with a very demure and solemn face to practice my pre-
tended devotions. I can still see my quiet and silent
father sitting at the table and casting side glances at me
from under his spectacles as though to make quite sure
that I was truly in earnest. After finishing his devotions,
he quietly slipped away to his work, and nothing more
was said about the chastisement.
"Looking back on these early influences, I cannot say
I wholly regret the somewhat stern mould in which my
early life was shaped. It taught me a spirit of reverence
and wholesome discipline for which I have often had
cause to thank God, the absence of which is perhaps
the greatest loss of the rising generation today. It threw
Qver my youthful spirit a natural horror of evil things
which often safeguarded me afterwards when thrown as
a young man amid the temptations of the world. The
religious knowledge, which was crammed into my mind
even without my understanding it, furnished me with
forms of doctrine and statements of truth which after-
wards became illuminated by the Holy Spirit and realized
in my own experience, and thus became ultimately the
precious vessels for holding the treasures of divine knowl-
edge. In our later family history these severe restraints
were withdrawn from the younger members as a new age
threw its more relaxing influence over our home ; but I
cannot say that the change proved a beneficial one. I
believe that the true principle of family training is a
blending of thorough discipHne with true Christian liberty
and love.
"My childhood and youth were strangely sheltered and
guarded by divine providence. I recall with sacred awe
many times when my life was almost miraculously pre-
served. On one occasion, while climbing up on the scaf-
folding of a building in course of erection, I stepped upon
a loose board which tipped over and plunged me into
space. Instinctively throwing out my hands, I caught a
piece of timber, one of the flooring joists, and desper-
ately held on, crying for assistance. When exhausted and
about to fall, a workman caught me just in time. The
fall would certainly have killed me or maimed me for life.
"At another time I was thrown headlong over my
horse's head as he stumbled and fell under me. When I
came back to consciousness, I found him bending over
me with his nose touching my face, almost as if he
wanted to speak to me and encourage me. At another
time I was kicked into unconsciousness by a dangerous
horse, and still remember the awful struggle to recover
my breath as I thought myself dying.
"Once I had a remarkable escape from drowning. I
had gone with one of my schoolmates in the High School
to gather wild grapes on the banks of the river. After
a while my companion tempted me to go in swimming, an
art about which I knew nothing. In a few moments I got
beyond my depth, and with an agony I shall always re-
member, I found myself choking under the surface. In
that moment the whole of my life came before me as if
in a vision, and I can well understand the stories told
by drowning persons of the photograph that seems to
come to their minds in the last moment of consciousness.
I remember seeing as clearly as if I had read it from
the printed page, the notice in the local newspaper telling
of my drowning and the grief and sorrow of my friends.
Somehow God mercifully saved me. My companion was
too frightened to help me, but his shouts attracted some
men in a little boat a short distance away, and they pulled
me out just as I was sinking for the last time, and laid
me on the river bank. As I came back to consciousness
a while afterwards, it seemed to me that years had
passed since I was last on earth. I am sure that expe-
rience greatly deepened my spiritual earnestness.
"But, like other boys, I often passed from the sublime
to the ridiculous as this little incident will show. It was
my good fortune to secure as a first prize in the High
School an extremely handsome book which my chum, who
had failed in the examination, had set his heart upon
getting. He finally succeeded in tempting me by an old
violin, with which he used to practice on my responsive
heart, until at last I was persuaded to exchange my splen-
did prize for his old fiddle. The following summer I
took it home and made night hideous and myself a general
nuisance. I had never really succeeded in playing any-
thing worth while, but there must have been somewhere
in my nature a latent vein of music, and still to me the
strains of the violin have a subtle inspirational power
with which nothing else in music can be compared.
"My first definite religious crisis came at about the age
of fourteen. Prior to this I had for a good while been
planning to study for the ministry. I am afraid that this
came to me in the first instance rather as a conviction of
duty than a spontaneous Christian impulse. There grew
up in my young heart a great conflict about my future
life; naturally I rebelled against the ministry because of
the restraints which it would put upon many pleasures.
One irresistible desire was to have a gun and to shoot
and hunt ; and I reasoned that if I were a minister, it
would never do for me to indulge in such pastimes.
"I was cured of this in a somewhat tragic way. I had
saved up a little money, earned through special jobs and
carefully laid aside, and one day I stole off to the town
and invested it in a shot gun. For a few days I had the
time of my life. I used to steal out to the woods with
my forbidden idol and then with my sister's help smuggle
it back to the garret. One day, however, my mother
found it, and there was a never-to-be-forgotten scene.
Her own brother had lost his life through the accidental
discharge of a gun, and I knew and should have re-
membered that such things were proscribed in our family.
It was a day of judgment for me; and when that wicked
weapon was brought from its hiding place, I stood
crushed and confounded as I was sentenced to the deep
humiliation of returning it to the man from whom I
bought it, losing not only my gun but my money too.
"That tragedy settled the question of the ministry. I
soon after decided to give up all side issues and prepare
myself if I could only find a way to preach the Gospel.
But as yet the matter had not even been mooted in the
family. One day, however, my father in his quiet, grave
way, with my mother sitting by, called my elder brother
and myself into his presence and began to explain that
the former had long been destined to the ministry and
that the time had now come when he should begin his
studies and prepare to go to college. I should say that
at this time we both had an excellent common school
education. My father added that he had a little money,
rescued from the wrecked business of many years before,
now slowly coming in, which would be sufficient to give
an education to one but not both of his boys. He quietly
concluded that it would be my duty to stay at home on
the farm while my brother w^ent to college. I can still
feel the lump that rose in my throat as I stammered out
my acquiescence. Then I ventured with broken words
and stammering tongue to plead that they would consent
to my getting an education if I could work it out without
asking anything from them but their approval and bless-
ing. I had a little scheme of my own to teach school and
earn the money for my education. But even this I did
not dare to divulge, for I was but a lad of less than four-
teen. I remember the quiet trembling tones with which
my father received my request and said, 'God bless you,
my boy.'
"So the struggle began, and I shall never cease to thank
God that it was a hard one. Some one has said, 'Many
people succeed because success is thrust upon them,' but
the most successful lives are those that began without a
penny. Nothing under God has ever been a greater bless-
A B. Simpson at Seventeen.
ing to me than the hard places that began with me more
than half a century ago, and have not yet ended.
"For the first few months my brother and I took les-
sons in Latin, Greek and higher mathematics from a re-
tired minister and then from our kind pastor, who was a
good scholar and ready to help us in our purpose. Later
I pursued my studies in Chatham High School, but the
strain was too great, and I went back to my father's
house a physical wreck. Then came a fearful crash in
which it seemed to me the very heavens were falling.
After retiring one night suddenly a star appeared to
blaze before my eyes ; and as I gazed, my nerves gave
way. I sprang from my bed trembling and almost faint-
ing with a sense of impending death, and then fell into a
congestive chill of great violence that lasted all night and
almost took my life. A physician told me that I must
not look at a book for a whole year for my nervous
system had collapsed, and I was in the greatest danger.
There followed a period of mental and physical agony
which no language can describe. I was possessed with
the idea that at a certain hour I was to die; and every
day as that hour drew near, I became prostrated with
dreadful nervousness, watching in agonized suspense till
the hour pased, and wondering that I was still alive.
"One day the situation became so acute that nothing
could gainsay it. Terrified and sinking, I called my father
to my bedside and besought him to pray for me, for I
felt I was dying. Worst of all I had no personal hope
in Christ. My whole religious training had left me with-
out any conception of the sweet and simple Gospel of
Jesus Christ. The God I knew was a being of great
severity, and my theology provided in some mysterious
way for a wonderful change called the new birth or re-
generation, which only God could give to the soul. How
I longed and waited for that change to come, but it had
not yet arrived. Oh, how my father prayed for me that
day, and how I cried in utter despair for God to spare
mc just long enough to be saved! After that dreadful
sense of sinking at last a little rest came, and the crisis
was over for another day. I looked at the clock, and
the hour had passed. I believed that God was going to
spare me just one day more, and that I must strive and
pray for salvation that whole day as a doomed man. How
I prayed and besought others to pray, and almost feared
to go to sleep that night lest I should lose a moment from
my search for God and eternal life; but the day passed,
and I was not saved. It now seems strange that there
was no voice there to tell me the simple way of believing
in the promise and accepting the salvation fully provided
and freely oflfered. How often since then it has been
my delight to tell poor sinners that
"We do not need at Mercy's gate
To knock and weep, and watch and wait;
For Mercy's gifts are offered free,
And she has waited long for thee.
"After that, as day after day passed, I rallied a little,
and my life seemed to hang upon a thread, for I had the
hope that God would spare me long enough to find sal-
vation if I only continued to seek it with all my heart.
At length one day, in the library of my old minister and
teacher, I stumbled upon an old musty volume called
Marshall's Gospel Mystery of Sanctification. As I turned
the leaves, my eyes fell upon a sentence which opened
for me the gates of life eternal. It is this in substance:
'The first good work you will ever perform is to believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ. Until you do this, all your
works, prayers, tears, and good resolutions are vain. To
believe on the Lord Jesus is just to believe that He saves
you according to His Word, that He receives and saves
you here and now, for He has said — 'Him that cometh
to me I will in no wise cast out.' The moment you do
this, you will pass into eternal life, you will be justified |
from all your sins, and receive a new heart and all the
gracious operations of the Holy Spirit.'
"To my poor bewildered soul this was like the light
from heaven that fell upon Saul of Tarsus on his way
to Damascus. I immediately fell upon my knees, and
looking up to the Lord, I said, 'Lord Jesus, Thou hast
said — Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast
out. Thou knowest how long and earnestly I have tried
to come, but I did not know how. Now I come the best
I can, and I dare to believe that Thou dost receive me and
save me, and that I am now Thy child, forgiven and saved
simply because I have taken Thee at Thy word. Abba
Father, Thou art mine, and I am Thine.'
"It is needless to say that I had a fight of faith with
the great Adversary before 1 was able to get out all these
words and dared to make this confession of my faith ; but
I had no sooner made it and set my seal to it than there
came to my heart that divine assurance that always comes
to the believing soul, for 'He that believeth hath the wit-
ness in himself.' I had been seeking the witness without
believing, but from the moment that I dared to believe
the Word, 1 had the assurance that
'The Spirit answers to the blood
And tells me I am born of God.'
"After my health was restored, I secured a certificate
as a common school teacher, and at the early age of six-
teen I began teaching a public school of forty pupils.
One-quarter of the pupils were grown up men and women
while I looked even younger than my years and would
have given anything for a few whiskers or something that
would have made me look older. I often wonder how
I was able to hold in control these rough country fellows,
but I can see that it was the hand of the Lord, and He
was pleased to give me a power that did not consist in
brawn or muscle. My object in teaching was to earn
money for my first cycle of college, and along with my
teaching I was studying hard every spare moment between
times to prepare for the first examination of my college
"The months that followed my conversion were full of
spiritual blessing. The promises of God burst upon m.y
soul with a new and marvelous light, and words that had
been empty before became divine revelations, and every
one seemed specially meant for me. I think I had in-
herited from my mother a vein of imagination, and it
clothed the glowing promises of Isaiah and Jeremiah with
a glory that no language could express. With unspeak-
able ecstasy I read and marked, T have sworn that I will
never be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee ; for the moun-
tains shall depart and the hills be removed, saith the
Lord that hath mercy on thee.' When I heard other
Christians talking of their failures and fears, I wondered
if a time would ever come when I should lose this su-
preme joy of a soul in its earliest love; and I remember
how I used to pray that rather than let me go back to
the old life, the Lord would take me at once to heaven.
"One of the memorable incidents of my early Chris-
tian life, of which I still have the old and almost faded
manuscript, was my covenant with God. While I was
teaching school, I had been reading Doddridge's Rise and
Progress of Religion in the Soul, in which he recom-
mends young Christians to enter into a written covenant
with God. I determined to follow this suggestion and
set apart a whole day to fasting and prayer to this pur-
pose. I wrote out at great length a detailed transaction
in which I gave myself entirely to God and took Him for
every promised blessing, and especially to use my life
for His service and glory. There was a certain special
blessing, partly temporal and partly spiritual, which I in-
cluded in my specifications. I have since often wondered
how literally God had fulfilled this to me in His won-
derful and gracious providences throughout my fife, and
I can truly say after more than two generations that not
one word hath failed of all in which He caused me to
hope. Before the close of the day I signed and sealed
this covenant just as formally as I would have done with
a human contract and have kept it until this day.
"The Dedication of Myself to God
"O Thou everlasting and almighty God, Ruler of the
universe, Thou who madest this world and me, Thy
creature upon it. Thou who art in every place beholding
the evil and the good, Thou seest me at this time and
knowest all my thoughts. I know and feel that my in-
most thoughts are all familiar to Thee, and Thou knowest
what motives have induced me to come to Thee at this
time. I appeal to Thee, O Thou Searcher of hearts, so
♦Evidently Dr. Simpson did not intend to publsh this covenant,
but it is so illuminating that we insert it. (Ed.)
far as I know my own heart, it is not a worldly motive
that has brought me before Thee now. But my 'heart
is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked,' and
I would not pretend to trust to it ; but Thou knowest that
I have a desire to dedicate myself to Thee for time and
eternity. I would come before Thee as a sinner, lost and
ruined by the fall, and by my actual transgressions, yea,
as the vilest of all Thy creatures. When I look back
on my past life, I am filled with shame and confusion.
I am rude and ignorant, and in Thy sight a beast. Thou,
O Lord, didst make Adam holy and happy, and gavest
him abihty to maintain his state. The penalty of his dis-
obedience was death, but he disobeyed Thy holy law and
incurred that penalty, and I, as a descendant from him,
have inherited this depravity and this penalty. I acknowl-
edge the justness of Thy sentence, O Lord, and would
bow in submission before Thee.
"How canst Thou, O Lord, condescend to look on me,
a vile creature? For it is infinite condescension to notice
me. But truly. Thy loving kindness is infinite and from
everlasting. Thou, O Lord, didst send Thy son in our
image, with a body such as mine and a reasonable soul.
In Him were united all the perfections of the Godhead
with the humility of our sinful nature. He is the Media-
tor of the New Covenant, and through Him we all have
access unto Thee by the same Spirit. Through Jesus, the
only Mediator, I would come to Thee, O Lord, and trust-
ing in His merits and mediation, I would boldly approach
Thy throne of grace. I feel my own insignificance, O
Lord, but do Thou strengthen me by Thy Spirit. I
would now approach Thee in order to covenant with
Thee for life everlasting. Thou in Thy Word hast told
us that it is Thy Will that all who believe in Thy Son
might have everlasting life and Thou wilt raise him up
at the last day. Thou hast given us a New Covenant
and hast sealed that covenant in Thy blood, O Jesus, on
the Cross.
"I now declare before Thee and before my conscience,
and bear witness, O ye heavens, and all the inhabitants
thereof, and thou earth, which my God has made, that
I accept of the conditions of this covenant and close with
its terms. These are that I beHeve on Jesus and accept
of salvation through Him, my Prophet, Priest, and King,
as made unto me of God wisdom and righteousness and
sanctification and redemption and complete salvation.
Thou, O Lord, hast made me willing to come to Thee.
Thou hast subdued my rebellious heart by Thy love. So
now take it and use it for Thy glory. Whatever rebel-
lious thoughts may arise therein, do Thou overcome them
and bring into subjection everything that opposeth itself
to Thy authority. I yield myself unto Thee as one alive
from the dead, for time and eternity. Take me and use
me entirely for Thy glory.
"Ratify now in Heaven, O my Father, this Covenant.
Remember it, O Lord, when Thou bringest me to the
Jordan. Remember it, O Lord, in that day when Thou
comest with all the angels and saints to judge the world,
and may I be at Thy right hand then and in heaven with
Thee forever. Write down in heaven that I have become
Thine, Thine only, and Thine forever. Remember me,
O Lord, in the hour of temptation, and let me never
depart from this covenant. I feel, O Lord, my own weak-
ness and do not make this in my own strength, else I
must fail. But in Thy strength, O Captain of my sal-
vation, I shall be strong and more than conqueror through
Him who loved me.
"I have now, O Lord, as Thou hast said in Thy Word,
covenanted with Thee, not for worldly honors or fame
but for everlasting life, and I know that Thou art true
and shalt never break Thy holy Word, Give to me now
all the blessings of the New Covenant and especially the
Holy Spirit in great abundance, which is the earnest of
my inheritance until the redemption of the purchased pos-
session. May a double portion of Thy Spirit rest upon
me, and then I shall go and proclaim to transgressors
Thy ways and Thy laws to the people. Sanctify me
wholly and make me fit for heaven. Give me all spiritual
blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
"I am now a soldier of the Cross and a follower of the
Lamb, and my motto from henceforth is *I have one
King, even Jesus.' Support and strengthen me, O my
Captain, and be mine forever.
"Place me in what circumstances Thou mayest desire ;
but if it be Thy holy will, I desire that Thou 'give me
neither poverty nor riches ; feed me with food convenient,
lest I be poor and steal, or lest I be rich and say. Who
is the Lord?' But Thy will be done. Now give me
Thy Spirit and Thy protection in my heart at all times,
and then I shall drink of the rivers of salvation, lie down
by still waters, and be infinitely happy in the favor of
my God.
"Saturday, January 19, 1861."
Written across this covenant are the following re-
newals ; one of which was made during his third year
in College and the other during his second pastorate.
"September i, 1863. Backslidden. Restored. Yet too
cold. Lord. I still wish to continue this. Pardon the
past and strengthen me for the future, for Jesus' sake.
"Louisville, Ky., April 18, 1878. Renew this covenant
and dedication amid much temptation and believe that
my Father accepts me anew and gives me more than I
have dared to ask or think, for Jesus' sake. He has kept
His part. My one desire now is power, light, love, souls,
Christ's indwelling, and my church's salvation."
IT was no easy path that led from the farm on the
Ontario lowlands to the pulpit and the manse. In the
Presbyterian Church of Canada the ministry was a sacred
and carefully safeguarded calling. The Church Session,
the Presbytery, the Faculty and the Senate of the College
must all be satisfied as to the fitness of the candidate.
Beyond these lay the supreme test, for in the Presbyte-
rian democracy every congregation is a final court of
decision as to its minister. He cannot be settled as a
pastor until be has "a call" from a congregation, and in
those days a call was never extended until a number of
candidates had been heard in the pulpit, their merits de-
termined, and a decision reached by vote of the church.
To a devout family no higher honor could come than
to have a son in the pulpit, and many were the parents
who, like the Simpsons, dedicated their firstborn as an
offering to God and the Church. To have another son
choose this path was a double honor. Dr. Simpson has
given us a vivid picture of the family council when his
father announced that Howard, the firstborn, had been
dedicated to the ministry, and when he himself informed
the family of his own desire. To one member of the
circle that confession was no surprise. His sister says:
"Like little Samuel, he was given to the Lord from his
birth. My mother told me that she gave him to the Lord
to use him in life or death ; to be a minist?er and a foreign
missionary, if the Lord so willed, and he lived to grow
up and was so inclined." He had, in fact, given early
indications of his inclination. The children were some-
times left at home when the parents journeyed nine miles
to church in Chatham. On such occasions, Albert, when
not more than ten years old, would fit up the kitchen
table as a pulpit and preach to the rest of the children.
Yet honor meant accountability, and the parents felt a
keen sense of responsibility for their full share in the
making of a minister. Had their boy the "pairts," as
the Scotch termed natural ability? Was the call of God
upon him? Had he surrendered earthly joys and am-
bitions for this heavenly calling? Could the family pro-
vide for his education? All this and much more is evi-
dent in Mr. Simpson's description of the scene in the
family circle where, with fear and trembling, he made
known his desires. But when once the decision was
made, the family never thought of turning back. The
two boys had been the mainstay on the farm, but hence-
forth they were primarily students and not farmers. The
parents made great sacrifices, and the other members of
the family joined heartily in the plans for the education
of their brothers.
Miss Louisa Simpson, who was older than Albert, re-
calls the struggle through which they went. "My brothers
wanted to study the classics, so my father engaged as
tutor a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church, a
good scholar, and the boys commenced their classical
education and made rapid progress. Later, after their
tutor had left, our pastor, the Rev. William Walker,
offered to give them lessons twice a week if they could
go into town. My father gave them a horse each, and
they rode the nine miles to the Manse to get their lessons,
and thus continued their studies for a length of time.
Shortly afterward Albert thought it would be better to
enter the High School at Chatham and give his entire
time to study. Howard was in poor health and thought
he would have to discontinue his studies, so he engag'ed
as school teacher and taught instead.
"While Albert was in High School, the drowning inci-
dent which he has narrated occurred. Shortly after-
ward, Rev. H. Grattan Guinness, of London, England,
visited Chatham, and under his pungent preaching Albert
was deeply convicted. Still under conviction he walked
home for the week end and was lost in the woods. He
wandered upon some Indian graves which had been dese-
crated, and the gruesome sight greatly affected his sensi-
tive spirit, not yet recovered from the effect of the
drowning experience. His father found him and brought
him home, but a long illness followed, during which he
suffered intense spiritual darkness and often could sleep
only with his father's arms about him. It was during
this time that he was converted.
"As soon as he recovered, he received his certificate
and secured a school and taught till the end of September
when he went to Toronto, to Knox College, Howard re-
maining behind and teaching school another year. Two
other members of the family were teachers and the farm
was quite productive, and what was earned or raised was
gladly drawn upon to help the boys in their education."
There is an apostolic succession in Presbyterianism
which lies deeper than a formal consecration by the laying
on of hands — a succession of life, of spirit, of high tra-
ditions, of intangible realities. When a lad appears in
that succession, it is the crowning glory of a pastor's
ministry. Rev. William Walker had the unusual joy of
introducing two sons of one of his elders into that fellow-
ship. With the devotion that characterized the godly
minister of the old school, he counselled them, tutored
them, commended them to the Presbytery, and continued
his friendly offices during their course of preparation for
the ministry.
The Presbytery is a court composed of the ministers
within a defined area and a representative elder from
each Church Session. It is their prerogative to decide
upon the merits of a candidate for the ministry, to accept
him as a catechist, to grant him the privilege of preaching
in the pulpit as occasion offers, to recommend him to the
Church College which he wishes to attend, to license him
as a preacher of the Gospel when his course is completed,
and, when he is called to be the minister of a congregation,
to ordain him to the ministry. The old time Presbytery
took nothing for granted, nor did it trust the results of
secular educational examinations, nor for that matter
those given by the Church Colleges. Democratic to an
extreme, it jealously guarded its own honors and insisted
that the candidate, from the day of his first appearance
before it until by its hand he was ordained, should prove
himself and his spiritual and intellectual attainments in
at least an annual appearance before them. By such
means have Presbyterians maintained the high standard
of their traditions.
Albert B. Simpson appeared with other candidates
before the Presbytery of London, Ontario, on October
1st, 1 86 1. According to custom, they sat in silence while
the Presbytery proceeded with its routine business. Pres-
ently a committee was appointed for the examination —
and what an examination ! Their antecedents, their char-
acter, their spiritual experience, their attainments, their
soundness in the faith, and their "call" must all be in-
quired into. When the report was presented to the
Presbytery, happy were they on finding themselves ex-
cused from reading sermons of their own production in
this fearsome presence. The Presbytery records show
that they all passed a creditable examination and were
recommended for admission to Knox College, Toronto.
We are curious to learn how a boy of seventeen, almost
fresh from a country farm, met the test of filling the
pulpits of those old-time Presbyterian churches. Presby-
terians are the greatest "sermon tasters" in the world.
The pulpit is the glory of the Church. They will bear
much from their minister if only he fail not when he
stands before them to declare the oracles of God.
Albert Simpson's testing was the severest that could
have been put upon a boy. During his first Christmas
holidays he was asked to preach in Tilbury, near his
home. His .father, his gifted, emotional mother, who
cannot lift her eyes to her boy's face, his brothers, his
sister, his playmates, his neighbors are in the audience.
There may be a trace of jealousy in the pews, but intense
interest is lacking in none. Yesterday he was Bert Simp-
son, their fellow, their rival in friendly contests of brain
and brawn. Today he stands high above them in the
pulpit, a minister — no, not yet a minister — but in the
minister's place, back of the open Bible where not even
his godly father would appear, to speak to them as a
messenger of God. Can any one who has formed a part
of such a scene ever forget it? The boy, whose voice
was to thrill five continents, did not fail. Tense ner-
vousness in pulpit and pew soon changed to tenser interest
in the message, for even then the messenger became
"A voice of one crying —
Prepare ye tlie way of the Lord,
Make his paths straight."
If any vivid imagination pictures his friends crowding
around him, they little know an old-time Presbyterian
congregation. They had subtler ways of manifesting
either approval or disapproval. Albert Simpson expected
no effusiveness, and one of the marks of his greatness
was that, till the end, he maintained the spirit of his
fathers in this regard, never allowing any one to con-
gratulate him on his preaching. In the Memorial Service
in the Gospel Tabernacle, New York, Rev. Edward H.
Emett told that a short time before he had linked his
arm into Dr. Simpson's, and had begun to tell him how
much his preaching had inspired his own ministry. He
was quietly but quickly interrupted with the word, "That
is all very well, Emett, but tell me something about what
Christ has done for you."
His success in the home church was repeated in others,
though his boyish appearance sometimes caused embar-
rassing situations. On one occasion he was following
the beadle, who was carrying the Bible into the pulpit,
when one of the elders stopped him, and he had difficulty
in persuading that worthy official that he was the duly
appointed supply for the day.
One of his college friends, Rev. James Hastie, gives us
the following account of their first meeting.
"One summer I taught a rural school a few miles from
Sarnia, Ontario. The Presbyterian Church was vacant
and was hearing candidates. On a certain Sabbath there
was no supply, but unexpectedly a handsome lad entered
the church and conducted the service. He gave his name
as A. B. Simpson. A double surprise came to that Scotch
congregation, surprise to see a lad of seventeen years in
the pulpit, and still greater surprise to hear that youth
preach sermons which in content would do credit to a
professor of homiletics, and for diction and delivery
would meet the demands of a teacher of elocution. Dur-
ing dinner, a lady from a church some distance away
insisted that he repeat in the afternoon a sermon which
she had heard him deliver three months before. Mr.
Simpson replied that he had not used it since, nor had
he the manuscript with him, nor any notes, and therefore
he could not recall that sermon with any satisfaction.
When she still insisted, the young preacher asked his
hostess for the use of a room. In less than half an hour
he came out, entered the pulpit, and without a word of
explanation to the congregation delivered the sermon
asked for, which was fully the equal of the one given in
the forenoon in exposition, illustration, searching appli-
cation, and beauty of diction."
KNOX COLLEGE is now situated on the campus of
the University of Toronto occupying one of the fin-
est seminary buildings on the continent. It was opened
in 1844 in one room when the disruption of the Church
of Scotland resulted in a similar division in the Canadian
Church. In Mr. Simpson's day, Elmsley Villa, formerly
the residence of Lord Elgin, Governor of Canada, lo-
cated where Grosvenor Street Presbyterian Church now
stands, was its home.
In October, 1861, Albert B. Simpson entered Knox
College as a student for the ministry. He was brought
up in the United Presbyterian Church and had looked
forward to attending the denominational seminary in
Toronto, but in that year it was absorbed into Knox Col-
lege when the Canadian Presbyterian Church was formed
by the union of the United Presbyterian with the Free
Church, He had studied so diligently under his minis-
terial tutors, in High School, and during the time he
was teaching that, though he was only seventeen years
old, he was admitted to the third or senior year of the
literary course. The college required either the full arts
course in the University of Toronto, with which it was
the first seminary to affiliate, or three years of Academic
work in its own halls as a prerequisite to the three years'
course in Theology.
The college staff, though not a large body, was excel-
lent. The head of the Literary Department was Pro-
fcssor George Paxton Young, who afterward occupied
the Chair of Philosophy in Toronto University, a man
who is remembered for his brilliant scholarship, his ex-
ceptional ability as a teacher, and his never-failing devo-
tion to his students. The Principal of the Theological
Department was Professor Michael Willis. Dr. Robert
Burns, one of the great figures in the Church of that day,
was Professor of Church History and Christian Evi-
dences, while Professor William Caven, who was to leave
his mark on Knox College by nearly half a century of
service, was lecturing in his quietly brilliant way in the
Department of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. These
men and their associates were real educators, untouched
by the blight of rationalistic criticism which has fallen
upon many theological professors of our day.
Among the students were J. Munroe Gibson, LL.D.,
who became the most outstanding figure in the Presby-
terian pulpit of London, England ; Francis M. Patton,
D.D., President of Princeton University ; James W.
Mitchell, D.D., Henry Gracey, D.D., James Hastie, John
Becket, George Grant, M.A., and Robert Knowles, all
of whom have survived Mr. Simpson, though none of
them are in active service ; R. N. Grant, D.D., known in
literary circles as Knoxonian ; Mungo Eraser, D.D., one
of Mr. Simpson's successors in Knox Church, Hamilton ;
and Robert Warden, D.D., for many years Treasurer of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Dr. J. W. Mitchell, who has followed Mr. Simpson's
career sympathetically, has this to say of his college days :
"My earliest recollections of Dr. Simpson go back to the
early sixties when he came up to Knox. Your photo-
gravure gives a fair representation of him as he then
appeared, fresh from his father's farm and his country
A. B Simpson in College Years.
school teaching, giving little intimation of the mighty
man of God that he was to become in later years. He
did not take a full course at the University. He had
popular gifts of a high order, and I opine was eager to
get into the field where he could exercise them, and v/as
sure he would forge his way to the front, I was his
senior, being graduated in 1863. In that summer, after
Simpson's first year in theology, he was assigned to do
some work as a student supply, I had recently been
licensed and contemplated postgraduate work in Edin-
burgh after the summer's work in the field. During part
of the time we alternated. The field was Welland, Crow-
land, and Port Colborne, I did my work faithfully and
acceptably, but was quite thrown into the shade by my
junior, for already his pulpit gifts were notable,"
Another of his classmates, Rev, James Hastie, thus
describes him: "He was a most attractive young man —
his body lithe, active, graceful; his countenance beaming
with kindness, friendship, generosity; his voice rich,
musical, well controlled. Often, no doubt, flattery was
showered upon him, and strong compHments were paid
by admirers and relatives, all of which would tend to
develop vanity and self-importance; but I never saw a
trace of these traits, which are so common in brilliant
young men, in young Mr. Simpson, 'Meek and lowly
in heart' after the pattern of his divine Master was his
characteristic then and subsequently."
Rev. J. Becket, who was also in college with him, writes
that "he was a favorite with the students and in urgent
request as a preacher of the Gospel." A friend who knew
him intimately says that he was never a slavish student,
and displayed in his college days the same ability to grasp
a theme quickly and, if necessary, to restate it in an
almost offhand fashion which characterized him in his
later years.
Though he entered the third or final year in the Aca-
demic course, he proved his ability and scholarship during
that first year in college by winning the George Buchanan
Scholarship of $120.00 in a special competitive examina-
tion in the Classics. His aptitude in doctrinal discussion
appeared when the next year he received the John Knox
Bursary prize for an essay on "Infant Baptism." One
of his life long characteristics was a love for history.
It is said that he and his brother had read Gibbon's Rise
and Fall of the Roman Empire while mere children.
Little wonder, therefore, that he won the Prince of Wales
prize for an essay on "The Preparation of the World
for the Appearing of the Saviour and the Setting Up of
His Kingdom." This prize, open to first and second year
students in Theology, was tenable for two years.
The scholarships and prizes which he won were of great
financial assistance. The modest remuneration given for
student supply in the summer added to the little store.
He had to fall back on tutoring in the winter. Even then
he was sometimes in sore straits. Facing an audience in
Grosvenor Street Church in Toronto in 1896, where many
students were gathered, he related one of these expe-
riences. "Many a time I found myself without a penny.
I have thrown myself down on the college lawn, not far
from where I stand, in the darkness of the night and
deeper darkness of soul, crying to God for money to pay
my board bill. And, fellow students, He did not fail
me then, nor has He failed me yet. Neither will He fail
you if you will dare to trust Him." Yet even in such
circumstances, that almost reckless generosity which was
always evident in him would manifest itself. Not long
since his daughter recalled that her father had once con-
fided to her that on one occasion when he had received
the then munificent sum of ten dollars as a fee for his
Sunday services, he at once proceeded to spend it for
a present for his sweetheart.
A few years ago, when called upon to address the
students of Toronto University, he captivated his au-
dience by one or two reminiscences of his college days.
Then, turning to the young ladies, he remarked that their
presence made him feel quite at home, for fifty years
before he had left his heart at the door of a Toronto
residence as it was opened by the fair daughter of the
That was an eventful day. Dr. Jennings, whose church
the Simpson brothers attended, had become interested in
them, and one day he said to his leading elder, Mr. John
Henry, "You have a room that you are not using, and
there are two students in Knox who need it. Will you
not ask them to call upon you and see what you think
of them?" It was this invitation that brought Albert
Simpson to the door of Mr. Henry's home and face to
face with his eldest daughter, Margaret. Quite uncon-
scious that the boy already had been sorely wounded by
Cupid's arrow, the father and mother graciously invited
him and his brother to accept their hospitality, with the
inevitable result that before the winter was over the fate
of two lives was sealed. Margaret Henry as a girl had
all the quiet dignity and resourcefulness that she has
shown through a long and eventful life as the wife and
for fifty years the partaker of the joys and sorrows of
one of the great leaders of our time.
Dr. Simpson has left us the following personal remin-
iscences of his life in college.
"It would be of little interest to recite the ordinary
experience of a college student, and it is only necessary
to sketch a few of the special pictures that come back to
memory from these early years. My deep religious im-
pressions still continued, and they kept me from the
temptations of city life. But I was thrown with a room-
mate in the first year of my college course, whose in-
fluence over my heart was most disastrous. He was a
much older man, and, although a theological student and
a very bright and attractive fellow, was a man of con-
vivial tastes and habits. It was his favorite custom once
or twice a week to have what he called an oyster supper
in our room, and to invite one or two of his friends, who
happened to be medical students, and whose habits were
worse than his. On these occasions both beer and whiskey
would be brought in, and the orgy would go on until very
late at night with laughter and song and story and many
a jest that was neither pure nor reverent. I had not
firmness nor experience sufficient to suppress these enter-
tainments, and I was compelled to be a witness, in some
measure a partaker, although the coarse amusement was
always distasteful to all my feelings. But gradually these
influences had a benumbing effect upon my spiritual life.
My room-mate was cynical and utterly unspiritual. At
the same time he had a fine literary taste and was fond
of poetry, which he was always reading or repeating.
There was a certain attraction about him, but altogether
his influence over me was bad.
"I did not cease to pray or to walk in some measure
with God, but the sweetness and preciousness of my early
piety withered. I am sorry to say that I did not fully
recover my lost blessing until I had been a minister of
the Gospel for more than ten years.* My religious life
was chiefly that of duty, with little joy or fellowship. In
a word, my heart was unsanctified, and I had not yet
learned the secret of the indwelling Christ and the bap-
tism of the Holy Ghost.
"At the same time there must have been a strong cur-
rent of faith and a real habit of prayer in my college life,
for God did many things for me which were directly
supernatural and to me at the time very wonderful. There
was a system of college scholarships, or bursaries, con-
sisting of considerable amounts of money, which were
given to the successful student in competitive examina-
tions. I set my heart on winning some of these scholar-
ships, not merely for the honor, but for the pecuniary
value, which would be about sufficient to meet what was
lacking in my living expenses. One of them required
the writing of an essay on the subject of baptism, and
after much hard study, and, I am glad to say, very much
prayer, I wrote an essay proving to my own satisfaction
that children ought to be baptized and that baptism should
be by sprinkling and not by immersion. Through God's
great goodness I won the prize, but in later years I had
to take back all the arguments and doctrinal opinions
which I so stoutly maintained in my youthful wisdom.
"My next venture was for a much larger prize, amount-
ing to $120.00, for which an essay was to be written on
the difficult historical and philosophical subject, 'The
Preparation of the World for the First Coming of Christ
and the Setting Up of His Kingdom.' While I studied
hard and long for the materials of this paper, I deferred
the final composition till the very last moment. I am
♦See renewal of Covenant, page 212
afraid that my mind has always had a habit of working
in this way, namely, of leaving its supreme efforts until
the cumulative force of constant thought has crystallized
the subject into the most intense form. So I found my-
self within two days of the moment for giving in the
papers and the entire article yet to be written out in its
final form from the crude first copy which had been
"The task proved to be a longer and harder one than
I dreamed ; and when the last day had ended, and the
paper had to be given in by nine o'clock the following
morning, there was still seven or eight hours' work to be
done. Of course the night that followed was sleepless.
Toiling at my desk, and literally tearing along like a
race horse for the goal, I wrote until my hand grew almost
paralyzed, and I had to get another to write for me while
I dictated. But soon my brain began to fail me, and I
found myself literally falling asleep in my chair. Then
for the first and last time in my life I sent out to a drug
store for something that would keep me awake for six or
seven hours at any cost, and my brain was held to its tre-
mendous task, till as the light broke on the winter morn-
ing that followed, the last sentences were finished, the
paper folded and sealed and sent by a special messenger to
my professor while I threw myself on my bed and slept
as if I should never wake.
"Some weeks passed during which I prayed much for
the success of my strenuously prepared paper. I found
there were about a dozen competitors, some of whom
were students in a higher year. There seemed little hope
of my success, but something told me that God was
going to see me through. At length the morning came
when the name of the successful candidate was to be
announced. I was so excited that I slipped away to a
quiet place in the college yard where I threw myself on
my knees and had the matter out with God. Before I
rose, I dared to believe that God had heard my prayer
and had given me the prize which was so essential to the
continuance of my study. Then I returned to the class
room and sat down in my place. I instantly noticed
that every eye was turned on me with a strange expression
which I could not understand. At the close of the lecture
my professor called me to his room and congratulated
me on my success, and I learned for the first time that
while I was out praying in the yard, he had told the class
that the prize had come to me. I mention this instance
especially to show how all through my life God has taught
me, or at least has been trying to make me understand,
that before any great blessing could come to me I must
first believe for it in blind and naked faith. I am quite
sure that the blessing of believing for that prize was
more to me than its great pecuniary value.
"During the summer vacations, as I was a theological
student, I was sent out to preach in mission churches
and stations. In this way I also earned a little money,
besides gaining a much more valuable experience in prac-
tical work. But I remember well the look of surprise
with which the grave men of the congregations where I
preached would gaze at me as I entered the pulpit. I
was extremely young and looked so much younger than
I really was, that I do not wonder now that they looked
aghast at the lad who was presuming to preach to them
from the high pulpit where he stood in fear and trembling.
"The greatest trial of all these days was my preaching
for the first time in the church in which I had been
brought up and in the presence of my father and mother.
In some way the Lord helped me to get through, but I
never once dared to meet their eyes. In those days
preaching was an awful business, for we knew nothing
of trusting the Lord for utterance. The manuscript was
written in full, and the preacher committed it to memory
and recited it verbatim. On this occasion I walked the
woods for days beforehand, repeating to the trees and
squirrels the periods and paragraphs which I had so
carefully composed."
WHEN I was a young minister of twenty-one, and
just leaving my theological seminary, I had the
choice of two fields of labor; one an extremely easy one,
in a delightful town, with a refined, afifectionate, and
prosperous church, just large enough to be an ideal field
for one who wished to spend a few years in quiet prep-
aration for future usefulness ; the other, a large, absorb-
ing city church, with many hundreds of members and
overwhelming and heavy burdens, which were sure to
demand the utmost possible care, labor and responsibility.
All my friends, teachers and counsellors advised me to
take the easier place. But an impulse, which I now be-
lieve to have been, at least indirectly, from God, even
though there must have been some human ambition in
it, led me to feel that if I took the easier place, I should
probably rise to meet it and no more; and if I took the
harder, I should not rest short of all its requirements.
I found it even so. My early ministry was developed, and
the habit of venturing on difficult undertakings was largely
established, by the grace of God, through the necessities of
this difficult position." Such are Mr. Simpson's own
reflections on his entry into pastoral work.
Mr. Simpson graduated from Knox College in April,
1865. In June the Synod authorized the Presbytery of
Toronto to take him and several other candidates on
public probationary trial for license.
It may surprise young preachers of our day to know
that the Minutes show that this old-time Presbytery sub-
jected these college graduates to a searching examina-
tion in Biblical Hebrew and Greek, Theology, Church
History, and Church Government, as well as personal
religion. Moreover Mr. Simpson's examination included
a discourse on II Timothy i :io, read before the Presby-
tery, and the following papers submitted for criticism :
a Latin thesis, an filius dei ah etcrno sit genitis a Pater;
an excursus on Romans 7 ; a popular sermon on Ro-
mans 1:16, and a lecture on Matthew 4:1-11. After
this procedure the candidates were licensed as ministers
of the Canada Presbyterian Church.
But the end was not yet. Mr. Simpson had been urged
by the church in Dundas, which he had supplied after
graduation, to become its pastor. This he declined. On
August 15th a call was presented to him through the Pres-
bytery to Knox Church, Hamilton. Upon his acceptance
of it, he was ordered to appear in two weeks with an ar-
ray of sermons and papers similar to those which he had
presented for license, but he was excused from the
scholastic examination which had been given by the Pres-
bytery of Toronto. September 12, 1865, was set as the
day for his ordination and induction.
That was a momentous week in the life of A. B.
Simpson. On Sunday, September 11, he preached his
first sermon as the accepted pastor of Knox Church.
On Monday, at two P. M., the Presbytery met in Knox
Church for his ordination. Rev. R. N. Grant, a class-
mate, preached; Dr. Ormiston addressed the minister;
Mr. Stark addressed the congregation ; and the Modera-
tor, Dr. Inglis, offered the ordination prayer as he was
set apart to the ministry by the laying on of the hands
of the Presbytery. On Tuesday he was married in To-
ronto to Margaret Henry, daughter of John Henry, by
their pastor, Dr. Jennings, and Rev. William Gregg, of
Cooke's Church, afterwards Professor of Church History
in Knox College. The honeymoon was spent in a trip
down the St. Lawrence, and a few days later a hearty
welcome to the Manse was given the young pastor and
his bride.
Knox Church had been organized after the disruption
in 1844 when the Free Church element left St. Andrews,
which remained in the "Auld Kirk." A handsome stone
edifice, with a seating capacity of 1200, was erected in
1846. Its first pastor, Mr. Gale, accepted a professorship
in Knox College, as did also one of his successors. Rev.
G. Paxton Young. Mr, Simpson's immediate predeces-
sor was Rev. Robert Irving, D.D., a brilliant preacher.
There were men of great ability in the neighboring pul-
pits, including Dr. Ormiston, who was called a little later
to New York City; Dr. David Inglis, afterward profes-
sor in Knox College and later a pastor in Brooklyn, New
York, and Dr. John Potts, who became the greatest
leader in the Methodist Church of Canada.
To maintain the traditions of such a pulpit was no
easy matter for a young man of twenty-one, yet the
Hamilton Spectator only voiced the judgment of all who
knew this young pastor when, in reviewing the history of
Knox Church, it stated that "He was second to none
in point of eloquence and ability and success in his min-
istry." Dr. William T. McMullen, of Woodstock, On-
tario, one of the few now living who graduated from
Knox College before Mr. Simpson entered, sees him in
the larger relation in the Canadian Church. "I was in-
timately acquainted with Rev. A. B. Simpson, D.D., dur-
ing his pastorate in Knox Church, Hamilton, which I
judge must be about fifty years ago. He stood out at
that time as one of the most briUiant young ministers
of our Church in Canada. He was endowed with intel-
lect of a very high order, and he preached the Gospel of
the great salvation with a gracefulness of manner, a fer-
vor, and a power exceedingly impressive." His great
compatriot, Dr. R. P. Mackay, Secretary of the Board
of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of Can-
ada, gives him a higher tribute. "I can recall when I
began my ministry, a young man in Hamilton who was
spoken of as 'the eloquent young preacher.' He went
to New York, and afterwards I only knew him by re-
ports. Any man who has been able to accomplish so
much must have been endowed with special gifts. The
quality of his work is the best testimony as to the depth
of his spiritual life. Such men do not belong to any one
section, but are the gift of God to the Church of Christ."
In those days few Presbyterian ministers engaged in
special evangelistic campaigns, however earnest they
might be as preachers of the Gospel. Dr. Wardrobe, of
Guelph, Ontario, was one of the exceptions. An incident
which he recalled in his later years is illuminating. "I
had just returned to Ontario from a pastorate in the
Maritime provinces, and, being in Hamilton for a day, I
decided to call upon a young preacher there and ask him,
as the most likely man I could think of, to come and
assist me in a series of revival meetings. With much
dignity he replied, 'I believe in the regular work of the
ministry.' What was my surprise, therefore, to learn
not many years later that my young friend Simpson had
left the 'regular work of the ministry' to give himself
to the evangelization of the neglected masses of the
American metropolis."
No greater evidence of success could be given than
the place the minister won in the lives of individuals and
in the memory of the congregation. In the Memorial
Service in the Gospel Tabernacle, New York, Dr. Ed-
ward B. Shaw, of Monroe, N. Y., told of the lasting im-
pression made upon him as a little boy in Hamilton, when,
at the clos'e of the first sermon he ever heard him preach,
Dr. Simpson laid his hand in tender blessing on his head.
He added that his mother so esteemed the young minis-
ter that she still inquires, 'Have you seen my pastor
lately ?' When I ask which pastor she means, her reply is
T have only one pastor'."
Pastoral visitation was his delight, and so ardently
did he pursue this and other service that we find the
following minute under date of July 13, 1869. "That
whereas our beloved pastor is suffering in health from
the effects of close application to his ministerial duties,
and feeling that cessation from work and change of
scene may, by the divine blessing, prove beneficial to
him, the Session urgently requests him to rest for a
period of two months and during that period to seek
such scenes as may refresh his mind and be conducive to
the restoration of his health." Mr. Simpson agreed to
accept only one month of holiday.
Two years later he was granted four months' leave
of absence for a visit to Europe, a trip he enjoyed to the
full. His lecture on his observations abroad was bril-
liant and popular, but contrasts strangely with his ac-
counts of his tours after the great awakening came into
his life.
There are in it two passages which were almost pro-
phetic of his later life. Here is one. "And here let us
tread softly — we enter John Knox's house; we gaze on
the interior as it was in the sixteenth century ; we sit in
his veritable study and very chair; and we inhale a fresh
breath of his heroic spirit, so much needed in these weak
times." How deeply the young Canadian preacher was
to drink of that spirit he little dreamed that day.
He seemed to be moved even more deeply by his visit
to the tomb of Sir Walter Scott. All of his own elo-
quence was fired by the memory of this noble Scotchman.
Scott's struggle to meet enormous financial losses with
his pen had caught the imagination and moved the heart
that was later to pour itself out in books of more last-
ing value than Wavcrley and Marmion. He quotes : "I
will dig in the mine of my imaginations for diamonds, or
what may sell for diamonds, to meet all my engagements."
What could better portray the closing days of his own
life than this tender picture he gives us of Scott? "But,
alas, nature sank in the unequal struggle, and the pro-
ductions which the world enjoys today are the life-blood
of a brave man's heart. His sun was largest at its setting ;
and though it went down among many clouds, it was a
glorious sunset for a glorious soul, and sank, we trust,
to shine in other climes in cloudless light."
A visitor to the Manse on any Monday morning would
have found the pastor occupied in the study with a group
of fellow ministers. It was "blue Monday" in more
senses than one, for some of them were addicted to the
use of the weed. Sermons were discussed, and that
facility for formulating outlines which amazed Dr. Simp-
son's students in later years was called into play in criti-
cism of the past and prospective efforts of his friends.
Children's voices would be heard ringing through the
house, for three sturdy boys and one little daughter came
to bless their Canadian home. The firstborn was Albert
Henry, who was truly converted to God at an early age,
but fell under temptation in New York City. His parents'
prayers finally prevailed, and his last days were spent in
devotedly assisting in his father's business affairs. "Dur-
ing his last illness, which continued over a year, the work
of grace in his heart and life was most deeply marked and
beautifully manifest. The crucible of suffering was
used by the Heavenly Refiner to purify, soften, and
sweeten his spirit, and at last the very light of heaven
shone through the pale and suffering face and lighted
up the crumbling temple with the glory of the life be-
yond." He entered into rest in the thirtieth year of his
The second child, Melville Jennings, was taken ser-
iously ill with membraneous croup when only three and
one-half years old while Mrs. Simpson was mourning
the loss of her father in the old family home in Toronto.
As his father carried him in his arms, just before his de-
parture, he said, "Take me to Mamma," and when his
mother appeared, he repeated to them the verse that she
had taught him, "Abide in me and I in you." Mrs. Simp-
son says that this was the first message that ever sank
deeply into her heart and that it prepared the way for
the experience into which she entered years afterward.
The third boy, James Gordon Hamilton, was born on
the 31st of August, 1870. Of him his father wrote: "In
his early boyhood he gave his heart to the Lord and
passed through a very distinct religious experience. In
later years the temptations of city life frequently over-
came him, and at times he wandered far from God. But
it is a great comfort to his bereaved family and will be
a source of joy to all his friends to know that in the last
years of his life he was brought back by a very clear reli-
gious experience to his early faith, and after much suf-
fering, borne with Christian patience, he entered into
rest at the age of thirty-seven with unclouded confidence
in the Saviour he had learned so tenderly to love and
The fourth child, Mabel, was also born in Hamilton.
On Feb. ii, 1891, she was united in marriage to Mr.
Hugh S. Brennen, a prominent business man of Hamil-
ton, and a member of Knox Church. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Brennen were devoted Christians, and their home life
was ideal. Mr. Brennen was called home suddenly in
1912, leaving his wife and two daughters to prove the
all-sufficiency of the grace of our Lord and Saviour,
Jesus Christ.
The family circle was enlarged by the birth of another
daughter, Margaret May, in Louisville, and of the young-
est boy, Howard Home, in New York City.
In 1894, when the congregation of Knox Church opened
their Sunday School building, one of the finest at that
time in Canada, it happened to be the twenty-ninth an-
niversary of Dr. Simpson's ordination, and he was asked
to dedicate the building and to deliver several other ad-
dresses. The church could not hold the crowds that
thronged to hear him. He made this reference to the
occasion in The Alliatice Weekly: "It was a most precious
token of our Father's love, after a generation of service,
tliat we should be able to come back to our earliest
friends, and find their hearts open, not only to us, but to
all the truth we brought them and, indeed, longing for a
deeper fullness of the Holy Spirit for their own life
and work."
On September 12th, 1905, the fortieth anniversary of
his ordination, he revisited his first flock and was moved
to write the following ordination hymn :
"Ordain me to Thy service, Lord;
Baptize me with Thy power divine,
And help me for my future days
To make my will entirely Thine.
"For twice a score of years Thy hand
Has led Thy child along the way ;
Oh, how Thy patient love has borne !
Oh, how Thy grace has crowned each day !
"And if Thy mercy yet can trust
A feeble worm to serve Thee still.
Ordain Thy child anew this day
To better know and do Thy will.
"Correct my thoughts and let my life
Speak louder than the words I say;
And give to me this joy supreme
To know I please my Lord alway.
"Give me the very mind of Christ;
Teach me to pray with power divine ;
Baptize my lips with heavenly fire,
And let my messages be Thine.
"And may the years Thou still mayest give
Exalt my Lord and make Him known.
Till every land shall hear His Word
And He can come to claim His own."
The most memorable visit was ten years later when
he and Mrs. Simpson were asked to celebrate their Jubi-
lee with this beloved church which still delighted to honor
him, though for thirty-five years he had not been in the
Presbyterian ministry. He preached with unusual fer-
vency, taking for the morning sermon the text used for
his inaugural discourse fifty years before. In the even-
ing he gave a clear statement of the truth and experience
into which God had led him. On Monday a reception
was given to Dr. and Mrs. Simpson, and the address
which he then delivered showed that during his forty
years' absence he had neither lost his love for Canada
nor his facility as a lecturer.
Church Minutes are usually dry reading, but Knox
Church Session Minutes throw some strong sidelights
on the results of his ministry. A great advance was
made in the prayer life of the congregation by the institu-
tion of a social weekly prayer meeting in each elder's
district, and later by establishing a united meeting for
prayer at the close of the Wednesday evening lecture.
Thq Session also voted to discountenance the custom of
holding funerals on the Sabbath. They departed so far
from tradition as to grant the Sunday School permission
to install a melodeon. Not the least interesting item is
the resignation of an elder under discipline for intoxica-
A minute passed in response to questions from the
General Assembly reveal how much progress has since
been made in missionary interest. The Session resolved :
"That the missionary revenue of the church may be
increased by the formation and vigorous operation of
Missionary Associations in all the congregations of the
Church, by the frequent diffusion of missionary intelli-
gence, and by the establishment and successful working
of a bona fide Foreign Mission in some heathen land,
and we recommend China as at the present time the most
promising opening for a new missionary enterprise."
The results of the nine years of ministry in Hamilton
were extraordinary. No less than 750 members were
A. B. Simpson During Hamilton Pastorate.
received into church fellowship; a church debt of $8,000
was paid ; contributions aggregating' $50,000 were made,
and during the last year the then unusual sum of $870
was given to missions, and $5,000 to other benevolences.
One of the Canadian delegates to the great Evangelical
Alliance Conference in New York City in 1873 was A. B.
Simpson. He was invited to preach for Dr. Burchard,
in Thirteenth Street Presbyterian Church. In the au-
dience were delegates from Chestnut Street Presbyterian
Church, Louisville, Ky., who, on their return home, recom-
mended this young Canadian to their congregation, which
was without a pastor.
When the Presbytery of Hamilton met on December
3rd, 1873, there were before it calls to the pastor of Knox
Church from Chalmers Church, Quebec, and Chestnut
Street Church, Louisville, and a telegram had been re-
ceived stating that commissioners were on their way
with a call from Knox Church, Ottawa. Representatives
of the Session and the congregation of Knox Church
were heard, who stated that with great reluctance they
had agreed to release their beloved pastor if he himself
should see his way clear to leave his charge. After several
presbyters had spoken most appreciatively of his ministry
it was agreed to grant the translation and to dissolve
Mr. Simpson's pastoral connection with Knox Church
on the twentieth day of December.
It was an affecting scene when the pastor bade fare-
well to his flock. The Ladies' Aid Association, which he
had organized, presented him with an address giving
both him and Mrs. Simpson valuable tokens of remem-
brance. In his reply he gave thanks to God for His
marvelous blessing on the work and to the people for
their love and cooperation. The press, which had recog-
nizcd his gifts by frequently publishing his addresses, ex-
pressed the regret felt in the city at the loss of such a
brilliant preacher. Before the year ended the family
were speeding to their new home in the sunny South.
HESTNUT Street Church was the largest Presby-
terian congregation in Louisville and the most in-
fluential in that Synod of the Northern Presbyterian
Church. It had noble traditions and challenged the best
effort of the brilliant young Canadian who had been
called to be its spiritual leader. An annual stipend of
five thousand dollars relieved him of financial anxiety,
and the welcome accorded to him and Mrs. Simpson
promised well for a happy pastorate.
The inaugural sermon gave assurance of a true Gospel
ministry. It was a timely application of the text, "And
they saw no man save Jesus only," leading up to a per-
sonal pledge and appeal to his people. "In coming
among you, I am not ashamed to own this as the aim
of my ministry and to take these words as the motto and
keynote of my future preaching — Jesus only."
The young pastor was still treading the well-beaten
paths of the modern Church. How little he anticipated
the developments that were to come in his life and minis-
try was shown by this sentence in his personal address
to the congregation that morning: "I shall not prove to
be the apostle of any new revelation or become the ex-
ponent of any new truth." New to him and to his flock
were those revelations of the fullness of the Gospel which
came when his own eyes had seen "no man save Jesus
only." Strangely new would have sounded his great
hymn, "Jesus Only," into which he compressed his later
and richer conceptions, of which this is the refrain —
"Jesus only! Jesus ever!
Jesus all in all we sing!
Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer,
Glorious Lord and Coming King!"
It was not long till Louisville awakened to the fact
that a very vital force had appeared. The city lay on
the border line between the North and the South, and
denominations had been divided" on the question of slav-
ery, some Louisville congregations adhering to one sec-
tion and some to the other. A decade had not sufficed
to reconcile brother to brother even within Christian
circles. Mr. Simpson felt this hindrance keenly, and after
much prayer, knowing that nothing would heal wounds
like a revival, he invited all of the pastors of the city
to meet in Chestnut Street Church to consult about bring-
ing an evangelist for a series of union meetings. "But,"
said he, "we must have unity among ourselves first."
They went to their knees and poured out their hearts for
such a baptism of love as would sweep away their dif-
ferences. When they rose, all but one were melted. At
the second meeting two ministers who had not recognized
each other since the war began shook hands.
This resulted in an evangelistic campaign conducted by
one of the great evangelists of the day. Major Whittle,
and that sweetest of Gospel singers, P. P. Bliss. The city
was stirred as never before, and hundreds were converted.
How greatly Chestnut Street Church was quickened is
shown by a report of the communion service which ap-
peared in a daily paper.
"The building was filled to the utmost capacity, chairs
and benches having been placed in the aisles and around
the pulpit. Since the last communion season, three
months ago, one hundred members have been added to
the church, eighty- four having been received on pro-
fession of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour
since the beginning of the meetings conducted by Messrs.
Whittle and BHss. The pastor, Rev. A. B. Simpson has
labored with untiring patience and zeal, and has now
the great joy of seeing this large number saved by the
blood of the Lamb and safely sheltered within the fold
on earth. His pastorate has been greatly blessed, and
during the few months he has been with them one hundred
and seventy-five have been added to the roll. He is
faithful, tender, abundant in labors, and the work of
the Lord is prospering in his hand."
Mr. Simpson was convinced that a united Sunday
evening Gospel meeting should be continued, and, failing
to enlist the cooperation of the other churches, he deter-
mined to attempt it himself. Public Library Hall, where
the revival meetings had been held, was engaged for
these Sunday evening meetings, and the evening service
in Chestnut Street Church was suspended. The Courier-
Journal and other dailies gave unstinted support and de-
fended him against unwarranted criticism. They pub-
lished some of his addresses verbatim, and their wide
constituency always received at least the heart of his
message and an appreciative report of each meeting.
From the outset this unprecedented procedure on the
part of a fashionable church met approval from the masses
and was attended with divine blessing. Consequently,
what began as an experiment continued as an "institu-
tion." In the late spring, a reporter wrote :
"Public Library Hall, seating more than two thousand,
has been filled to overflowing with the representatives of
all classes of society. Mr. Simpson's forte is pathos ;
his pungent deductions, lucid illustrations, and incisive
appeals arc but so many strands of a pathetic line of dis-
course that breaks down, oftentimes, the sturdiest indif-
ference, takes sophistry by storm, and vitalizes the most
dormant resolution." Another reporter says that, "He
broke through the barriers of the pulpit, dissipated the
reserve of a professional divine, and talked as one young
man talking to another. The effect of this was, what Mr.
Simpson may himself not have noticed particularly, that
in the ensuing days every one wdio had heard him and
who chanced to meet him saluted him as an acquaint-
The singing of P. P. Bliss convinced Mr. Simpson of
the wisdom of giving a large place to the ministry of
song, and in all his subsequent work, not only chorus
and congregational singing, but solos were special fea-
tures. He was a keen critic of the work of the soloist
and was satisfied with nothing less than a musical mes-
sage given with the same motive and spirit in which he
preached. Mr. Bliss returned more than once to sing
in the Sunday night meetings, and his tragic death in a
railway accident was a great blow to Mr. Simpson. The
regular soloist, Mr. D. McPherson, was an effective co-
worker throughout the Louisville meetings.
The winter campaign was so successful that Mr.
Simpson proposed to model the future work of the church
on this pattern, and to this end suggested the erection of
a Tabernacle in a central location on Broadway, a short
distance from the old church. The congregation con-
curred, purchased a suitable site on the corner of Broad-
way and Fourth Avenue, and proceeded to build their
new home. A conservative minority opposed this and
withdrew, forming the nucleus of another church.
The Sunday night service was resumed in the fall ot.
1875. It seems that subtle opposition prevented the use
of PubUc Library Hall, and consequently Macauley's
Theatre was engaged. This led to another storm of
criticism on the part of a certain element in the churches,
and caustically censorious articles on ''Sunday Theatri-
cals" appeared in a religious journal. The Kentucky
Presbyterian defended the course taken, and the city
papers were, if possible, more cordial in their support
than during the previous winter. Even larger numbers
attended than during the former season, and frequently
many could not gain admittance. It was not uncommon
to hold an after meeting for which many remained. Dur-
ing that winter hundreds confessed Christ as their Sav-
The Tabernacle was not opened till June 9, 1878,
nearly three years after it was undertaken. The original
estimates called for an outlay of $65,000, all of which
was subscribed, but, contrary to the pastor's wishes, the
plans had been altered and the completed structure cost
$105,000. With a seating capacity of more than two
thousand, the auditorium combined simplicity, beauty,
and perfect acoustic effect, while in its external architec-
ture it was one of the most imposing churches west of
New York City. But the debt hung like a cloud on Mr.
Simpson's spirit and, at the dedicatory service, he poured
out his soul in a burning and almost pathetic plea to the
"Side by side with other churches, with a definite de-
nominational basis and a broad and liberal spirit, we de-
sire as our specific aim, besides the great work of edify-
ing the Church and sending the Gospel to the world, to
draw to this house, and through it to the Cross and the
Saviour, the great masses of every social condition who
attend no church and practically know no God. It will
expose us to just criticism if we have built a home we
cannot afford to own. It will prove a fetter to our free-
dom and our energies. Church debts are properly called
church bonds.
"There are two things this church must be if it is to
be blessed. One is, it must he free, free in the full sense
that all shall give gladly, freely to God according to their
means — the cents of the poor being as welcome as the
thousands of the rich — and no poor man excluded because
the rich can pay $ioo per year for a pew. But a church
with a debt can never do this satisfactorily. The other
is it must he unselfish and missionary. If this Tabernacle
is not able to give up every year as much to the great
cause of the conversion of the world as to its own sup-
port, it stands as a living embodiment of selfishness and
will die of chills. Now a church with bonds cannot be
a successful missionary church. Every call for the con-
version of the world will be answered by the low, sul-
len word — debt . . . And therefore the easiest way would
be to make one brave, final sacrifice . . . This morning I
desire to place on this pulpit the simple standard, Broad-
zvay Tabernacle Free! free from debt, free to God, free
to all."
On that Sabbath morning a throng of nearly three
thousand people saw the strange spectacle of a formal
opening of a church without a dedication. The pastor's
appeal had failed, and he refused to dedicate to God a
building that was mortgaged. For two years he preached
in it; and when he resigned, it was still mortgaged and
Years afterward Mr. Simpson wrote : "Unable to get
my people to pray about it, I prayed myself and claimed
it of God in absolute, implicit faith. One year and a half
after I came to New York I received one morning a
telegram in these words : 'Tabernacle debt paid yester-
day. Come next Sabbath and dedicate it. Bring Mrs.
Simpson with you.' Of course we went, and the most
wonderful thing about it was that the elder who regarded
my prayer as impracticable gave $40,000 of the whole
amount and was one of the first to receive us to the
hospitality of his home as his guests."
At its dedication the name of the church was changed
from Broadway Tabernacle to Warren Memorial, in
honor of Mr. L. L. Warren, who had been instrumental
in freeing it from debt. Two months afterwards it was
destroyed by fire, but "rose, phoenix-like from its ruin,
and stands today as a monument to its founder."
Robert Lowe Fletcher writes with keen insight of this
period of Mr. Simpson's life. "It was in 1876 I heard
him for the first time, became associated with him in
religious work, and a member of his flock . . . The details
of his ministry possibly are most valuable and interest-
ing as showing the leadings of the Holy Spirit in pre-
paring a man for a great work — faith tried by fire . . .
While his was not then the Spirit-filled life it afterward
became, it was nevertheless characterized by zeal for
souls and intensity of purpose of the Pauline type — such
as mocked the cross and flame in the direst period of
primal Church History. But the rare enduement and
endowment of intellectual gifts and graces were ever too
conspicuous to escape the favorable attention of the most
casual observer. At that time, his modest, shrinking na-
ture would have forbade his entertaining such high hopes
for his ministry as were realized, for to the very last he
cared not that the world should hear of him but his mes-
sage. Nevertheless, those who hkc myself were privi-
leged to form direct impressions, recognized in that for-
mative period of a divinely appointed career, a latent
power, as here and there was a sparkling radiance in his
pulpit oratory that was to be notable, under God, for
efficiency and power."
One of his most distinguished fellow students, Dr. J.
Munroe Gibson, of London, England, says in a recent
letter :
"Since our student days I remember only one occasion
on which I met him. It was in Louisville and must have
been between '76 and '80. I thought, 'There is a man
who must have made marvelous progress since the old
student days,' and I felt rebuked in his presence. He now
struck me as a man of mark, and what is much more, a
man of God."
Mr. Simpson's pastoral work in Louisville was quite
as extraordinary as his pulpit ministry. On one occa-
sion he was impelled to call upon a prominent citizen
very late at night. It seemed the more unreasonable be-
cause a fierce storm was raging, but he finally yielded to
the impulse. The gentleman was surprised, but invited
him into his study ; and when he learned that concern for
his eternal welfare, about which he himself took little
thought, had brought the pastor out at such an unseemly
time, he was convicted and turned to the Lord.
There was a young man among the converts who was
so earnestly seeking to follow the Lord that he secured
the pastor's consent to spend half of his lunch hour with
him daily, and under this influence seemed to be gaining
strength and overcoming his temptations. When informed
on one occasion that the pastor would be out of the city
for a few days, his face fell. Then Mr. Simpson said,
"Will, how would it be, if instead of spending a half hour
with you daily, I could hve in you?" "Oh, that would be
fine," Will replied, "for then I should always think and
do and say just what you would." "Then why not believe
that Jesus Himself lives in you, Will?" said his pastor.
When Mr. Simpson returned, Will did not come as usual
at the noontime ; so he went to see what was the matter.
Will greeted him with a happy face and said, "Pastor, it
works. I shall not need to trouble you now, for I have
found that Christ really lives in me."
Another incident, which he narrates in Messages of
Love, shows how he enlisted the service of his flock.
"I found in the outskirts of the city one of our neglected
poor so ignorant of human love that she could not com-
prehend at first what I meant when I told her of the love
of God. She had been neglected, abused, and wronged
so long that her hand was against every man, and every
man's hand was against her. When I tried to lead her to
the knowledge of Jesus, she looked up into my face and
said, "I do not understand you ; nobody ever loved me,
and I do not even know what love means." I went home
that night to my proud and wealthy church, and I told
them I wanted them to make a poor sister understand
the meaning of love. And so they began one by one to
visit her, to give her little tokens of their interest and
regard ; until at last one day, months later, as I sat in
her humble room, she looked up in my face and said
with much feeling, 'Now I think I understand what love
means, and can accept the love of God'."
In one of the last lectures he delivered to the students
at Nyack he gave another experience from this period.
"I remember spending a whole month in the early part
of my Christian experience in seeking a blessing. On the
first day of the New Year I started to wait on God for
a wonderful baptism. I said, 'I shall spend this week
and set it apart, shutting myself away from everybody.'
I went home occasionally to my meals, but dropped my
visiting and pastoral work and just spent the time on my
face before the Lord. The Lord met me, of course, but
I did not feel satisfied at the end of the week. I was less
satisfied at the end of the second; at the end of the third
I began to have the strangest sensations, and at the end
of the fourth week I was nearly crazy. I said, 'Lord, why
don't You meet me? What is the matter?' and at last
in desperation I opened my Bible and said, 'Show me what
You want to say to me.' In the last chapter of Matthew
I found the words, 'He is not here; he is risen; he goeth
before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him.' In that
moment I remembered there were a lot of sick people I
had not visited for four weeks, and others in desperate
need. I hurried up the street to the first home, where lay
a suffering one whom I had not visited for some time.
I had not prayed two sentences until the heavens opened,
and I had a wonderful baptism of the Holy Ghost. I
found Him when I took Him by faith and went forward
to use Him and turn my blessing into a blessing for some
one else."
The story of Mr. Simpson's new revelation of Christ,
of his physical collapse, of the growing missionary vision,
and other threads interwoven in the Louisville ministry
is part of later chapters. On November 7, 1879, after
almost six years of strenuous service, he resigned to ac-
cept a call to a larger field and to new experiences.
THE life of A. B. Simpson can never be interpreted
correctly if the great crisis through which he passed,
after he had been in the ministry for more than ten
years, is not thoroughly understood. This was not only
the beginning of his larger life and ministry, but it also
changed his whole view of the Christian life and deeply
colored all his after teaching. Moreover, it led him into
the rugged, lonely path which they must tread who wholly
follow the Lord. "I have lived a lonely life" was one of
his last personal remarks to the Nyack students. He
tasted, as few have done, at once of the bitterness of
separation from friends and former associates who did
not follow with him in his new-found path, and of the
sweetness of fellowship with those who were one with
him in spirit and aim.
Addressing a sympathetic audience in London, he said,
"Well do I remember when first the Holy Ghost came into
my heart, how lonely I felt, how far I was removed from
my old Christian associates — they could not understand
me ; but when I found one or two who did understand
me, how dear they became to me ! They were more than
brothers, more than sisters. We could get closer because
we could get deeper and higher in God's way. Then I
remember how, when I got a little further and found
that this blessed Jesus is a living Christ, that not only
is His spirit for my spirit, but His body for my body,
touching mine into life, and holding and quickening it
with His own resurrection life — then again I felt so
lonesome. My old friends seemed to leave me, and for
months I seemed to be alone, separated from hundreds
and thousands of ministers and people I ^ad loved and
worked with all my life. But when one and two and
three began to come and join this little band, oh, how
much deeper was the bond of love!"
On the same occasion he gave this simple statement re-
garding three experiences which mark the great epochs
in his life. "Some twenty-seven years ago, I floundered
for ten months in the waters of despondency, and I got
out of them just by believing in Jesus as my Saviour.
About twelve years ago I got into another deep experi-
ence of conviction, and I got out of that by believing in
Jesus as my Sanctifier. After years of teaching from
and waiting on Him, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me
four years ago that it was His blessed will to be my com-
plete Saviour for body as well as soul."
The first of these experiences has been narrated in
Dr. Simpson's reminiscences. He entered into a deep and
abiding sense of "peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ." He lived and ministered in this precious
revelation, preaching justification as taught in the fifth
chapter of Romans, with great power and unction. Of
the truth declared in the sixth chapter he had then no
personal experience, while of the heights and depths of
the eighth chapter he had but glimpses. His personal
experience was the conflict so vividly described in the
seventh chapter of that epistle.
In a sermon to his first congregation in Hamilton on
the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination, he made humble
reference to this condition. "Fifty years ago the one
who addresses you this evening was ordained in this
sacred place. He was a young, ambitious minister of
twenty-one and had not yet learned the humbling les-
sons which God in faithful love is pleased to teach us
as fast as we are willing to learn. He was sincere and
earnest up to the light that he had received, but even after
the nine years of active ministry in Hamilton he had not
yet learned the deeper lessons of spiritual life and power
which God was pleased to open to him after taking him
from this place. There is a remarkable passage in Isaiah
telling us that when the Spirit is poured out from on high,
the wilderness shall become a fruitful field, and the fruit-
ful field shall be counted for a forest. When that ex-
perience came to him, the field of his former ministry,
which had been so fruitful, suddenly appeared barren
and withered, and he felt that his true ministry had
scarcely yet begun."
The second great crisis began early in his Louisville
ministry. Contact with those Spirit-filled evangelists.
Whittle and Bliss, awakened him to his lack of spiritual
power for life and service and led him to seek the infill-
ing of the Holy Spirit.
He has left us this clear-cut testimony about this crisis.
*T look back with unutterable gratitude to the lonely and
sorrowful night when, mistaken in many things and im-
perfect in all, and not knowing but that it would be death
in the most literal sense before the morning light, my
heart's first full consecration was made, and with unre-
served surrender I first could say,
'Jesus, I my cross have taken,
All to leave and follow Thee;
Destitute, despised, forsaken.
Thou from hence my All shall be.'
Never, perhaps, has my heart knowii quite such a thrill
of joy as when the following Sabbath morning I gave
out those lines and sung them with all my heart. And
if God has been pleased to make my life in any measure a
little temple for His indwelling and for His glory, and
if He ever shall be pleased to use me in any fuller meas-
ure, it has been because of that hour, and it will be still
in the measure in which that hour is made the key-note
of a consecrated, crucified, and Christ-devoted life."
His experience, as well as his close study of the Word,
convinced him that many refuse the workings of the Holy
Spirit as He seeks to lead them through such a crisis into
the fullness of God. The pathos of it moved him when
he wrote,
"They came to the gates of Canaan,
But they never entered in ;
They came to the very threshold,
But they perished in their sin."
All this was to him both a new theory and a new ex-
perience. 'T used to think," he says, "that we were sanc-
tified at last in order to get to heaven — that the very
last thing God did for the soul was to sanctify it, and
that then He took it right home ; and I will confess that
at that time I was a good deal afraid of being sanctified
for fear I should die very soon afterward. But the Lord
Jesus Christ tells us that we are sanctified in order to
serve Him here."
Step by step he learned the true meaning of a sanctified
life. Commenting on Psalm no, he says, "Consecration
must come first and then sanctification. We can conse-
crate ourselves as freewill offerings; then God sanctifies
us and clothes us with the beauties of His holiness. The
consecration is ours ; the sanctification is His."
In a brief exposition of the Fourfold Gospel he writes
of the definiteness of this crisis in unequivocal terms.
"We also believe, and this is the emphatic point in our
testimony, that this experience of Christ our Sanctifier
marks a definite and distinct crisis in the history of a
soul. We do not grow into it, but we cross a definite
line of demarcation as clear as when the hosts of Joshua
crossed the Jordan and were over in the promised land
and set up a great heap of stones so that they never
could forget that crisis hour."
Dr. Simpson regarded the Holy Spirit as the divine
agent in this blessed experience of sanctification. "There-
fore the baptism of the Holy Spirit is simultaneous with
our union with the Lord Jesus; the Spirit does not act
apart from Christ, but it is His to take of the things of
Christ and show them unto us."
In the Fullness of Jesus he states this in another way.
"The indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the human spirit
is quite distinct from the work of regeneration. In Eze-
kiel 36:26 they are most clearly distinguished. The one
is described as the taking away of 'the hard and stony
heart and giving the heart of flesh' ; of the other it is
said : T will put my Spirit within you and cause you to
walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments and
do them.' The one is like the building of the house,
the other the owner moving in and making it his own per-
sonal residence."
In a passage from The Christ of the Forty Days we
read: "There is a great difference between our receiv-
ing power from the Holy Ghost and our receiving the
Holy Ghost as our power. In the latter case we are as
insignificant and insufficient as ever, and it is the person
who dwells within us who possesses and exercises all the
gifts and powers of our ministry, and only as we abide
in Him and He works in us are we able to exercise this
He learned, too, that "what men and women need to
know to-day is not sanctification as a state, but Christ <is
a living Person." In his much quoted tract Himself, we
find him saying, "I prayed a long time to get sanctified,
and sometimes I thought I had it. On one occasion I
felt something, and I held on with a desperate grip for
fear I should lose it, and kept awake the whole night
fearing it would go. And, of course, it went with the
next sensation and the next mood. Of course I lost it
because I did not hold on to Him." Out of such painful
experience grew his glad song:
"Once it was the blessing,
Now it is the Lord ;
Once it was the feeling,
Now it is His Word ;
Once His gift I wanted,
Now, the Giver own ;
Once I sought for healing.
Now Himself alone."
This became so clear to hhii that he never preached
perfection but a perfect Christ abiding in the sanctified
believer. He taught that "sanctification is divine holi-
ness, not human self improvement, nor perfection. It
is the inflow into man's being of the life and purity of His
own perfection and the working out of His own will."
Dr. Simpson believed that this is "complete, but not
completed; perfect, but not perfected. He states this
admirably in Wholly Sanctified. "He is the Author and
Finisher of our faith, and the true attitude of the con-
secrated heart is that of a constant yielding and constant
receiving. This last view of sanctification gives bound-
less scope to our spiritual progress. It is here that the
gradual phase of sanctification comes in. Commencing
with a complete separation from evil and dedication to
God, it now advances into all the fullness of Christ, and
grows up to the measure of the stature of perfect man-
hood in Him, until every part of our being and every
part of our life is filled with God and becomes a channel
to receive, and a medium to reflect His grace and glory."
A close study of Dr. Simpson's life in Louisville re-
veals that the fullness of these great truths did not burst
upon him suddenly. The great crisis moment came in
1874, but it was not until the summer of 1881 that he
entered into "the rest that remaineth for the people of
God," thenceforth to live and work in continual con-
sciousness of the all-sufficency of Christ for spirit, soul,
and body.
It was a stern school through which the Lord led him.
He recalls that "In a crisis hour of his spiritual experi-
ence while asking counsel from an old, experienced
friend, I was shocked to receive this answer, 'All you
need in order to bring you into the blessing you are seek-
ing, and to make your life a power for God, is to be
annihilated.' The fact is the shock of that message al-
most annihilated me for the time, but before God's faith-
ful discipline was through, I had learned in some adequate
measure, as I have been learning ever since, the great
truth, T am not sufficient to think anything of myself."
Herein he was finding companionship with Moses, for in
Divine Emblems he writes, "When God gets him there,
reduced to the smallest of proportions, the weakest of
all men that ever lived. He says, 'You are ready for work ;
now, Moses, I am going to take that rod and with it
break the arms of Pharaoh and open the way for My
people, and bring waters from the desert rock, and make
you an instrument of power'."
Another incident, which he sometimes referred to,
shows how he entered into another phase of this Ufe.
"Many years ago, the life of the great Hildebrand became
an inspiration to me, especially when I learned that he had
chosen a patron saint as the guardian of his life, and
attributed all his success to the care of St. Peter, to whom
he had devoted his life. Blessed be God, there is a greater
than he! and when I read the story, I said, 'I, too, shall
choose a patron saint.' But it was none other than the
blessed Son of God ; and thanks to His dear name, what-
ever I have known of strength for soul and body, of bless-
ing in the Master's service, it has been through His care
and friendship. In some little measure I can say,
'Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Thee,
How I've proved Thee o'er and o'er,
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus,
Oh, for grace to trust Thee more'."
How intense was his spiritual longing in those days and
how wonderfully the Spirit of God guided him to the
great central truth of which he was to become a special
exponent is shown in the following narrative. "Once in
my early ministry I travelled a thousand miles to go to
one of Mr. Moody's conventions of ministers in Chicago,
I reached there about six o'clock in the evening and went
up to the early meeting. I did not hear Mr. Moody sa^
anything, but one plain, earnest preacher got up with his
face all shining. He said, 'I came up here expecting Mr.
Moody to help me. But last night I saw Jesus, and I
got such a look at Jesus that I am never going to need
anything again as long as I live.' And he wound up with
a long Hallelujah. Something smote my heart. 'All you
A. B Simpson at the Crisis.
need is Jesus ; you go to Him.' I took the train back home
that night. I did not wait for the convention. I went to
my office in the church vestry, and I waited there on my
face at His blessed feet until He came, and thank God, He
enabled me in some measure to say,
I have seen Jesus, and my heart is dead to all beside ;
I have seen Jesus, and my wants are all supplied;
I have seen Jesus, and my heart is satisfied,
Satisfied with Jesus."
One of the lessons came through his failure to lead his
loved flock with him in these new-found pastures. They
had gloried in his evangelical preaching and had taken
the unprecedented action of following him from their
comfortable church home to a public hall in order to
reach the unchurched masses. But they halted half way
on the path of sacrifice and ended in erecting a magnifi-
cent modern church loaded with debt, thus defeating his
purpose. Nor had they any sympathy with his strong
stand in declining to accept a salary as long as they
refused to discharge the mortgage. It weighed upon his
sensitive spirit, and this even more than his unceasing
labors resulted in a collapse so serious that for a time it
seemed that his ministry was ended. Then it was that
a larger ministry unfolded before him, and "the utter-
most part of the earth" became his objective.
The third great crisis to which he refers followed an-
other collapse when he was so broken that the help of
man was unavailing. Then he found that one of the
provisions of redemption is "that the life also of Jesus
might be made manifest in our body," and that by this
same redemption right "we have the mind of Christ."
How this came about he himself will now tell u&.
IT was while Mr. Simpson was pastor of the Thirteenth
Street Presbyterian Church in New York that he
found the secret of Divine life for the body and entered
into an experience of physical healing, which bore him
through thirty-five years of the most strenuous toil in a
way which caused multitudes to marvel.
Some years before, during his pastorate in Louisville,
he had been deply impressed by the healing of a young
paralytic in his congregation. He thus describes the effect
upon himself:
"The impression produced by this incident never left
my heart. Soon afterwards I attempted to take the Lord
as my Healer, and for a w^hile, as long as I trusted Him,
He sustained me wonderfully; but afterwards, being en-
tirely without instruction, and advised by a devout Chris-
tian physician that it was presumption, I abandoned my
position of simple dependence upon God alone, and so
floundered and stumbled for years. But as I heard of iso-
lated cases, I never desired to doubt them or question
that God did sometimes so heal. For myself, however,
the truth had no really practical or effectual power, for I
never could feel that I had any clear authority in a given
case of need to trust myself to Him."
This experience is no extraordinary one. Thousands
of devout servants of God are living as he then lived,
some of whom are unwise enough to assert that there is
nothing better promised us in the Bible, during this dis-
pensation at least. For such Mr. Simpson had great
sympathy, for he knew that the Holy Spirit alone ever
led him to see that he had a right to the life of Christ for
body, mind and spirit.
In The Gospel of Healing, a little book which he wrote
nearly thirty years ago, and which has been issued in
many editions, there is a chapter in which he tells how he
was led to see and accept the truth of Divine healing.
Among his papers was a revision of this personal testi-
mony, intended for a new edition which was about to be
published. As this is his life-long, as well as his latest
testimony, we shall let him tell the story.
"For more than twenty years I was a sufiferer from
many physical infirmities and disabilities. Beginning a
life of hard study, at the age of fourteen I broke hope-
lessly down with nervous prostration while I was prepar-
ing for college, and for many months was not permitted
by my physician even to look at a book. During this
time I came very near death, and on the verge of eternity
gave myself to God. After my college studies were com-
pleted, I became the ambitious pastor of a large city church
at twenty-one, and plunging headlong into my work, I
again broke down with heart trouble and had to go
away for months of rest, returning at length, as it seemed
to me at the time, to die. Rallying, however, and slowly
recovering in part, I labored on for years with the aid of
constant remedies and preventives. I carried a bottle of
ammonia in my pocket for years, and would have taken
a nervous spasm if I had ventured without it. Again
and again, while climbing a slight elevation or going up a
stair did the old suffocating agony come over me. God
knows how many hundred times in my earlier ministry
when preaching in my pulpit or ministering by a grave
it seemed that I must fall in the midst of the service or
drop into that open grave.
"Two other collapses of long duration came in my
health, and again and again during these terrible seasons
did it seem that the last drops of life were ebbing out,
and a frail thread held the vital chain from snapping
"A few months before I took Christ as my Healer, a
prominent physician in New York told me that I had not
constitutional strength enough left to last more than a
few months.
"During the summer that followed I went for a time
to Saratoga Springs, and while there, one Sabbath after-
noon, I wandered out to the Indian camp ground, where
the jubilee singers were leading the music in an evange-
listic service. I was deeply depressed, and all things in
life looked dark and withered. Suddenly, I heard the
chorus :
'My Jesus is the Lord of Lords:
No man can work like Him.'
"Again and again, in the deep bass notes, and the
higher tones that seemed to soar to heaven, they sang:
'No man can work like Him,
No man can work like Him.'
"It fell Upon me like a spell. It fascinated me. It
seemed like a voice from heaven. It possessed my whole
being. I took Him also to be my Lord of Lords, and to
work for me. I knew not how much it all meant ; but I
took Him in the dark, and went forth from that rude,
old-fashioned service, remembering nothing else, but
strangely lifted up.
"A few weeks later I w^ent with my family to Old
Orchard Beach, Me., chiefly to enjoy the delightful air
of that loveliest of all ocean beaches. I lived on the sea-
shore while there, and went occasionally to the meetings
on the camp ground, but only once or twice took part in
them, and had not, up to that time, committed myself
in any full sense to the truth or experience of Divine
healing. I heard a great number of people testify that
they had been healed by simply trusting the Word of
Christ, just as they would for salvation. It drove me to
my Bible. I determined that I must settle this matter
one way or the other. I am so glad I did not go to man.
At His feet, alone, with my Bible open, and with no one
to help or guide me, I became convinced that this was
part of Christ's glorious Gospel for a sinful and suffering
world, for all who would believe and receive His Word.
"That was enough. I could not believe this and then
refuse to take it for myself, for I felt that I dare not hold
any truth in God's Word as a mere theory or teach to
others what I had not personally proved. And so one
Friday afternoon at the hour of three o'clock, I went out
into the silent pine woods — I remember the very spot —
and there I raised my right hand to Heaven and made
to God, as if I had seen Him there before me face to
face, these three great and eternal pledges :
"i. As I shall meet Thee in that day, I solemnly accept
this truth as part of Thy Word and of the Gospel of
Christ, and, God helping me, I shall never question it
until I meet Thee there.
"2. As I shall meet Thee in that day, I take the Lord
Jesus as my physical life, for all the needs of my body
until all my life-work is done ; and, God helping me, I
shall never doubt that He does become my life and
strength from this moment and will keep me under all
circumstances until all His will for me is perfectly ful-
"3. As I shall meet Thee in that day, I solemnly prom-
ise to use this blessing for the glory of God and the good
of others, and to so speak of it or minister in connection
with it in any way in which God may call me or others
may need me in the future.
"I arose. It had only been a few moments, but I knew
that something was done. Every fibre of my soul was
tingling with a sense of God's presence. I do not know
whether my body felt better or not— I know I did not
think of it — it was so glorious to believe it simply, and
to know that henceforth He had it in hand.
"Then came the test of faith. The first struck me be-
fore I had left the spot. A subtle voice whispered : 'Now
you have decided to take God as your Healer, it would
help if you should just go down to Dr. Cullis' cottage
and get him to pray with you.' I listened to it for a
moment. The next moment a blow seemed to strike
my brain, which made me reel as a man stunned. I
cried: 'Lord, what have I done?' I felt I was in some
great peril. In a moment the thought came very quickly :
'That suggestion would have been all right before this,
but you have just settled this matter forever, and told
God that you will never doubt that it is done, and you
must not attempt to do it over again.' I saw it like a
flash of lightning, and in that moment I understood what
faith meant and what a solemn thing it was inexorably
to keep faith with God. I have often thanked God for
that blow. I saw that when a thing was settled with
God, it was never to be unsettled or repeated. When it
was done, it was never to be undone or done over again in
any sense that could involve a doubt of the finality of the
committal already made. I think in the early days of the
work of faith to which God afterwards called me, I was
as much helped by a holy fear of doubting God as by
any of the joys and raptures of His presence or prom-
ises. This little word often shone like a living fire in
my Bible: Tf any man draw back, my soul shall have
no pleasure in him.' What the enemy desired was to get
some doubt about the certainty and completeness of the
transaction just closed, and God mercifully held me back
^ from it.
"The day after I started to the mountains of New
Hampshire. The next test came on the following Sab-
bath, just two days after I had claimed my healing. I
was invited to preach in the Congregational Church. I
felt the Holy Spirit pressing me to give a special testi-
mony. But I tried to preach a good sermon of my own
choosing. It was about the Holy Ghost, and had often
been blessed, but it was not His word for that hour,
I am sure. He wanted me to tell the people what He had
been showing me. But I tried to be conventional and
respectable, and I had an awful time. My jaws seemed
like lumps of lead, and my lips would scarcely move.
I got through as soon as I could, and fled into an adjoin-
ing field, where I lay before the Lord and asked Him
to show me what my burden meant and to forgive me. He
did most graciously, and let me have one more chance to
testify for Him and glorify Him. That night we had a
service in our hotel, and I was permitted to speak again.
This time I did tell what God had been doing. Not very
much did I say, but I tried to be faithful in a stammering
way, and told the people how I had lately seen the Lord
Jesus in a deeper fullness, as the Healer of the body, and
had taken Him for myself, and knew that He would be
faithful and sufficient. God did not ask me to testify of
my feelings or experiences, but of Jesus and His faithful-
ness. And I am sure He calls all who trust Him to tes-
tify before they experience His full blessing. I believe I
should have lost my healing if I had waited until I
felt it.
"Well, the next day the third test came. Near by was
a mountain 3,000 feet high; I was asked to join a little
party that were to ascend it. I shrank back at once. Did
I not remember the dread of high altitudes that had al-
ways overshadowed me, and the terror with which I had
resolved in Switzerland and Florence never to attempt it
again ?
"Then came the solemn searching thought, 'If you fear
to go, it is because you do not believe that God has
healed you. If you have taken Him for your strength,
need you to fear to do anything to which He calls you ?'
"I felt it was God's thought. I felt my fear would be,
in this case, pure unbelief, and I told God that in His
strength I would go.
"And so I ascended that mountain. At first it seemed
as if it would take my last breath. I felt all the old
weakness and dread ; I found I had in myself no more
strength than ever. But over against my weakness and
sufifering I became conscious that there was another
Presence. There was a Divine strength reached out to
me if I would take it, claim it, hold it, and persevere in it.
When I reached the mountain top, I seemed to be at
the gate of heaven, and the world of weakness and fear
was lying at my feet. Thank God, from that time I have
had a new heart in this breast, literally as well as spirit-
ually, and Christ has been its glorious life.
"The Lord has often permitted the test to be a, very
severe one. A few months after my healing He called
me into the special pastoral, literary and missionary work
which has since engaged my time and energy, and which
has involved much more labor than any previous period
of my life. And yet I desire to record my testimony to
the honor and glory of Christ, that it has been a continual
delight and much easier in every way than the far lighter
tasks of former years. I have been conscious, however,
all the time that I was not using my own natural strength.
Physically I do not think I am any more robust than ever.
I am intensely conscious with every breath, that I am
drawing my vitality from a directly supernatural source,
and that it keeps pace with the calls and necessities of
my work. I believe and am sure that it is nothing else
than the life of Christ manifested in my mortal flesh. I
do not desire to provoke argument, but I give my simple,
humble testimony, and to me it is very real and very won-
derful. I know *it is the Lord'."
The idea is too common that a person who is healed is
thereafter immune from every kind of sickness. Dr.
Simpson's conception of Divine life for the body was
exactly contrary to this supposition. He felt himself to
be wholly dependent upon a vital and continuous con-
nection with the Lord for his life.
He illustrated this by a personal incident. One night
he found it necessary to search for some papers in an
office which he had abandoned, from which all lighting
and heating appHances had been removed. There was a
heap of ashes in the grate and a large bottle of oil on
the mantel. It occurred to him to pour the oil upon the
ashes, and the light and heat thus supplied enabled him
to accomplish his purpose. He says : "It was a beautiful
parable to me. There was a time when my physical
strength, like that heap of ashes, was burned out, but
lo! I found a vessel of oil, the blessed Holy Ghost, and
as God poured His fullness on my exhausted frame, a
Divine strength came, full of svi^eet exhilarance and un-
wearied buoyancy and energy, and in that light and life
of God I am working without exhaustion, and trust still
to work in His glorious all-sufficiency until my work is
A definite instance in which this simple secret of life
was manifested is narrated by Rev. W. T. MacArthur.
"Mr. Simpson had contracted a heavy cold, and was
really a sick man, but he delivered the convention address
for which he had come to Chicago. At the close of the
meeting I accompanied him to his hotel where he sat for
a few minutes in the lobby. He was breathing heavily
and ablaze with fever. I said, 'Mr. Simpson, is there
nothing I can do for you?' He replied, 'Yes, Mr. Mac-
Arthur, you can say good night. I must be alone with
God.' Early in the morning I called him by telephone,
I should not have been greatly astonished if there had
been no response. However, the signal had no sooner
been given than I heard his voice sharp and clear. He
seemed surprised that I should be enquiring for his
health, and asked me kindly if / had rested well. He was
just leaving for a convention four hundred miles farther
West. I also was to speak at that convention, and ar-
rived there about twenty-four hours after he did. All
agreed that they had never seen him looking better, and
had never heard him preach so well."
Some years ago Dr. Simpson himself told the Nyack
students of one of his many experiences. He had been
hastening down the hill from his home to catch the early
morning train when he slipped and dislocated his knee-
cap. The pain was intense, and he was unable to stand.
"Sitting there on the ice," he said, "I held my knee up
and silently prayed, when suddenly it seemed as if the
very love of the Lord was bathing it and the pain turned
into an exquisite sensation that seemed like a physical
It seems not a little strange that we should expect
those who trust the Lord for their bodies to manifest
continually a perfect physical life while, at the same time,
we excuse ourselves and others for very evident failures
in spiritual life. The Apostle John expressed his ardent
wish for his friends in this prayer: "Beloved, I wish
above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health
even as thy soul prospereth." Dr. Simpson believed that
this was the true measure of Divine life for the body,
for to him body, soul, and spirit were inseparably related
and each equally provided for in the dispensation of
divine grace.
Some have thought that Dr. Simpson changed his views
and attitude in his latter years. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Those who knew him most intimately all
bear witness to his unshaken confidence in the Lord as
the Healer of His people. Even when he himself in his
last days was not restored, as he earnestly prayed that
he would be, his faith did not for a moment fail. He
had never attempted, as some have done, to explain some
of the mysteries that sorely perplex those who demand
that the secrets of the individual soul in its relationship
to God shall be understood by others. We shall do well
to be as wise as he was in leaving some things to be
made manifest when we shall "know as also we are
known," and even to be willing to allow God to keep
some of his own secrets.
THE providences of God were most manifest in Dr.
Simpson's call to New York City. His ministry in
Louisville had been not only successful, but had marked
an epoch in his life. It had been as much of a training
school to God's servant as a ministry to God's people.
He was ready for a new departure in life and service,
and it was doubtful if his flock would follow their shep-
herd into these new pastures. Yet another man with
ideals in consonance with theirs would find an exceed-
ingly inviting prospect in the pastorate.
On the other hand, Dr. Simpson was coveted as the
successor of his old friend, Dr. Burchard. It was in
this pulpit that the Louisville elders had heard him preach
before they recommended him to their congregation. It
is said that on the occasion of one visit his message had
so impressed the people and the pastor that Dr. Bur-
chard would not speak from the pulpit for some time
afterward, but addressed his flock from the floor.
New York City presented an unlimited field for such
work as had been attempted in Louisville if only forces
could be released to conduct it. The conviction of a call
to such work was deeper than ever, nor was this young
pastor yet prepared to admit that it could not be done in
and through a regular church channel.
The call to the unevangelized did not come merely from
a city, however great and needy. The "man of Mace-
donia" had beckoned the Canadian schoolboy to the
South Seas, and m Louisville he had heard the same
clamant call from China. In New York he would be at
the missionary center of his own denomination and others,
and plans were formulating for a personal ministry on
behalf of the Christless millions.
All of these considerations and others weighed with
Mr. Simpson in accepting the call from the Thirteenth
Street Presbyterian Church of New York City in No-
vember, 1879. His first discourse, on Acts 1 17, 8, left
no doubt that he had come among them to declare the
gospel in dependence upon the Holy Spirit. In the sec-
ond week of January, 1880, a periodical reported that
"As a result of a deep and growing work of grace which
has manifested itself for several weeks, thirty-seven per-
sons were welcomed into communion, twenty of whom
were received on profession of faith. The attendance on
the Sabbath and at the usual week services has largely
increased. During the Week of Prayer meetings were
held every evening, and are being continued this week.
The people of God are greatly revived and strengthened,
and many of the unconverted are seeking Jesus Christ
and His salvation." This revival spirit continued, and
the warm-hearted pastoral ministrations, combined with
unusual preaching, greatly endeared him to the congre-
gation, the surviving members of which still hold him in
the highest esteem.
It is needless to say that no success within the limits
of a church building and congregation, however marked,
could have satisfied Mr. Simpson at this time. For two
years he used every available means to imbue his people
with his own ideal for a church located as was this one
in the midst of the masses. He did not meet even with
such response as was given him for several years in
Louisville. The congregation and officers would support
him in every effort towards their own edification and the
extension of the work along accustomed lines, but they
had no desire for aggressive evangelization of the un-
churched masses, nor did they welcome attempts to turn
the church itself into a home for all comers.
Dr. Simpson was always guarded in his references to
the attitude of this church, whose affection he greatly
prized, but on one occasion he related an illuminating in-
cident. On the outbound trip of a church picnic, dancing
was commenced on the deck. When the pastor expostu-
lated, a church officer remarked that the young people
must have the worth of their money. A prolonged dis-
cussion was ended with the ultimatum that unless the
picnic were conducted in a becoming manner, the pastor
would state the facts on Sunday morning and appeal to
the congregation. Dancing was stopped forthwith. On
arrival at the park the pastor was wanted in every di-
rection, until about four o'clock he slipped away, utterly
weary, to find a quiet spot for a few minutes' rest. He
had not gone far till he was attracted by music, and, his
suspicions aroused, he hastened in the direction indicated.
To his astonishment and chagrin he found that while
he had been kept busy with all sorts of demands, the young
people had been enjoying to the full the license granted
them by the church officials. It came to him as forceful
evidence that their ideals and his were irreconcilable and
was, as he confessed, one of the indications that his hopes
could not be realized.
In one of his last public utterances Dr. Simpson gave
by special request a number of reminiscences, one of
which referred to this crisis.
"For two years I spent a happy ministry with this
noble people, but found after a thorough and honest trial
that it would be difficult for them to adjust themselves
to the radical and aggressive measures to which God was
leading me. What they wanted was a conventional parish
for respectable Christians. What their young pastor
wanted was a multitude of publicans and sinners. There-
fore, after two years of most congenial and cordial fellow-
ship with these dear people, and without a strain of any
kind, I frankly told them that God was calling me to a
different work, and I asked them and the Presbytery of
New York to release me for the purpose of preaching the
gospel to the masses."
This step was taken after much deliberation and a
week spent in his study in prayer. After discussing his
decision with the Church Session he announced it to the
congregation at a midweek meeting. His address was
from the text "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because
he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor,"
and stated very simply and clearly his reasons for resign-
ing and his ideals for a work in this great city. A daily
paper reported that "as Mr. Simpson concluded, many
of his hearers sat with bowed heads and with handker-
chiefs at their eyes. Officers of the Thirteenth Street
Church corroborated Mr. Simpson's statement about good
feeling in every respect."
One of the issues which he faced at this time was the
administration of the ordinance of baptism. He had be-
come convinced that the Scriptural method was the bap-
tism of believers by immersion and shortly before had
submitted himself to this rite. In presenting his resig-
nation he made reference to this. "He had said to the
Session what he need not have said, but he did not wish
to keep back even a minor matter, which he regarded as
infinitely subordinate to the great work of the Gospel,
that he felt he had no right under the New Testament
to administer baptism to any one who is not old enough
to make a confession of faith in Christ. As a minister
of the Gospel he had stood in this spot two years before,
taking the installation vows that he believed and would
teach all the doctrines of the Church, and it would be
false and dishonest for him, since he had changed his
views, to remain. He had no intention of agitating this
question. If he were a private member of the Church,
he could still remain and hold his views on Christian
baptism, since he did not regard this as such a necessary
ordinance that it would separate him from the communion
of any evangelical church."
Dr. Simpson never entered into controversy concern-
ing this ordinance, and only one of the more than one
thousand of his published discourses is on this theme. In
the Gospel Tabernacle, baptism was administered only to
believers and by immersion, but no one was excluded
from membership whose conscience was satisfied with
infant baptism. His presentation of the identification of
the believer with our Lord Jesus Christ in his death and
resurrection was so clear that almost everyone who ac-
cepted this teaching sooner or later came to see that bap-
tism in water is a recognition of this participation. Con-
sequently many applied for baptism at the conventions
who had no thought of leaving their church affiliations.
He made no plea for a following from among his
flock, but advised them publicly and privately to remain
in the Thirteenth Street Church. Consequently there was
no division in the congregation, and not more than two
members withdrew from fellowship. He never became
a separatist. In conversation with an elder of the Presby-
terian Church in Canada not long before his Ufe work
ended, he said, "Stay in the old church and give your
testimony there. You are a blessing to my old friend,
your pastor, and he and the church need you. Unless
it becomes a matter of conscience, a choice between obe-
dience to man and God, your place is where you are."
Nor did he try to deflect Christian workers from their
associations, though he sorely needed help in those early
days. Rev. Kenneth Mackenzie says: "As often as I
could I met with him, for he seemed to long for me, and
I was always blessed in fellowship with him. I confess
I was more than once allured to think of following his
step. In later years he once declared in public that he
would much prefer to have Mr. Mackenzie's presence
and teaching as a minister of the Episcopal Church than
as a worker in the Alliance."
In due course Dr. Simpson's resignation was accepted
by the congregation and the Presbytery, his farewell ser-
mon being preached on November 7, 1881, He had sur-
rendered a lucrative salary of $5,000, a position as a
leading pastor in the greatest American city, and all claim
upon his denomination for assistance in a yet untried
work. He was in a great city with no following, no or-
ganization, no financial resources, with a large family
dependent upon him, and with his most intimate minis-
terial friends and former associates predicting failure.
Dr. John Hall said to him, in Presbytery: "We will not
say goodbye to you, Simpson ; you will soon be back
with us."
Only seven persons were present at his first meeting
which was held in November, 1881, in Caledonian Hall,
Eighth Avenue and Thirteenth Street. One of this num-
ber was Josephus PuUs, the reformed drunkard, of whom
Mr. Simpson afterward said tliat he was once the great-
est sinner but now the sweetest saint in New York City.
From this first meeting until his death in 1914 Mr. PuUs
was closely associated with the work.
In one of his choicest books, The King's Business, Dr.
Simpson referred to that humble beginning. "I remember
well the cold and desolate afternoon years ago, when a
little band of humble, praying Christians met in an upper
room to begin this work for God, and we opened our
Bibles, and these words were just before us : 'Who hath
despised the day of small things?' 'Not by might, nor
by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.' We
knelt before Him there and thanked Him that we were
poor, that we were few, that we were weak, and threw
ourselves upon the might of the Holy Ghost, and He has
never failed us."
Three services were held on Sunday and two every
day during the week, the afternoon gathering being for
the training of workers. The evening service was pre-
ceded by street preaching and usually closed with an in-
quiry meeting where many souls were saved. It soon be-
came necessary to secure a larger place, and Abbey's
Park Theatre was taken for the Sunday evenings. A
feature of these meetings was the singing of a large
choir which filled the stage.
The next step, a still further venture of faith, is re-
corded in In Heavenly Places:
"Ten years ago when the Lord called me to step out
into this work of faith and evangelization. He laid it
upon my heart so strongly that I could not question nor
resist that I was to take the Academy of Music. It
seemed a very audacious and almost reckless thing to
do in the feebleness and poverty of that young work, for
few of us had any means, and it would seem that these
should be husbanded and economized to the utmost.
"But there was no doubt left of the Lord's mind, and
I obeyed and committed myself to the work. Afterwards
I could see God's wise and holy purpose in giving breadth
and height to the span of the work which was in His
mind and which He wished us to begin ; and as we
stepped forward, the way was opened, the means were
provided at the last minute, and the work was inaugu-
rated with a sweep of blessing which in no other way
it could have received."
In this great auditorium a series of evangelistic services
was held in which Dr. George F. Pentecost participated,
and Mr. and Mrs. George C. Stebbins assisted in the
service of song. Dr. Pentecost was one of the first
prominent leaders to associate himself with these cam-
paigns. His attitude is expressed in a letter sent to the
editors when he heard of the passing of his friend, whom
he was so soon to join in the presence of the Lord.
"With thousands of others I have heard with profound
sorrow of the departure of Dr. Simpson to be with the
Lord whom he loved and whom he so valiantly and faith-
fully served. I have known Dr. Simpson for many
years, in fact, from before the time he came to New
York from Louisville. A most lovable and courageous
man, loyal to his deepest convictions, he launched out
into the deep, cast his net on the other side of Church
conventionalities, and took a great draught of fishes. His
missionary zeal was astonishing and put to shame some
of our older and more conservative Boards. I have met
some of his missionaries in various parts of the pagan
world, and they all seemed animated by his spirit."
After this campaign they met in Steinway Hall, Four-
teenth Street and Fourth Avenue, for the remainder of
the winter. In May, 1882, Grand Opera Hall, Twenty-
third Street and Eighth Avenue, was rented and was
the center of the work for about two years. A tent was
presented by Mr. Heller, a Newark merchant, and a site
on Twenty-third Street, offered without sohcitation by
William Noble. An aggressive evangelistic campaign
was conducted in this tent during the summer of 1882.
The following summer, the tent work was located on
Thirtieth Street near Seventh Avenue, in a section then
the very heart of metropolitan sin and crime. A reporter
wrote of the tent meetings, "Scores have been brought
to conversion during the summer, and scarcely a less
number have been completely cured of diseases, many
being complaints of long standing that have bafifled the
best medical skill. A list of names of those who had been
healed was given, and a number of these were visited,
all of whom gave their testimony' and evinced the most
implicit belief in their healing."
The next place of meeting was unusual. On the second
anniversary of Mr. Simpson's retirement from his city
pulpit Madison Square Garden was transformed into
some semblance of a chapel for the opening of a series
of Gospel meetings. It was seven years since the Garden
had been devoted to religious services, the last occasion
being when Messrs. Moody and Sankey drew large crowds
to the revival meetings. After the special meetings the
work returned to Grand Opera Hall.
In the spring of 1884, a more suitable home, known
as the Twenty-third Street Tabernacle, was secured. At
the opening service Mr. Simpson said: "I am reminded
of a providence I dare not fail to speak of. We desired
to secure this building, then an old Armory, but a strong
financial company, led by Salmi Morse, who had set his
heart upon presenting the blasphemous 'Passion Play,'
had secured it for fifteen years. We did not stop praying.
One lady prayed 'O Lord Jesus, make the carpenters fit
up that place for us. Make the Passion people just dec-
orate and furnish it for us. We cannot afford to pay fifteen
thousand dollars to do it ourselves.' God did put His
hand on it, and He did stop the public production of that
play. After spending seventy thousnd dollars in re-
modelling the building, the project broke down, and the
company gave up the lease. They offered to sell us their
improvements for five thousand dollars. We prayed over
it, and God stopped us from going too fast. The building
was finally put in the market, and sold at auction, and
the gentleman bought whom we prayed would buy it.
The result is that we have been enabled to come in here
without paying a penny for improvements."
Mr. Simpson left for England in 1885, and shortly
afterwards, Mr. Henry Varley, one of the most gifted
and effective of English evangelists, came unexpectedly
in touch with the work in the Twenty-third Street Taber-
nacle, the outcome being that for six weeks in the heat
of summer he conducted a most successful campaign.
This provision was one of many providences discernible
in the story of those early days. God's hand was so evi-
dent that nothing in the way of divine interposition ex-
cited surprise. In his subsequent visits to America, Mr.
Varley never failed to appear on this platform, and was
one of the most welcome speakers in the Tabernacle
and the Alliance Conventions.
THE first decade of Dr. Simpson's ministry in the
new movement, of which quite unintentionally he
became the leader, was an era of evangelism. Dwight L.
Moody was at the zenith of his success. Major J. H.
Cole and Major D. W. Whittle were holding campaigns
in the power of the Spirit. L. W. Munhall, George F.
Pentecost, and George F. Needham were at the begin-
ning of their successful careers as evangelists. E. Pay-
sou Hammond was in the midst of a unique work for the
conversion of children. J. Wilbur Chapman, R. A.
Torrey, and the generation of evangelists, among whom
they were preeminent, were being prepared to follow in
the train of this greatest group of soul winners of mod-
ern times. Dr. Simpson himself had been profoundly
influenced by Whittle, Moody, and Cole, and had become
a recognized leader of a type of pastoral evangelism
which changed the complexion of the ministry of hundreds
of godly men. The true evangelist has had no warmer
friend nor any wiser or more sympathetic counselor. He
could overlook almost any idiosyncrasy if only he were
assured that the man was truly a winner of souls. "Yes,
but he is one of the Lord's children," he would say when
criticised for his leniency.
His preaching never lost the evangelistic note though in
his later years he could not answer the many calls for
meetings in every part of the world. When insuperable
burdens finally overwhelmed him, he was planning to
resume his old time every night meetings in the Gospel
Tabernacle. He never attempted any work that had not
for its object the salvation of souls, and all of his insti-
tutions at home and abroad have been a light brigade
in the great movement for world evangelization.
It was to this that he attributed the blessing which at-
tended his ministry. In the introduction to his little
volume. Present Truth, he says, "Perhaps one reason why
He has been pleased to bless the work which many of us
are permitted so imperfectly to represent is because in
some measure we may have caught His meaning and
may be working out His plan."
The work around which all of the activities connected
with Dr. Simpson's ministry centered was the Gospel
Tabernacle. It was the outcome of his early evangelistic
meetings in New York City.
In Word, Work, and World, which he began to pub-
lish in 1882, he says: "At first there was no formal or-
ganization, but as Christians began to unite in the work
and converts to need a Church home, it became manifest
that God was calling the brethren thus associated to or-
ganize a Christian church for this special work according
to the principles and example of His Word. After much
earnest prayer on the part of the little flock, a meeting
was held at the residence of the pastor on the tenth of
February, 1882, and a church formally organized in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ consisting of thirty-five
persons. In one year the actual membership of the
church has grown to 217, and the stated Sunday evening
congregations are 700. No assessments or pew rents
are allowed, nor any unscriptural ways of sustaining the
Lord's work."
Mr. Simpson was not following a wholly unbeaten
track in his church ideal. "My plan and idea of a church,"
he said, "arc those which are exemplified in the great
London churches of Newman Hall and of Spurgeon,
comprising thousands of members of no particular class,
but of the rich and poor side by side." He did not aim
primarily, as many have supposed, at rescue mission work,
for he wrote: "From the first it was not designed as a
mission to the lowest and vicious classes, but as a self-
supporting work among the middle classes, who have no
church home." This was undertaken, as stated in the
Manual and Constitution, "in a spirit of loving consid-
eration for all our sister churches and a desire to work
in the most courteous and harmonious relations with all
evangelical Christians and congregations of every name."
As the Gospel Tabernacle was an independent church,
it was necessary that it should have its own constitution,
principles, and by-laws. These were exceedingly simple,
the constitution consisting of only eight brief articles of
less than five hundred words, yet covering the essentials
of faith. Profession of living faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ and the evidence of a consistent Christian character
and life were held as the only conditions of membership,
and baptism by immersion upon profession of faith was
practised, but was not compulsory. The specific mission
of the congregation was stated to be the evangeHzation
of neglected classes both at home and abroad.
The atmosphere of the church was wholesome, an J
although it suilered much misrepresentation and carica-
ture, the testimonies of sane religious leaders, which might
be quoted at great length, prove that there was nothing
extreme or fanatical either in the testimony or methods.
In The Christian Inquirer of May 24, 1888, was the fol-
lowing sentence: "It is a mistake to suppose that Mr.
Simpson's work is mainly in the line of propagating the
doctrine of Divine Healing, that being a subordinate
feature. His chief work is purely evangelistic, and in
many of the meetings physical healing is not referred to,
but Christ as the sinner's Friend is the great theme."
Speaking at the October convention in the Tabernacle
in 1891, Dr. Ellinwood, Secretary of the Board of For-
eign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, said, 'T can-
not but pray that God may speed you in your foreign
missionary and every other part of your work in seeking
to lead men from the power of Satan unto God. I re-
joice in all you are doing."
The migrations of the congregation during the first
five years have already been followed. From Twenty-
third Street Tabernacle they removed in May, 1886, to
The Church of the Disciples, an immense building at
the corner of Madison Avenue and Fofty-fifth Street,
erected as a popular church center, where Dr. Hepworth
and Dr. John Newman (afterwards Bishop Newman)
had ministered. This was offered to them at about half
of its value, and after much praver was purchased.
The location proved to be less suitable than had been
anticipated, and after two years an urgent demand for the
property was accepted. For a few months meetings were
held in Wendell Hall and Healey's Hall, while the Taber-
nacle at 692 Eighth Avenue was being erected. The plans
included a book-store on the Eighth Avenue frontage
with rooms for the Missionary Training College above it;
Berachah Home, a six story building fronting on Forty-
fourth Street ; and the Gospel Tabernacle at the rear with
corridors opening on both streets. The cornerstone was
laid January 14th, and the Tabernacle was opened on
June 23, 1889. Thus, after occupying twelve places of
worship in eight years, the congregation found a per-
manent home.
The Gospel Tabernacle was the center of the ever in-
creasing ministry which radiated from the life of Dr.
Simpson until he rested from his labors. Here un-
numbered thousands have been saved, sanctified, healed,
and inspired by the Blessed Hope of the near coming of
the Lord. It still continues to be the most aggressive
center of evangelism in New York City. The poor are
always welcome, and not infrequently drunkards stagger
in through the corridor and go out saved by the grace
of God.
A church with such various activities, with a congre-
gation so widely scattered, and with such a standard of
pulpit ministry as Dr. Simpson maintained required asso-
ciate pastors of rare endowments. The energies of the
senior pastor were more and more divided. Rev. A. E.
Funk, who became assistant pastor in 1886, always had
many duties in the Institute and in the Alliance. Several
men of marked ability and spiritual power have been
associated in the pastorate of the Tabernacle.
From 1891 till his death in 1908 Rev, Henry Wilson,
D.D., was the greatly beloved associate pastor. He had
been deposed from a curacy in Kingston, Ontario, by
the Bishop of the Church of England in Canada because
he had gone to the altar in the Salvation Army barracks,
but had been welcomed by Dr. Rainsford as senior as-
sistant pastor in St. George's Protestant Episcopal Church
in 1883. After coming to New York he had been mar-
velously healed and quickened in the Twenty-third Street
Tabernacle. With Dr. Rainsford's approval, he had
participated in the Tabernacle ministries ; and when he
accepted the associate pastorate in the Gospel Tabernacle,
Bishop Potter said his standing would be unimpaired.
Consequently he maintained a communion service after
the Episcopal order in the chapel of the Gospel Taber-
nacle regularly when in the city. He was Dr. Simpson's
closest friend and most trusted fellow-worker, and his
genial presence and spontaneous joy made him an untold
blessing to the flock and the wider constituency all over
the continent.
Rev. Milton Bales, D.D., a Methodist Episcopal min-
ister, succeeded Dr. Wilson as associate pastor. Later,
Pastor F. E. Marsh, from Sunderland, England, filled
this office, lectured regularly in the Missionary Institute,
and traveled widely in Convention work. Rev. W. T.
MacArthur, one of the first field workers of the Alliance,
devoted his unique gifts to the Tabernacle during 1912
and 1913. Since that time Rev. Elmer B. Fitch, a product
of the Tabernacle itself, has been assistant pastor.
Besides these regular pastors, many men with a mes-
sage were heard in the Tabernacle pulpit. In the early
days Dr. John Cookman, of Bedford Street Methodist
Episcopal Church, was heart and soul with Mr. Simpson
both in his city work and in convention tours. He was
a gifted preacher and a man of rare spirituality, and his
early death was an irreparable loss. Another Methodist
minister, who from the first was associated with Mr.
Simpson, was Rev. Henry C. McBride. The three made
an admirable team for convention work. Someone, when
asked about a meeting they conducted, said, "Simpson
laid the fuel, Cookman kindled the fire, and McBride
went up in the flames."
Rev. F. L. Chapell, D.D., who in his later years was
Principal of Gordon Bible College, Boston, a preacher ot
the prophetic type, was often in the Tabernacle pulpit,
and Dr. Frederick W. Farr, for several years Dean of
the Missionary Training College, was one of the most
frequent and acceptable substitutes in the pastor's ab-
sence. That prince of preachers, Dr. A. T. Pierson, was
always warmly welcomed. In the more recent years the
younger generation of Alliance leaders were frequently
heard in this Mother Church. To its pulpit still come
the most earnest preachers of the day, and not a few of
the great leaders feel as does Dr. C. I. Scofield who, in
his opening remarks at a convention, said that he con-
sidered it a high honor to be upon this platform, and
indeed would have been disappointed if his friend, Dr.
Simpson, had not invited him to be one of the speakers.
A German Branch of the Tabernacle was begun in
1887 through the ministry of Rev. A. E. Funk and others,
which has been used to spread the testimony among
many of the German speaking residents of the city and
which has added many of the most devoted and godly
members to the congregation. Regular services in Ger-
man have been conducted by Pastor Funk.
J "From the first," wrote Dr. Simpson, ''the highest
aim of the Tabernacle has been to labor and pray to
carry out the Great Commission. With this in view,
The Missionary Union for the Evangelization of the
World was organized in 1883." How fully this aim has
been realized is proof of the clear vision which he re-
ceived at the very beginning of God's plan and purpose
through his instrumentality. John Condit and four others
were sent to the Congo in November, 1884, the intention
being to establish a self-supporting mission, but this first
missionary venture failed of permanency. All of the
later missionary efforts were conducted through the So-
ciety formed at Old Orchard in 1887.
Another phase of the missionary effort was the insti-
tution of the Missionary Training College in October,
1883. This opens such a large chapter in Dr. Simpson's
Hfe that Dean Turnbull will discuss it in a special
Though the movement was not a Rescue Mission, spe-
cial efforts were made from the very beginning to reach
the submerged element in the city, and such missions in
New York and elsewhere look to the Alliance for the
warmest sympathy and support. The closing day of the
New York convention has always been devoted entirely
to meetings for Rescue Missions, and draws together a
large number of their leaders.
In 1885 two such missions were commenced. One of
these, at Thirteenth Street, near Greenwich Street, was
conducted and sustained entirely by the young men of
the Twenty-third Street Tabernacle. The treasurer was
Franklin L. Groff, who still continues in active asso-
ciation with the Tabernacle, and whose business genius
has been used in his office as Financial Secretary of the
Christian and Missionary Alliance to establish a thorough-
going system in the work of the society.
The other, known as Berachah Mission, instituted and
conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Naylor, was opened
on Twenty-ninth Street near Ninth Avenue in the Autumn
of 1885. Mrs. Naylor had been wonderfully healed, and
their life and fortune were consecrated to the Lord's ser-
vice. They purchased a site at Tenth Avenue and West
Thirty-second Street, and erected the best equipped mis-
sion in the city at a cost of more than thirty thousand
dollars. It was dedicated on Mr. Naylor's fiftieth birth-
day, June 21 st, 1887, and for many years reached thou-
sands of the most degraded and neglected of the people
4 C^-4 -i: O
in Lhis district which was then such a den of iniquity that
it was known as Hell's Kitchen. It also maintained a
special work for sailors. Dr. Dowkonnt, of the Medical
Mission, held a free dispensary and gave medical attend-
ance without charge to the poor of the neighborhood.
Rev. Robert Henck was pastor and superintendent for
some years, and after Mr. Naylor's death was united in
marriage with Mrs. Naylor.
In 1889 a branch, known as the Eleventh Avenue Mis-
sion, was opened on Eleventh Avenue near Thirty-eighth
Street by converts and workers of the Berachah Mission
where fruitful soul saving work was carried on.
As one of the earliest developments a service was
opened in 1882 at 120 West Twenty-seventh Street for
the salvation of the fallen women who crowded that part
of the city, Mrs. Henry Naylor being the chairman of a
committee of ladies who had this work in charge. This
ministry has been continued under other auspices as the
Margaret Strachan Home.
Mrs. E. M. Whittemore, like Mrs. Naylor, had re-
ceived a great spiritual quickening when she was healed,
and also devoted herself to rescue work for girls. In
1891 The Door of Hope was opened, and this mission has
been one of the monuments to faith in God. It has al-
ways had the hearty co-operation of Dr. Simpson and
the Gospel Tabernacle.
The South Street Mission also originated with the
ladies of the Tabernacle but was taken up and wholly sus-
tained by Mrs. D. W. Bishop, a friend of the work. It
has been known for many years as the Catherine Street
Mission, is under the superintendency of Miss Margaret
Delaney, and is still in cordial fellowship with the
The Colby Mission, Greeenpoint, Brooklyn, was car-
ried on and supported for twenty years by Mr. Charles
Colby and his family, who had been inspired to service
through Dr. Simpson's ministry. Rev. A. E. Funk assisted
very frequently, especially in dispensing the ordinances.
The Eighth Avenue Mission was opened in 1899 by
Miss May Agnew, the Organization Secretary of the C.
and M. A. and one of Dr. Simpson's most devoted
helpers. Miss Sarah Wray, of England, joined her soon
afterwards as her associate and since Miss Agnew's mar-
riage to Rev, H. L. Stephens has been the superintendent
of this soul-saving station which is now located at 290
Eighth Avenue. There is no Mission on the continent
where the fullness of Christ is held forth to sinners with
greater power and attractiveness, and perhaps no other
that participates so actively in the work of foreign mis-
Various ministries for children were undertaken quite
apart from the regular Sunday School work in the Taber-
nacle and missions. Berachah Orphanage was opened
in the summer of 1886 at 329 East Fiftieth Street in
answer to the prayers and under the oversight of Mrs.
O. S. Schultz, who afterwards became joint superintend-
ent with Mr. Schultz. After occupying various buildings
in New York the Orphanage was located at College
Point, L, I., the property being purchased through a gift
by Mr. Joseph Battin. It also was a work of faith, and
like all such had many testings. The first came almost
immediately, when unsympathetic state officials closed it
because it had not received a charter. But at the hearing
the opposing party inadvertently read a clause of the
law which gave the Commissioners the privilege of grant-
ing a temporary license, and that very day the children
returned to the Orphanage.
The Junior Missionary Alliance, with a department
known as the King's Lilies, was organized in 1891, with
that lover of children, Dr. Henry Wilson, as president.
Mrs. A. B. Simpson, the treasurer, and Miss E. M. Brick-
ensteen, the secretary, devoted themselves to this min-
istry. A unique series of studies for children on the
Fourfold Gospel and Missions were prepared and widely
circulated. The children's meetings at the great summer
conventions are still a feature of never failing interest,
the contributions of the children being a revelation to
many a wealthy church member who has been present at
their jug breaking.
A number of young people's meetings and societies
grew up, among which were the Young Ladies' Christian
Alliance, commenced in a small prayer meeting at the
first convention at Old Orchard, in 1886; the Young
Ladies' Christian League, organized in 1891, of which
Mrs. C. deP. Field was the leader; and the Young Men's
Crusade. During recent years the Young People's Al-
liance has been a very vigorous and spiritual work, main-
tained in the Tabernacle by the younger members. Be-
sides their own regular meetings they carry on meetings
on the street, on shipboard, and work in the hospital.
The Young People's Association in the Alliance branches
is everywhere characterized by intense missionary zeal.
It would seem that no one life could support so many
activities. Yet we have scarcely mentioned Dr. Simp-
son's literary and publication work, the Missionary Insti-
tute, Berachah Home and the ministry of healing, the
great conventions with their distinctive features, nor yet
the greatest product of his life, The Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance. These are so distinct and important
that a chapter will be devoted to each of them.
Into few lives has as much been crowded as the Spirit
of God wrought in and through A. B. Simpson in the
first decade of this larger ministry. Looking back over
it, his own heart was hushed and solemnized, and he ex-
pressed something of what it meant to himself in these
verses :
"And what has the decade brought
For God, and man, and thee?
O Master, sure it can mean to none
All it has meant to me.
O blessed years,
Begun with fears.
But spanned tonight
With rainbow light
For all eternity.
"It has brought the richest work of life.
It has brought His healing power;
It has given the dearest friends of earth
And countless blessings more.
O dear Decade,
Thy light and shade
Have seemed to fall
With Christ in all
A joyful memory."
THERE has been no more unique feature in Dr. Simp-
son's ministry than the conventions which he and
his associates have conducted in many parts of the
world. They have been unlike all other gatherings, al-
though partaking of many of the essential features of the
usual camp meetings, conferences, and conventions. For
one of the elements of Dr. Simpson's genius was his
ability to adapt other men's methods to the specific aims
and objects which he wished to attain. The fervor of
the old time camp ground, the sweet fellowship of the
Keswick meetings, the strong message of the best Bible
conferences, the inspiration of prophetic gatherings, the
aggressive note of evangelistic campaigns, and the world
vision of missionary convocations — all mingled in these
conventions. Saints and sinners old men and young chil-
dren, great spiritual leaders and babes in Christ — all found
their portion of meat at this table. These gatherings were
neither dull nor sensational, neither formal nor without
order, neither without spiritual freedom nor given over
to demonstrative extravagances. They were a puzzle to
the professor of religious psychology and an enigma to
the reporter, but to the hungry-hearted they were a feast,
to the weary a refreshing, to the sick a fountain of heal-
ing, to the Christian worker an inspiration, and to the
worn missionary a haven of rest.
The convention was the expression of Dr. Simpson's
very life and personality. His simplicity, his humility,
his gracioLisness, his freedom, his brothediness, his deep
insight into truth, his conservatism, his breadth of vision,
his passion, and his supreme devotion to Christ seemed
to pervade the very atmosphere and to control every
meeting. He created a type that reproduced itself so that
in the hundreds of conventions which he could not attend,
the same spirit wrs manifest, and continues, since his
homegoing, in these great gatherings.
These conventions have done more than any other single
agency, except Dr. Simpson's pen, to disseminate the
truth which he so loved and to call men to the service in
which his own life burned out. Sometimes critics were
won by the atmosphere and the spirit which he mani-
fested in a meeting where his masterful appeal was not
heard. A lady who had consistently opposed her hus-
band was induced to attend a Canadian convention. Dr.
Simpson was announced as the principal speaker at the
afternoon meeting, but his train was late, and the session
was nearly over when he arrived. He slipped quietly in
at the side door and with bowed head took a seat at the
rear of the platform, quite unnoticed by the chairman.
The gentleman nudged his wife and said, "That's him."
She watched him for a moment, and then her eyes fell.
She had expected to see some assertive demagogue, and
the first glance revealed to her a man with the spirit of
the Man of Galilee. He had won a friend and disciple.
A Presbyterian minister from the South, who was at Old
Orchard, received a letter warning him against the the-
ology of the Alliance. "Bless you," he wrote in reply,
"their theology is all gone up in doxology."
These conventions began in the Twenty-third Street
Tabernacle in 1884. The object was "to gather Chris-
tians of common faith and spirit for fellowship; to study
the Word of God ; to promote a deeper spiritual life
among Christians ; to seek a better understanding of the
teachings of the Scriptures respecting our physical life in
Christ ; to wait upon the Lord for a special baptism of
the Holy Spirit for life and service; to encourage each
other's hearts in the prospect of the glorious appearing
of the Lord ; and to promote the work of evangelization
at home and missions abroad."
At the second annual convention in the Twenty-third
Street Tabernacle the speakers included Mrs. Baxter, of
Bethshan, London; and Mrs. Stroud-Smith, from the
Isle of Man; Dr. W. S. Rainsford and Dr. Henry Wilson,
of St, George's Protestant Episcopal Church, New York ;
Dr. John E. Cookman, of the Bedford Street M. E.
Church, New York ; Rev. Kenneth Mackenzie, Jr., of
the Church of the Holy Trinity, New York; Dr. T. C.
Easton, East Orange, N. J. ; Rev. H. W. Brown, Chicago ;
Miss Carrie F. Judd, now Mrs. George H. Montgomery,
Buffalo; Rev. Charles H. Gibbud; Rev. Jacob Freshman,
of the Jewish Mission; Josephus Pulis ; Captain Lewis
W. Pennington and Evangelist John Currie of Brooklyn ;
and Henry J. Pierson, of Boston.
This second convention in New York so impressed
Christian workers that invitations came to hold similar
meetings in the largest cities on the continent. The first
series included Brooklyn, Buffalo, and Philadelphia in
October, and Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Detroit in No-
vember and December, 1885. Some of these were held
in large halls and others in leading city churches of va-
rious denominations. In spite of some adverse criticism,
these meetings commended themselves to a wide circle
in the Church. Rev. Dr. Spencer, pastor of the First
Methodist Church, Chicago, where the convention was
held, wrote indignantly concerning a telegraphic report of
those meetings. "I have been very greatly pained to see an
extract from the Detroit Tribune in reference to the con-
vention held here by yourself, Dr. Cookman, and others.
It is a scandalous libel and slander against you and your
associates. I am not a believer in the particular doctrine
of healing which you teach and did not sympathize with
the anointing service, yet I want the more to be fair and
candid. While many were not friendly to the convention,
they could not but respect the decorum, the propriety, the
solemnity of the services and especially the anointing
The Herald and Presbyter, of Cincinnati, the leading
Presbyterian journal of the middle West, contained the
following account of the Pittsburgh meetings. "The
Faith Cure Convention which was held in Pittsburgh drew
both through curiosity and sympathy a goodly number,
and excited much comment especially among Christian
believers. There was no question of the sincerity and
integrity of character of the more prominent leaders, and
the testimony of those who declare themselves to have
been healed was listened to with great interest and re-
spect. This is not the place to enter upon a discussion of
the merits of this special phase of belief, but it was pleas-
ant to find the conference so entirely evangelical and so
full of Christ. It had little of the characteristics which
are ordinarily found in meetings of this kind ; and, except
for the ceremony of anointing with oil, was scarcely un-
usual in any way. This ceremony naturally excites cu-
riosity, yet it was merely an evident attempt to fulfil the
literal counsel of James."
In the same kindly spirit the Michigan Christian Advo-
cate referred to the meetings in the Woodward Avenue
Congregational Church, Detroit. "This convention was
to us personally a feast as rare as it was refreshing. All
our aversion and prejudice, and we were full enough of
both, disappeared under the genial and irresistible warmth
of their ardent faith and what seemed to us their daring
trust in God. Cranks they may be in the popular defini-
tion, but it is for the lack of just such crankiness that
the Christian Church languishes today. If conversion to
such a doctrine involves the masterly grasp of spiritual
truth and that sublime nearness to God in prayer which
characterizes these people, we cannot accept it too soon
or too strongly. We were glad of at least one conven-
tion in which the methods of pastors and the failings of
the Church were not held up for caustic criticism and
biting ridicule and in which there was a genial recogni-
tion that we were one in the work of the Master. . . .
There was noticeably an entire discrediting of self. The
anointing was nothing; their agency was nothing; Christ
was everything. It is not a small thing to have their faith
and realizing sense of God's immediate presence with
them, and this, they claim, was an integral part of their
healing. They have their health, their spiritual elevation,
and their keen enjoyment of unceasing labor for God.
On the other hand, we have our invincible theories, our
conventional piety, our unimpeachable orthodoxy, and
our doctor's bills. Ought we not to be satisfied ?"
J The two great central conventions have been held an-
nually in New York and Old Orchard Beach, Maine,
where in 1881 Mr. Simpson met one of the great crises
of his life during Dr. Cullis' convention. Flalf a mile
from the shore there is a grove with a natural amphi-
theater. A number of annual religious conventions were
held on this ground. Rev. H. Chase, one of the Camp-
!TCLD£.X<( foundations
ground directors, attended the second convention in the
Twenty-third Street Tabernacle, and there gave this testi-
mony: "I have learned here to receive Christ in His ful-
ness as never before, and I shall go home, praising Him
for a finished redemption, to live out His Hfe in me and
serve Him with all my heart. I cordially invite you all
to Old Orchard next summer for a similar convention."
Later an earnest request came from the directors of the
Old Orchard Camp-ground for a conference for Chris-
tian Life, Work, and Divine Healing to be held for ten
days in the summer of 1886.
The first Old Orchard convention was the outcome of
these invitations and was held August 3-10, 1886. Among
the speakers beside Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were Mr.
W. E. Blackstone, Chicago ; Dr. H. L. Hastings, of Bos-
ton ; Dr. Henry C. McBride, Ocean Grove ; George B.
Peck, M. D., Boston ; Mrs. Henry Pierson, Boston ; Rev.
John Cookman, D.D., Rev. Dr. Munger, Rev. A. E.
Funk, Rev. C. N. Kinney, Mrs. Henry Naylor, Mrs. M.
J. Clark, Mrs. O. S. Schultz, Miss Sara Lindenberger,
and Miss Harriet Waterbury.
The subject of missions was pressed upon this con-
vention. Mr. Blackstone delivered an epoch-marking ad-
dress on Tibet, the last great stronghold remaining to be
captured for Christ. Such a profound impression was
made that steps were taken to organize a missionary so-
ciety to carry the gospel to Tibet and other unevangelized
regions. It was this moving of God's Spirit at the first
Old Orchard convention which resulted in the world-
girdling missionary movement of which Dr. Simpson has
been the leader. At the second convention the movement
took definite form in the organization of what was then
called The Evangelical Missionary Alliance.
The early days of August have ever since witnessed
one of the most remarkable religious gatherings of modern
times. Dr. Simpson himself always gave his best in a
series of addresses, and for thirty-two years his OM Or-
chard missionary sermons were among the greatest mis-
sionary appeals ever delivered. He gathered around him
on this platform and at the New York convention the
most deeply spiritual leaders and missionaries of the
world, among whom were Dr. Andrew Murray, Dr.
Baedeker, Mr. Henry Varley, Dr. Harry Guinness, Dr.
F. B. Meyer, Dr. J. Hudson Taylor, Pastor Stockmeyer,
Dr. John Robertson, Rev. John McNeill, Rev. Barclay
Buxton, Rev. Charles Inwood, Pastor F. E. Marsh, Rev.
D. H. Moore, Rev. Charles Inglis, Pastor Joseph Kemp,
and many others from abroad were heard from time to
time. The list of Americans would fill pages. We may
mention Dr. A. J. Gordon, Dr. A. T. Pierson, Dr. H. L.
Hastings, Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dr. George F. Pentecost,
Mr. D. L. Moody, Major D. W. Whittle, Major J. H.
Cole, Dr. James A. Brookes, Dr. Ellinwood, Mr. W. E.
Blackstone, Dr. C. I. Scofield, Dr. Nathaniel West, Dr.
F. L. Chapell, Dr. James M. Gray, Dr. Charles A. Blan-
chard. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, Dr. Robert Stuart Mac-
Arthur, Rev. Henri De Vries, Dr. Robert Cameron, Dr.
D. M. Stearns, Dr. Robert E. Speer, Dr. J. Campbell
White, Dr. A. C. Dixon, Dr. W. B. Riley, Dr. Egerton
Young, Dr. C. C. Morrison, Rev. Henry Frost, Rev. Seth
Rees, Dr. John Oerter, Colonel Clark, Dr. Henry C.
Mabie, Mr. Charles G. Trumbull, Colonel Henry Hadley,
Mr. Sam Hadley, Mrs. Phoebe Palmer, Mrs. Margaret
Bottome, and Miss Frances E. Willard. This does not
include any of the great men who were an integral part
of the Alliance.
Frequently the attendance at the New York conven-
tion overflowed the Gospel Tabernacle, and the services
had to be held in some large neighboring theatre or in
Carnegie Hall.
One of the proofs of the power of these great conver.-
tions was the attention given to them in the daily press.
Sometimes a whole page was devoted in the New York
and Boston papers to these reports. Cuts caricaturing
Dr. Simpson and the audience and burlesque reports of
the proceedings frequently appeared. Occasionally, how-
ever, a keenly incisive sketch was published. Sometimes
it came from a wholly unexpected source. A reporter
from the Neiv York Journal called one day on Mr. Simp-
son and asked him, "Do you know when the Lord is
coming?" "Yes," replied Mr. Simpson, "and I will tell
you if you will promise to print just what I say, refer-
ences and all." The reporter's notebook was out in a mo-
ment. "Then put this down: 'This gospel of the king-
dom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto
all nations, and then shall the end come' (Matt. 24:14).
Have you written the reference?" "Yes, what more?"
"Nothing more." The reporter laid down his pencil and
said, "Do you mean to say that you believe that when
the Gospel has been preached to all nations Jesus will
return?" "Just that," said Dr. Simpson. "Then," re-
plied the reporter, "I think I begin to see daylight."
"What do you think you see?" "Why, I see the motive
and the motive-power in this movement." "Then," said
Dr. Simpson, "you see more than some of the doctors of
divinity." And the next morning the Journal constitu-
ency were given this simple dialogue with a most appre-
ciative and sympathetic sketch of Dr. Simpson and his
The conventions in other cities have been one of the
great outlets for the testimony of the Alhance. Unnum-
bered muhitudes have heard the message who otherwise
would never have been touched by it. Most of these have
remained in their churches, themselves quickened into
new Hfe and their lives empowered for hitherto un-
thought of service. The ministry of many a pastor has
been transformed. Hundreds have been called into Chris-
tian service who had never dreamed of such a life. A
brilliant young woman, who was a court stenographer
in St. Louis, was asked to report a convention in that
city. Thinking it was a medical conference, she con-
sented. She was amazed when Mr. Simpson rose at the
beginning of the first meeting and said, "Let us pray."
She was unconverted, but the Holy Spirit turned her
heart to search after eternal realities, and before the year
ended she had accepted Christ. She started to read the
Bible, but "could not make head or tail out of it," so she
went to the Moody Bible Institute. She is now known
the world around as Miss Grace Saxe, Bible teacher of
the Torrey- Alexander campaigns, and later of the "Billy"
Sunday party.
When Mr. Simpson made his first trip to Great Britain
during his Hamilton pastorate, he went as a tourist. When
he returned in June, 1885, he was the most prominent
delegate among hundreds from various lands at the
Bethshan Conference. This conference brought together
representative teachers on the Deeper Life from all parts
of the world, some of the principal speakers being Dr.
Simpson, Pastors Schrenk and Stocker, of Switzerland,
and Dr. W. E. Boardman, Robert McKilliam, M. D., Mrs.
M. Baxter, and Mrs. Katherine Brodie, of London, it
began in Bethshan Hall, the headquarters of the work of
Dr. and Mrs. Boardman, but, owing to the large attend-
ance, Agricultural Hall was secured.
In Liverpool large audiences assembled in Hope Hall
where at one of the meetings more than eighty persons
were anointed for healing. Other conventions were held
in Brighton, Worthing, Blackheath, Newcastle and Edin-
The last of the series was held in the beautiful Scot-
tish capital. Writing of this meeting Mr. Simpson said:
"When we were last in Edinburgh fifteen years ago, we
were received with cordial kindness and hospitality by
the Presbyterian friends in the great Assembly in May,
and had the privilege of meeting many of the great and
good men of that Church, and even speaking in the Free
Church Assembly Hall, in behalf of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada. But now we were to represent a
much less popular interest. Indeed, we were to stand
under the suspicion of doubtful, if not false teaching."
Many ministers and medical students were in the au-
diences. At the first meeting a medical student tried to
force a discussion on Divine healing, though the subject
had not yet been mentioned. The medical students con-
nected with the Edinburgh Medical Mission were deeply
impressed during the meetings and asked for a private
conference, which the main body of medical students at-
tempted to break up, but the wisdom given to Dr. Simp-
son, Dr. McKilliam, and the other leaders, prevailed. The
series of conferences made a deep and lasting impression
in Great Britain, and much fruit resulted in after days.
The most important journey abroad in Dr. Simpson's
ministry was his tour of the mission fields in 1893. He
left New York in January for Great Britain where he held
important conferences with missionary secretaries, in-
eluding Dr. Hudson Taylor and the leaders of the Church
Missionary Society, addressed a number of large gather-
ings, and renewed precious fellowships with English
A direct journey across the continent and the Mediter-
ranean, a brief visit in Cairo and other Egyptian towns,
a landing through the breakers at Jaffa, and he stood
among sacred scenes. His brief visit to the Holy Land
was one of the sweetest memories of his life.
"Sweet Olivet, sweet Bethany,
My heart shall oft remember thee"
is a couplet from one of several beautiful hymns and
poems which he composed during that visit. He was
kindly received by the missionaries of other societies in
Jerusalem and assisted in the opening services of the
Mildmay Mission Hospital at Hebron, then under the
charge of Mrs. Bowie, of England. The Alliance had no
mission in Palestine at that time, but Miss Lucy Dunn
and Miss E. J. Robertson had been in Jerusalem for three
years supported by friends of the Alliance. On Mr.
Simpson's return to New York the Board decided to take
up work in the Land of our Lord.
The latter part of February and all of March were
spent in India, visiting and encouraging the Alliance mis-
sions in the province of Berar, under the leadership of
Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Fuller, and in a rapid survey of the
work of other societies in the great cities of India.
As Rangoon and Singapore were ports of call, Dr.
Simpson was permitted to touch the mission work in
Burmah and the Malay Peninsula. In Hongkong, then
the great missionary center for South China ; Canton, the
southern mercantile capital, and Macao, where Robert
Morrison landed as the first missionary to China, he
made a careful Study of the South China field, where a
little company of Alliance missionaries were preparing
for the great pioneer work which was to follow. Similar
studies in Central China, where the Alliance had estab-
lished a mission, and in the North, where Miss Duow and
others were located in Pekin, occupied the remainder of
his two months' visit to this great empire. He had not
time to enter Manchuria, where the Swedish Alliance
Mission had been begun in the previous year.
Dr. Simpson's three weeks' journey through Japan was
arranged by Dr. and Mrs. T. Gulick of Kyoto, the an-
cient capital, who afterward took the oversight of the
Alliance work then in its inception in this island empire.
On July /th he left Yokohama and, after a call in the
mid-Pacific at Honolulu, reached San Francisco and
crossed the continent, arriving at home just in time for the
Old Orchard Convention.
In all the countries visited Dr. Simpson was warmly
welcomed by other missions. He addressed numerous
regular gatherings as well as specially arranged meetings
and conferences, and gave in spiritual blessing quite
as much as he gained in knowledge of the mission field.
A full account of this deputational tour was published
in Larger Outlooks on Missionary Lands, a volume which
is replete with information about the lands which had
been visited.
One paragraph, written in Japan, touches his family
history. "From across the great seas came also the mes-
sage that our own dear mother had just gone to join our
revered and honored father in the home above. We
thanked our Heavenly Father for her fourscore years
and the sweet memory of her life and love, and for our
dear and venerable father, who, at eighty-four, had just
a little while ago passed on before. How much of the
rich blessing that has crowded our life is due to their
faithful prayers! Thank God for their precious lives
and everlasting memorial."
In January, iQio, Dr. Simpson left New York for
another missionary journey. He called at St. Thomas
in the West Indian Islands, at several Brazilian
cities, spent a week in our Argentine missions, sailed
around Cape Horn, visited Chile and the Alliance mis-
sions in that republic, touched Peru, then Ecuador, where
a few Alliance missionaries are almost alone as light-
bearers of the Gospel, and thence journeyed homeward by
way of Panama. There he was exposed to a contagious
fever which, but for answered prayer, would have sub-
jected him to detention in the pest house. He felt that
it had been permitted to enable him to enter more fully
into the testings which the missionaries endured in tropi-
cal climates. This trip so greatly enlarged his missionary
vision that he said he had discovered South America.
In the Spring of 191 1 Dr. Simpson again visited Great
Britain, his last tour abroad. He was accompanied by
Dr. R. H. Glover, who had just arrived from China on
furlough, and Pastor F. E. Marsh, of Bristol, England,
who had arranged a series of conventions extending over
a period of nearly three months, and covering nearly all
the principal cities from London to Dundee. Dr. Simp-
son also preached in many of the large churches and was
welcomed by such Christian leaders as Dr. F. B. Meyer,
Dr. R. F. Horton, Rev. Samuel H. Wilkinson, Rev.
Joseph Kemp, Rev. W. Graham Scroggie, Rev. J. Bar-
clay Buxton, Rev. D. H. Moore, Rev. Cecil Polhill-Turner,
and Mr. Louis P. Nott. Besides this series of conven-
tions, tlie party was invited to participate in several of
the well known stated conventions for the deepening of
the spiritual life.
This deputational visit added thousands to the friends
which Dr. Simpson had already made in Great Britain.
Nowhere was his message and ministry more greatly ap-
preciated, and he received pressing invitations to return
for service in an even wider sphere, but this was one of
the many calls to which he was never able to respond.
The reverence so manifest in British audiences and the
sincerity evidenced in both criticism and approbation
found a responsive chord in Dr. Simpson's heart, and he
highly prized the fellowship of the large circle who knew
him face to face and the greater number to whom his
writings were as the words of a father in Israel.
IT is evident that Albert B. Simpson, like Paul, the
apostle to the Gentiles, had been separated from his
birth unto a missionary ministry. His mother had dedi-
cated him to this high calling.* When he was a few
weeks old, he was baptized by the Rev. John Geddie, who
was on the eve of departure to Aneityum, in the South
Sea Islands, as the first Canadian missionary, and who
consecrated the child to missionary service. In sending
out this pioneer, the Presbytery of Prince Edward Island
laid the foundations of the great foreign missionary work
of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. And what a foun-
dation ! The epitaph on Geddie's tomb on the island of
Aneityum reads: "When he landed in 1848, there were
no Christians; when he left in 1872, there were no heath-
ens." In the passion of that consecration prayer this
missionary apostle begat a son in his own likeness.
The prayer made an indelible impression on John Ged-
die's memory. When on furlough twenty-one years after-
ward, he sought out James Simpson and inquired for the
boy whom he had dedicated. On being informed that he
was preaching in Hamilton, licensed but not yet ordained,
Mr. Geddie immediately visited the young minister and
informed him that in his baptism he had been devoted
to the proclamation of the Gospel.
Another great missionary hero deeply affected his life.
His sister says, "When Albert was about nine years of
♦See page 37 (M. S.)
age, he read the life of Rev. John Williams, the martyr
missionary of Erromanga, and was so impressed with it
that he devoted himself to the work of the Lord, and he
never swerved from his determination."
It may have been John Geddie who aroused the par-
ents to a world vision of the Church's work, but whatever
the cause, the Simpson home had a missionary atmosphere.
If the mother consecrated the babe to telling out the
story, the father did not fail to lead the family to the
throne of grace for their friend in Aneityum and his fel-
lows on the outposts of service. For he had a deep in-
terest in missions. One of Mr. Simpson's classmates, who
was stationed in the Presbytery of Chatham, testifies
that James Simpson, the representative elder of his con-
gregation, was one of the missionary forces in the presby-
The call of a waiting world, which had come to the
lad, was not lost in college; and when Albert Simpson
graduated, he still desired to offer himself to the Church
for its foreign service. These claims and the calls from
important home centers were weighed, and, after consul-
tation with his betrothed, the invitation to Knox Church,
Hamilton, was accepted. A marked increase in mission-
ary interest was noted in that congregation during his
It was while pastor in Louisville that the crisis came
which turned the whole course of A. B. Simpson's life.
Part of that upheaval affected his relation to foreign
missions. He had gone to the Believers' Conference at
Watkins' Glen in 1878, for rest, refreshing, and physical
recuperation. Mingled with the teaching of the deep
things of God, for which his heart was hungering, there
was a strong missionary note for which his mind and
spirit had been undergoing a long course of preparation.
He left the conference deeply stirred, and went west
to visit friends near Chicago for further rest and waiting
on God. There the burden of a Christless world was
rolled upon him by the Spirit of God. In a sermon
preached in August, 1894, on The Macedonian Cry, he
tells how the vision came to him.
"Never shall I forget how, eighteen years ago, I was
awakened one night from sleep, trembling with a strange
and solemn sense of God's overshadowing power, and
on my soul was burning the remembrance of a strange
dream through which I had that moment come. It
seemed to me that I was sitting in a vast auditorium, and
millions of people were there sitting around me. All the
Christians in the world seemed to be there, and on the
platform was a great multitude of faces and forms. They
seemed to be mostly Chinese. They were not speaking,
but in mute anguish were wringing their hands, and their
faces wore an expression that I can never forget. I had
not been thinking or speaking of the Chinese or the
heathen world, but as I awoke with that vision on my
mind, I did tremble with the Holy Spirit, and I threw
myself on my knees, and every fibre of my being an-
swered, 'Yes, Lord, I will go.'
"I tried for months to find an open door, but the way
was closed, and years afterward God showed me that
He had laid the question on my heart, and until He al-
lowed me to go forth, if I ever did, I was to labor for
the world and the perishing heathen just the same as if
I were permitted to go among them."
When Mr. Simpson decided to turn his back on the
inviting prospect of an ever widening ministry at home
and "depart far hence unto the Gentiles," he immediately
wrote to Mrs. Simpson, telling her of his decision, and
asking her to unite with him in this new consecration
and to be ready to go with their children to China as
soon as the way opened. The missionary vision had not
yet come to Mrs. Simpson. She had been willing to leave
her loved Canada at the call of the people of the sunny
South. But China ! Her practical nature, her mother
instinct, and perhaps her womanly ambition for her bril-
liant husband all answered No. Looking back on it all
now, she herself tells the story. "I was not then ready
for such a sacrifice. I wrote to him that it was all right
— he might go to China himself — I would remain at home
and support and care for the children. I knew that would
settle him for a while."
He did not lose his vision. Not for others, but as his
heart's deepest expression he wrote,
"To the regions beyond I must go,
Where the story has never been told ;
To the millions that never have heard of His love,
I must tell the sweet story of old."
Yet in the light of what has come to pass, no one can now
believe that the Spirit of God had planned a place for
him in China. The Lord of the Harvest had larger
designs, a mightier ministry for this man whose life He
had been moulding from his birth. First of all, how-
ever, his heart must go to the ends of the earth to be
chained there in endless bondage to the cry of the un-
evangelized millions of heathen lands, of the Moslem
world, aye, and of the scattered and peeled sons of Israel.
Hence his enthralled heart was ever singing his own
plaintive song:
"A hundred thousand souls a day
Are passing one by one away,
In Christless guilt and gloom.
Without one ray of hope or light,
With future dark as endless night,
They're passing to their doom."
Mrs. Simpson is our authority for saying that it was
this cry from heathen lands, rather than the call of the
metropolis with its unevangelized multitudes, that de-
cided him to accept a pulpit in New York. He wanted
to be at the centre, in touch with the lines radiating to
the ends of the earth. Moreover he had a well matured
plan for an illustrated Missionary Monthly, and with that
unerring instinct which so often led him to the right trail,
he knew that such an enterprise should be launched in
New York.
It was a daring proposal. He was laughed at alike
by publishers and missionary leaders. They did not know
that a new force had appeared, who, like every leader,
was a decade or two ahead of his times. He pursued
his purpose, and though he broke physically and men-
tally under the strain, The Gospel in All Lands was
established, and in other hands remained for years the
pioneer and pattern of illustrated missionary periodicals.
There was a charm about his presentation of the mis-
sionary claim that appealed alike to young and old. He
was so in love with his Master's plan for the redemption
of the world that he never failed to make it appear fas-
cinating and arresting. Dr. Harlan P. Beach, Professor
of Missions in Yale University, said: "Do not forget to
mention as one of his great achievements the institution
of a pictorial review. Dr. Simpson was the first to make
the missionary story beautiful and attractive." No
keener judgment was ever passed upon his ministry.
The great battle cry of th^ Student Volunteer Move-
ment has been The Evangelization of the World in This
Generation. John R. Mott said truly, "No other genera-
tion but ours can evangelize the present generation," and
years ago Robert E. Speer boldly defended the evident
premillennial viewpoint of the watchword. Both of these
aspects, responsibility and immediacy, were marked in
Dr. Simpson's conception of our relation to missions. In
one of his too little read books, The Christ of the Forty
Days, he states this with his usual incisiveness. "It is a
very simple and a very awful responsibility, and looking
in the face of every one of us, the Master simply asks,
'Are you going to do what I tell you, or not ?' There is
no possibility of evasion. He simply says, 'Go ye,' and
we must go or disobey." And again — "Unless I am sure
I am doing more at home to send the Gospel abroad than
I can do abroad, I am bound to go; and if He wants m.e,
I am ready to go whenever He calls and makes it plain.
This and this alone is the attitude of fidelity on the part
of each of us to this sacred word of our departing Lord."
To him the immediacy of the need arose, not merely
from our responsibility to the men of our own generation,
but, even more, from the plan of God for the working
out of the salvation of all mankind. He believed that
God is visiting the nations, "to take out of them a people
for His name," and that,
"After these things I will return,
And I will build again the tabernacle of David which is fallen;
That the residue of men may seek after the Lord,
And all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called,
Saith the Lord, who maketh these things known from of old."
(Acts 15:16-18.)
This links missions inseparably with the second coming
of our Lord. It was this point of approach that made
Dr. Simpson's teaching of the Second Coming so whole-
some and practical, and missionary work a service of
love to our coming King.
His great missionary text was Matthew 24:14, "And
this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the
end come." He firmly believed that this is the business
of the Church during this dispensation and a necessary
preparation for the coming of the Lord. In an early
number of Word, Work and World, he wrote: "The
last great missionary movement therefore will be a uni-
versal proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Is
this the ordinary Gospel Message? Or is it a special
proclamation of the Advent and the reign of Jesus?
Young translates it, 'this Gospel of the reign.' It is the
midnight cry, 'Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out
to meet him.' Already it is beginning to sound over
Christian nations. But it is a cry which the heathen
must hear, and which will awake the slumbering nations
as no other call."
This affected his ideal for the Church. He expressed it
forcefully in a paragraph already quoted from his address
at the opening of the new church edifice in Louisville. His
heart was gladdened as he saw his ideal becoming a real-
ity in the Gospel Tabernacle. That work was born with
a missionary passion. When it was a year old, it formed
a missionary society, and, in its second year, it sent five
of its members to the Congo. When it moved to the
Madison Avenue Tabernacle, the pastor was able to say
in his opening sermon, "I am glad this church has eome
members today in India, though it is a little church of
only four or five years' birth. I am glad it has some
members in Central Africa today, some in England, and
some in almost every state in the Union. Oh, I trust the
day will come when we shall count them by thousands in
foreign lands. I believe the greatest purpose of God in
sending us here, next to preparation for His coming, is
to send the Gospel everywhere."
No leader ever saw his ideal embodied in a movement
more perfectly than Dr. Simpson's missionary passion
has been reproduced in his followers. The Alliance
Branches may sometimes have neglected to provide ade-
quately for their superintendents, but they have never
failed when the missionary offering was called for. The
leaders themselves may be straitened, but no personal need
ever prevents an Alliance worker from pressing the mis-
sionary appeal. The pledges received at the local annual
conventions are even more of a marvel to the public which
observes them than the first great offerings were at Old
Orchard and New York City. The only explanation that
can be offered is that which Dr. Simpson gave to a re-
porter of the Syracuse Herald: 'Tut this down," he said,
"our people love to give." "Yes," said the reporter, 'T
have it. What more?" "That is all," replied Dr. Simp-
son. And when the reporter witnessed the manner in
which the offering was made, he had to admit that,
strangely enough, the people seemed to love it.
It was no desire to lead a movement that induced Dr.
Simpson to organize the Christian and Missionary Al-
liance. Here is his own statement of the principles which
should guide in such an undertaking. "No new society
should be organized to do what is already being done by
some other society. If there is some new principle to be
worked out, some new method to be proved, some new
agency to be employed, or some wholly unoccupied region
to be reached, it is all right to attempt it, provided the
movement is wisely planned and carried out by experi-
enced and consecrated men. But simply to repeat what
is being done somewhere else, or to start a new society
because Hudson Taylor, Dr. Guinness, Andrew Murray,
or somebody else has started a society, will simply prove
like the echo of the parrot's voice as it tries to repeat the
empty sound that has fallen upon its ear."
The foregoing is the negative, but here is a positive
word with reference to The Evangelical Missionary Al-
liance, as the society organized was first named. "The
Evangelical Missionary Alliance has been formed as a
humble and united effort on the part of consecrated
Christians, in all parts of the land and world, to send the
Gospel in its simplicity and fullness, by the most spiritual
and consecrated instrumentalities, and the most economi-
cal, practical, and effectual methods, to the most needy,
neglected, and open fields of the heathen world."
There was no "at home and abroad" in Dr. Simpson's
conception of missions. When he lifted up his eyes on
the fields, they were everywhere white unto the harvest.
To him the multitudes of New York and our great
American continent were as sheep without a shepherd,
just as were the vaster multitudes in the deeper darkness
of heathen lands. He was never happier or more effec-
tive than when doing the work of an evangelist, and in
the last year of his life, when unequal to public minis-
try, he would be found at the altar tenderly winning and
mightily interceding for souls. The missionary conven-
tions under his direction always gave a large place to
evangelism. His ideal for the Missionary Institute was
that it should be a training school for effective witnesses
in our own land and in the regions beyond. He expected
the same spirit of sacrifice from those who remained at
home, whether in definitely appointed Christian work or
as witnesses at their daily tasks, as is manifested in our
missionaries, and the crowning glory of his leadership
was that this ideal was attained. The whole Alliance
echoes his song,
"We all are debtors to our race ;
We all are bound to one another;
The gifts and blessings of His grace
Were given thee to give thy brother ;
We owe to every child of sin
One chance, at least, for hope of heaven ;
Oh, by the love that brought us in.
Let help and hope to them be given.
"No more noble monument to the beloved founder of
The Christian and Missionary Alliance, and its leader
through the more than thirty years of world-wide ser-
vice, could possibly be erected than that already reared
in heathen lands, bearing evidence to the fact that Dr.
Simpson was true to God, true to the vision which God
gave him of missionary work in many lands, and true
to the message of the fullness of Christ which was to
be proclaimed." In these words Rev. Alfred C. Snead,
Assistant Foreign Secretary, expressed the thought in
many minds as they reviewed the life of this man of
God. Dr. Glover, with his graphic pen, will sketch this
monument. One day we shall all see it. Faces brown
and black, yellow and white, are being built into it — liv-
ing stones, chosen and chiseled after the Master Build-
er's pattern. Some one of Dr. Simpson's spiritual chil-
dren may find the last stone in some yet closed field, and
then the King Himself will come.
MR. SIMPSON'S second trip to Great Britain was
made in response to an invitation to take part in
an international convention which had been called by
Dr. W. E. Boardman, to meet at Bethshan, London, in
June, 1885, at which delegates were present represent-
ing many of the forward movements and associations
for the deepening of spiritual life in all parts of the
This gathering strengthened Mr. Simpson's conviction
that the time was ripe for an association of believers in
the fullness of the Gospel. An editorial in Word, Work
and World in October of that year speaks of the need
of "A Christian Alliance of all those in all the world
who hold in unison the faith of God and the gospel
of full salvation."
In the Year Book of the Christian AUiance for 1893
Mr. Simpson stated the platform and purposes of this
organization which later became The Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance.
"The Christian Alliance was organized in the summer
of 1887 at Old Orchard convention for the purpose of
uniting in Christian fellowship and testimony in a purely
fraternal Alliance the large number of consecrated
Christians in the various evangelical churches who be-
lieve in the Lord Jesus as Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer,
and Coming Lord. It seemed to very many that there
was a divine necessity for a special bond of fellowship
among those who were being thus simultaneously called
into closer intimacy with our coming Lord in order that
we might give a more emphatic testimony to these great
principles which might well be called at this time 'Pres-
ent truths,' that we might encourage and strengthen each
others' hearts by mutual fellowship and prayer, and
that we might unite in various forms of aggressive work
to give wider proclamation to these truths and prepare
for the coming of our Lord. With this view the Al-
liance was formed and founded upon the special basis
of the Fourfold Gospel as above expressed. In all other
respects and with reference to all other doctrines its at-
titude is strictly evangelical.
*Tt is not an ecclesiastical body in any sense, but
simply a fraternal union of consecrated believers in
connection with the various evangelical churches. It does
not organize distinct churches or require its members to
leave their present church connections. There is no an-
tagonism whatever in the Alliance to any of the evange-
lical churches, but a desire to help them in every proper
way and to promote the interest of Christ's kingdom in
connection with every proper Christian organization and
work. Its organization is extremely simple, consisting
of a central executive Board in New York, incorporated
under the laws of the state with auxiliaries and branches
in the various centers of population."
Any Christian could become a member of the Chris-
tian Alliance by signing this simple creed : *T beHeve in
God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in the verbal in-
spiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given, in
the vicarious atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the
eternal salvation of all who believe in Him, and the ever-
lasting punishment of all who reject Him. I believe in
the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer,
and Coming Lord."
Where a group of members existed, they formed a
local branch of the Alliance with stated monthly or
weekly meetings and in some places a local superintend-
ent. A number of such branches constituted a state
auxiliary with regularly appointed officers, of whom the
state superintendent was the active head. A group of
states formed a district, under a district superintendent.
The superintendents were voluntary or honorary work-
ers, but, as the movement progressed, it became neces-
sary for many of them to devote their entire time to
this ministry. The faith principle was carried out, the
central organization contributing nothing to the support
of these workers, though in later years state and district
superintendents have been granted a small allowance to
assist them in the work.
Rev. E. J. Richards, Home Superintendent of the
Society, gives this summary of the organized work:
"At the present time there are between three and four
hundred branches and connected churches in the United
States and Canada. There are twenty officers known as
secretaries or department heads, district superintendents
and field evangelists. About two hundred located pastors
and local superintendents, twenty-five evangelists devot-
ing their whole time to revival campaigns, and fifty to
seventy students of both sexes from the Bible schools,
who are pouring out their lives in the neglected sections
of the home field, winning souls for Jesus and getting
splendid training for aggressive work in the regions be-
At the Old Orchard Convention in 1887 a missionary
organization known as The Evangelical Missionary Al-
liance was also effected. The Principles and Constitu
tion then adopted are so fundamental to The Christir/.n
and Missionary Alliance that a synopsis is given.
It will be undenominational and strictly evange-
It will contemplate the rapid evangelization of
the most neglected sections of the foreign mission
It will use thoroughly consecrated and qualified
laymen and Christian women as well as regularly
educated ministers.
It will encourage the principles of rigid economy,
giving no fixed salaries.
It will rely upon God to supply the necessary
means through the freewill offerings of His people.
It will endeavor to educate Christians to sys-
tematic and generous giving for this greatest work
of the Church of God.
It will form auxiliaries and bands in all parts of
the country for the promotion and extension of its
It will be governed by a board of directors elected
annually, who shall appoint and direct the mission-
aries employed.
It will leave each church established on the for-
eign field free to organize and administer its affairs
as it may choose, provided that such method be
scriptural in its essential features.
In November, 1889, after conference with friends in
Canada, this missionary society was incorporated as The
International Missionary Alliance. Dr. Simpson was
the General Secretary of the Board, and upon him fell
most of the executive and administrative duties for sev-
eral years. David Crear, a successful business man of
New York City, was Treasurer, and has ever since given
his services freely in that ofifice, devoting much of his
time and a large portion of his income to the Alliance
The International Missionary Alliance was supported
chiefly through the Christian Alliance, and the two so-
cieties were virtually one in purpose and in constituency.
Consequently in 1897 they were united formally and
legally under the name of The Christian and Missionary
Alliance. Rev. A. B. Simpson was elected President
and General Superintendent ; Rev. A. E. Funk, Secre-
tary; David Crear, Treasurer; and Mrs. A. B. Simpson,
Financial Secretary. There was also a Board of Mana-
gers consisting of twenty-four members, including the
above named officers. This amalgamation not only
simplified the management but also brought the home
and foreign fields into even a closer relationship, and The
Christian and Missionary Alliance has been in a unique
way a foreign missionary institution. Its local workers
at home are never heard appealing for their personal
support, but there are no more earnest advocates for
foreign missions. The Alliance conventions have been,
if possible, even more missionary in spirit than formerly,
and the climax of every convention is the missionary
The increasing demands on the administration and the
necessity for fuller supervision of the home work re-
sulted in a revision of the constitution at the Annual
Council in May, 1912. Without interfering with the
duties of the executive officers, departments were created,
each with an executive secretary. These include the
Finance Department ; the Home Department, which has
supervision over all of the work in America; the Foreign
Department, which directs the different missions abroad ;
the Deputation Department, which has charge of mission-
ary literature and deputations ; the Publication Depart-
ment, which is responsible for the preparation and issuing
of books and periodicals; and the Educational Depart-
ment, which has general supervision over the Training
Institutes in the United States which are recognized by
the Board. This system of administration has proven
to be a great blessing to the work and relieved the pres-
sure which was overwhelming the executive officers.
It is doubtless largely on account of this increased
attention to details that the society has had a perhaps
unequalled record in the fearful years of testing during
the great world war. Although allowances have been
greatly increased owing to the higher cost of living, and
the demands for transportation and expenses on the
fields have been nearly doubled, it has been possible to
appropriate full allowances every month since 1914 and
to remit all necessary expenditures for station work. The
native staff has been increased, new stations opened,
buildings erected, and a score or more of missionary
recruits added each year.
The principles upon which the Alliance is organized
were the expression of Dr. Simpson's own convictions
and attitude. From the outset he deprecated every ten-
dency to separativeness from other Christians either in
spirit or in organization. Yet he saw that unless great
wisdom and much Christian forbearance were shown on
the part of the Alliance leaders and teachers, a line of
cleavage would almost imperceptibly appear, and the so-
ciety would tend in the direction of sectarianism. He
used constant vigilance and much wise diplomacy to pre-
vent any of his associates from departing from the vision
which had been given of the work. With pen and with
voice he frequently restated the stand originally taken.
In the Alliance Weekly for November nth, 1899, he
had this to say on the mission of the Alliance :
"Let us never forget the special calling of our Alliance
work. It is not to form a new religious denomination.
It is not to duplicate a work already done. It is not to
advocate any special system of theology. It is not to
glorify any man or men. It is first to hold up Jesus in
His fullness, 'the same yesterday, today, and forever.'
Next, to lead God's hungry children to know their full
inheritance of privilege and blessing for spirit, soul, and
body. Next, to witness to the imminent coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ as our millennial King. And finally,
to encourage and incite the people of God to do the neg-
lected work of our age and time among the unchurched
classes at home and the perishing heathen abroad. God
will bless us as we are true to this trust."
Again, we find him writing in the same organ in 1912:
"While the Alliance movement to a certain extent is un-
avoidably a self-contained organization and requires a
sufficient amount of executive machinery to hold it to-
gether and make it effective, yet we must never forget
that it has a certain interdenominational message for the
Christian Church today and that this ministry must not
be clouded by any narsow sectarian tendencies that would
alienate the sympathy of those in the churches that are
open to our message. There are cases continually arising
where it is necessary to provide special and permanent
religious privileges for little bands of Christian disciples
who have either been converted in some evangelistic
movement or pushed out of their churches by false teach-
ing and harsh pressure and prejudice. Yet these local
and independent congregations should never be considered
as Alliance churches in any technical sense, but simply
independent movements which God Himself has specially
raised up 'through the present distress' and over which
we exercise for the time a certain spiritual oversight."
Dr. Simpson always maintained the distinction between
an Alliance branch and an independent church. Replying
in an issue of The Alliance Weekly of 1913 to a corre-
spondent who asks whether it is consistent for Alliance
branches to dispense ordinances, receive and dismiss
church members, and perform other church functions,
he said : "The acts and functions referred to are entirely
proper on the part of an independent church which may
be affiliated with the Alliance, but are not consistent in a
regular Alliance branch. The same company of people
may have a double organization. They may be on the
one hand a church organized and properly legalized under
an independent charter, and as such be in fellowship with
the Alliance, but entirely controlling their own property
and worship. At the same time many members of this
congregation or church may be united in an Alliance
branch which enjoys the hospitality of the church. This
is the case with the Gospel Tabernacle, New York City,
the oldest, perhaps, of these independent churches."
So, too, Dr. Simpson never swerved from his deter-
mination to hold the movement true to the great funda-
mentals of the Gospel, and to insist that healing and other
phases of the testimony be kept in a properly subordi-
nate place. In the report of the dedication of the Mid-
way Tabernacle, St. Paul, the headquarters of the work
of District Superintendent Rev. J. D. Williams, on Dr.
Simpson's last deputational tour in December, 1917, this
statement appears : "He took occasion to emphasize in
the strongest possible way the fact that the primary ob-
jective of the Alliance movement was not the teaching
of special doctrines, but the salvation of souls and the
reaching of the neglected classes from whom the con-
ventional methods of modern churches were steadily
creating a distressing gulf of cleavage and separation.
He trusted that this should always be the primary ideal
and aim of our work."
A society with such principles could not hope to build
up a great, visible organization. It was always a great
satisfaction to Dr. Simpson to know that the message
had reached and permeated multitudes who had no out-
ward connection with the Alliance. He had no sym-
pathy with any tendency to exclusiveness or with self-
centred little gatherings of the saints, nor yet with the
mere aim to build up a work. To him, an Alliance branch,
however small, was a lighthouse in its own community
and a recruiting station for the little army of good sol-
diers of Jesus Christ which had been sent to the ends
of the earth.
Yet this motive and ideal was the strength of the or-
ganization. Factions might divide it and false fires might
burn a local branch to ashes, but the Alliance would
always emerge with new vigor, because two or three dis-
ciples with "Jesus in the midst" constituted a unit of
this society.
The Alliance was regarded by the public as the per-
sonal work of a great leader. Thousands kept asking
"What will become of the Alliance when Dr. Simpson
is gone?" The answer was given in the last year of his
life when he was not in active leadership. His absence
from his pulpit, from the great conventions, and from
the editorial chair and the executive offices was keenly
felt, yet there was no falling off at any point, and the
missionary offerings were larger than ever before. Since
he was laid at rest almost another year — the period of
supreme test of his principles and methods — has passed,
and the society is in the midst of an advance movement
all along the line. This is the surest testimony that can
be given that he had received and obeyed a heavenly
vision in the development of the movement known as
The Christian and Missionary Alliance.
THE ministry of healing was never wholly lost from
the Christian Church. The testimony of Irenaeus,
Tertullian and others shows that it continued during the
first three or four centuries. It was revived by the Wal-
denses in the Middle Ages. Martin Luther claimed that
Melancthon had been miraculously healed. Remarkable
instances of supernatural healing occurred in the min-
istry of George Fox and the early English Friends, and
authentic cases are narrated in the lives of Peden, Cam-
eron, and other Scottish Covenanters. George Whitfield
was raised from what seemed to be a death-bed and that
same night preached the Gospel. John Wesley declared
that anointing was a Christian ordinance designed to be
permanent in the Church. In the last century Dorothea
Trudel and Pastors Zeller, Blumhardt, and Schrenk on
the Continent, and Dr. W. E. Boardman in England were
greatly used of God in the healing of the sick. In America,
Dr. Charles Cullis, a physician of Boston, Ethan Allen,
a venerable minister of Hartford, and others exercised
this ministry with remarkable results.
In the Old Orchard covenant Dr. Simpson solemnly
promised to use the blessing he had received for the glory
of God and the good of others. Some time before, when
studying the Scriptures with a brother minister, his friend
said, "Yes, Simpson, I see that healing is part of our
privilege, but then we cannot preach it." To which A. B.
Simpson replied, 'T do not yet clearly see that it is part
of the Gospel for today ; but if I ever do, I must preach it"
Rev. Kenneth Mackenzie, who was in close touch with
Dr. Simpson from the beginning of this ministry, says:
"Had he renounced Divine heaUng he could have obtained
a wider and more tolerant recognition. But that would
have required a diplomacy of which he could never be
guilty. He would be true to God as God had led him
to see truth, come what might. And now we find that
it was the healing element in his initial work that proved
most influential. The Friday afternoon meeting became
a shrine for thousands of people connected with the
churches of the city and its suburbs. From that meeting
radiated streams of blessing that sanctified homes and
hearts and parishes."
Referring to the early days, in one of his last ad-
dresses. Dr. Simpson said, "Sanctification and Divine
healing were not crowded upon the popular audiences
who were not prepared for such strong meat, but some
of the week-day meetings were appointed for the purpose
of teaching and testifying along these lines."
The Friday Meeting, which began in Mr. Simpson's
parlors, has been carried on uninterruptedly for thirty-
eight years. It often crowded the auditorium of the
Gospel Tabernacle and is still one of the most spiritual
gatherings in the Alliance work. An address on Divine
healing, and testimonies from those who have been healed
are given, and requests for prayer are received from
all over the world. The meeting always closes with an
anointing service, according to the instruction given in
the epistle of James.
Dr. Simpson was always careful to direct those who
were anointed to look to the Lord and not to the anointing
or the anointer, and very frequently took a very subordi-
nate part in such services lest the eyes of any one should
be turned to himself. As early as 1883 we find him
writing, "It is very solemn ground and can never be made
a professional business or a public parade. Its mightiest
victories will always be silent and out of sight, and its
power will keep pace with our humility and holiness.
We solemnly warn the people of God against caricatures
and counterfeits of this solemn truth, which they may
expect on every side. We greatly deprecate the indis-
criminate anointing of all who come forward, of which
we hear in various quarters. We trust no one will take
this honor unto himself, but 'he that is called of God,
as was Aaron.' We hope the wonder-seeking spirit will
not be allowed to take the place of practical godliness and
humble work for the salvation of men."
Among believers in Divine healing anointing with oil
has been frequently in connection with prayer in private
for the sick. Though the elders of the Church, where
such are available, are usually called upon, many others,
both men and women, have anointed the sick in the name
of the Lord, sometimes disregarding Dr. Simpon's
Mr. Simpson soon felt impelled to open his home for
personal ministry to the afflicted. The Lord had been
preparing the way for this by a work of grace in Mrs.
Simpson's heart and life. She had been very slow to
believe that God was leading her husband out of the
ordinary channels of life and service into the way of
faith and sacrifice. The difterence in point of view be-
came acute when their little daughter was stricken with
diphtheria. True to his faith, he determined to commit
the case into the hands of the Great Physician. Mrs.
Simpson bitterly opposed this course, and finally, late
at night, left the child with him declaring that she would
Mrs A. B. Simpson.
hold him responsible for the consequences. He lay down
beside the little girl, took her in his arms, soothed her to
sleep, and committed her then and forever to the keeping
of the Lord. At daybreak, when Mrs. Simpson entered
the room, she refused to accept the assurance that the
child was better, but a careful examination showed that
every trace of the disease had disappeared. Without a
further word, she turned away, went to her own room,
and, shutting herself in, cried to the Lord to reveal Him-
self to her. That was the turning point in her life, and
shortly afterwards she consented to the proposition to
open their home to God's suffering children.
On Wednesday, May i6th, 1883, a company of Chris-
tian friends assembled in their home at 331 West 34th
Street for its dedication as a Home for Faith and Physi-
cal Healing. The announcement stated that "any sufferer
who is really willing to exercise and act faith for healing
will be received for a limited time for instruction and
waiting upon God for temporal and spiritual blessing."
The following paragraph of a recent personal letter
from Miss Fanny A. Dyer, of Chicago, tells of her visit
to this home in 1883. "I had never heard much of the
doctrine of Divine healing when I entered the Friday
Meeting. On Sunday morning while preparing for break-
fast, without being able to give much more Scripture for
it than the promise of James 5:14-16, I was instantly
healed, as gloriously and supernaturally as was the cen-
turion's son. A new era began in my life for spirit, soul,
and body, glorious beyond expression."
In her life story, published in a periodical some years
ago, Mrs. Katherine H. Brodie tells of her stubborn re-
fusal to consider the testimony of her friends, Mrs. Mar-
garet Bottome and others, concerning Divine healing.
Finally she attended the Friday Meeting and was invited
to the Home. "I longed," she writes, "to accept the in-
vitation but had not the courage to leave the hospital
and my remedies, and I feared the opinions of my hus-
band and my friends. Later I attended another of Mr.
Simpson's meetings and, in obedience to the command in
James 5:14-16, was anointed and solemnly dedicated to
the Lord. Then followed ten days in the Home on
Thirty-fourth Street where precious lessons were learned
and glorious work given me for my Master. All pain
left ; the Lord had become my strength. I wrote my
husband of my new life, but he, failing to understand,
hastened to New York, fearing I had gone wrong. Nine
months afterwards he became convinced my healing was
not mere fancy, and seeing my isolation, he sent me to
New York again ; and whereas before he had been op-
posed to Mr. Simpson's work, now he arranged that on
our arrival we should go to his new Berachah Home."
Mrs. Brodie has since had a most fruitful ministry in
Great Britain and has visited America several times, min-
istering in the power of the Holy Spirit in Berachah
Home and at the Alliance conventions.
One year after the Home was begun, Mr. E. G. Sel-
chow, who himself had been marvelously healed, do-
nated a building at 328 West Twenty-third Street. On
May 5th, 1884, it was formally dedicated to the Lord
under the name of Berachah Home, meaning "The House
of Blessing." It was moved to a larger house on Sixty-
first Street and Park Avenue, and in March, 1890, to the
six story building at 258-260 West Forty-fourth Street,
adjoining the present Gospel Tabernacle. In 1897 Rev.
Ross Taylor's beautiful residence on the Nyack hillside
was purchased and enlarged. To this delightful spot
Berachah Home was removed where for twenty years
hungry hearts and broken bodies found refreshing and
When Berachah was opened on Twenty-third Street,
it was put in charge of Miss Ellen A. Griffin and Miss
Sarah A. Lindenberger. Miss Griffin, who had been
an active worker in city missions, had been wonderfully
healed and devoted her remarkable gifts, until her death
in 1887, to ministering in most practical ways to the suf-
fering ones in the Home. Miss Lindenberger, a member
of a wealthy and worldly Southern family, had been in
Mr. Simpson's congregation in Louisville. She was led
by the Spirit into the mysteries of grace and to the devo-
tion of her culture and enduements to a life of ministry in
Berachah Home, remaining in charge until, on account
of age, she was unable to continue this exacting service
and the Home was closed. It is now one of the dormi-
tories of the Missionary Institute.
Dr. Simpson himself gave much time to Berachah
Home, and nowhere was his graciousness, sympathy, and
power in prayer more manifest. Dr. John Cookman,
Dr. Henry Wilson, Rev. A. E. Funk, Rev. Stephen Mer-
ritt, Rev. F. W. Farr, Rev. W. T. MacArthur, Mrs. A. B.
Simpson and her sister Mrs. E. J. McDonald, Mrs. Mar-
garet Bottome, Mrs. C. deP. Field, Mrs. Bishop, Miss
Harriet Waterbury, Miss Minnie T. Draper, Mrs. E. M.
Whittemore, Miss Ella G. Warren, and Mrs. O. S.
Schultz, were among those much used of the Lord in
this Home and in the Friday Meetings. During the years
it was located on Forty-fourth Street, the ministry of
Josephus Pulis was blessed to thousands. Among the
medical doctors who were in full sympathy and frequently
took part in these ministrations were Dr. George B. Peck,
and Dr. James B. Bell, of Boston, and Doctors Barnett,
Stevenson, and Brown, of New York. Dr. Scudder of
New York had an attack on Divine healing ready for
the press when he became convicted that he should in-
vestigate for himself. He did so, was convinced of the
truth, and became a warm friend of the work.
A number of other Homes were directly or indirectly
connected with Mr. Simpson's ministry. Bethany Home,
Toronto, was maintained for many years through the
faith of Mrs. Fletcher and the Rev. John Salmon. Homes
of rest and healing have been conducted by Miss S. M. C.
Musgrove, of Troy, N. Y., and Mrs. J. P. Kellogg, of
Utica, N. Y., and Mrs. Dora Dudley, of Grand Rapids,
Mich. Kemuel House, Philadelphia, was under the per-
sonal care of Mrs. S. G. Beck, assisted by Dr. and Mrs.
Cliff. In later years Hebron Home has been the center
of the activities of Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Senft, and the
headquarters of the Alliance in that city. In 1894, Rev.
E. D. Whiteside, a Methodist Episcopal minister, whose
prejudices had been overcome by hearing Mr. Simpson
in the Twenty-third Street Tabernacle, and who had been
marvelously healed, established a Branch of the Alliance
and a Home in Pittsburgh, Pa. That successful business
man, William Henry Conley, a member of the Alliance
Board, was closely associated with Mr. Whiteside in
that work.
Dr. Simpson's ministry as a teacher of the New Testa-
ment revelation of physical healing was far-reaching.
More than any or all of its exponents he formulated
this truth and by positiv emphasis separated it from cur-
rent fallacies. Even the secular press was impressed by
his clear-cut presentation. The Nezv York Sun of Sep-
tember 1 6th, 1888, contained a full page interview in
which it stated that "The friends who are represented
by A. B. Simpson never use the term 'faith healing' or
'faith cure.' They always say 'Divine healing' because
they believe that faith has no power to cure anybody in-
trinsically, but that the real power in every case of true
healing must be a personal God and not a mere subjective
state of mind in the person concerned or anybody else."
Dr. Simpson never was anointed for healing, and though
he taught that ministers should pray for and anoint the
sick, he emphasized the right of the believer to claim
healing directly for himself. How simply he states that
"the Lord Jesus has purchased and provided for His be-
lieving children physical strength, life, and healing as
freely as the spiritual blessings of the Gospel. We do
not need the intervention of any man or woman as our
priest, for He is our Great High Priest, able to be touched
with the feeling of our infirmities, and it is still as true
as ever, 'As many as touched him were made periectly
whole'." Thousands, who had no circle of believing
prayer surrounding them, were thus encouraged to trust
the Great Physician.
His philosophy of healing was not couched in meta-
physical terms. What could be plainer than this state-
ment: "There are three epochs in the revelation of Jesus
Christ through Divine healing. The first is when we see
it in the Bible and believe it as a Scriptural doctrine. The
second is when we see it in the Blood and receive it as
part of our redemption rights. But the third is when
we see it in the risen life of Jesus Christ and take Him
into vital union with all our being as the life of our life
and the strength of our mortal frame." And again, "This,
then, is the nature of Divine healing. It is not the mere
restoration of ordinary health, but it is the impartation
of the strength of Christ through the Holy Ghost, and
it is often most marked alongside of the greatest physical
In a general way all devout Christians accept the first
position. The second, that healing is a provision of the
atonement, has been and is still bitterly opposed, even by
some who pray for the sick. The third, or mystical view
I of participation with the hving Christ in His resurrection
life, taught by John and Paul and restated by A. B.
Simpson, has been even less understood. Yet this became
normal life to him and is interwoven in all of his writings.
In this imparted life many a missionary "in deaths oft"
has triumphed. It was the secret of the paradox of Dr.
George P. Pardington's later ministry, who, though for
years he had to be carried to and from his classes, never
missed a lecture in the Missionary Institute. It made
Henry Wilson's life radiant with buoyant, joyous health.
It healed Rev. G. Verner Brown of spinal meningitis and
sustains him in a strenuous ministry. It enabled "The
little man from Chicago," as Rev. W. G. Meminger called
himself, to rise from a consumptive's couch and startle
audiences up and down the continent with his Hallelujahs.
It is the distinctive testimony of the Alliance as to
Most of the caustic criticism by well-meaning friends
would be turned into prayer for those who take this
position if the following quotations from Dr. Simpson
were properly understood. The first reveals the secret
source of this life. "We do not possess this strength
in ourselves; it is the strength of Another, and we just
appropriate it, and so Christ is our life. It is not self-
contained strength, but strength derived each moment
from One above us, beyond us, and yet within us."
Quite as essential are its terms. "The conditions of
this great blessing are first that we are wholly yielded to
Him, so that we should use the life He gives for His
glory and service. Second, that we believe without doubt
the promise of His word for our own physical healing.
Third, that we abide in Him for our physical life and
draw our strength moment by moment through personal
dependence upon Him."
Both Dr. Gray and Mr. Mackenzie call attention to
the sanity exhibited by A. B. Simpson in regard to the
practical application of his theory of healing. He was
no extremist, whatever follies or fanaticisms some of his
followers may have fallen into. The great preservative
was the central and dominant truth of his whole system —
Christ in you. He expected nothing from you, nor yet
from himself, and was disappointed only with manifest
rejection of Christ. How tender he was to those who
failed ! How considerate of those who had not seen the
truth that to him was all in all !
Nothing that could be written would exhibit this so
clearly as a leading editorial elicited by letters asking
"Why are they not healed ?" Dr. Simpson replied :
"First of all, we would say, we do not know, and
probably you do not know, and will not know absolutely,
until *we know even as we are known' ; and one of the
first lessons that God wants you to learn is to be still
and dumb with silence, suppressing every thought, trust-
ing where you cannot see, and 'judging nothing before
the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light
the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the
counsels of the heart.'
"It is quite shocking how some people get upon the
throne and sit in judgment on God's providences, dealing
His judgments upon the heads of their brethren, and ex-
plaining the mysteries of His will as though they were
His special interpreters and viceregents.
"One of His supreme thoughts in many of His deal-
ings is to teach us to 'be still, and know that He is God.'
But, while this is true, there are many lessons which He
would have us learn when we are ready to do it with
intelligent and earnest faith, and it may be that some of
these thoughts will be helpful to anxious, perplexed minds.
Therefore, we would say:
"I. That undoubtedly some persons have not been
healed because their life-work was completed, and their
Lord was calling them to Himself. There comes such
an hour in every accomplished life.
'TI. Sometimes, however, this is not fully understood
by the suffering one or the surrounding friends, and
there is the natural struggle and the earnest prayer, and
the deep disappointment when it seems unanswered. But
we believe that if we shall wait upon the Lord in a life
of faith, obedience and communion, the heart will usually
be able, with quietness, to understand enough of His will
to triumph even in death itself.
"HI. Sometimes, we believe, life is shortened by dis-
obedience to God. Long life is promised to those who
obey Him and follow Him ; and of others it is said : Tor
this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and
many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we should
not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chas-
tened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with
the world.' This, undoubtedly, has reference to physical
judgments, and the way they may be escaped is by self
judging and hcly, watchful obedience.
"IV. There is often a lack of real faith on the part
of the sick even where the external conditions of faith
have apparently been fulfilled, and others may suppose
there has been real faith in God for healing.
"Faith for Divine healing is not mere abstinence from
remedies, an act of intellect or will, or a submission to
the ordinance of anointing, but it is the real, spiritual
touch of Christ, and it is much more rare than many
"There is plenty of faith in the doctrine, plenty of
readiness to give up remedies, plenty of faith in the
prayers of others — especially if they are eminent saints —
plenty of faith for healing in the future ; but personal,
real faith that takes Christ nozv, and, pressing through
the crowd, touches His garment, is not much oftener
found now than in the days when only one, struggling
through the crowd that surrounded Him, really touched
ONE of the psalmists was so taken up with the glories
of the King that he sings,
"My heart bubbleth up with a goodly matter ;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
No such spiritual impulsion moved Solomon when he
"My son, be admonished:
Of making many books there is no end,
And much study is a weariness o fthe flesh."
In his early ministry A. B. Simpson knew the laborious-
ness of much study and yet seems to have followed Solo-
mon's admonition as to the making of books, for though
his sermons frequently appeared in current papers, he had
not given the public the fruit of his studies in permanent
When he was filled with the Spirit, it became literally
true that his tongue was the pen of a ready writer, for
his messages flowed so felicitously from his lips that a
stenographic report needed little editing, and his sermons
appeared almost verbatim in his periodical, and after-
wards in book form.
It was because of this unusual gift that the making
of many books was not an endless "weariness of the
flesh," but one of the supreme joys of his ministry. Un-
questionably he had great natural endowments. In his
first two pastorates he prepared his sermonts with the
utmost care, writing and rewriting them, thus acquiring
skill in literary art. "I had a facile pen," he once said
in speaking of liis experiences when he launched out in a
life of faith, "and thought to support my family by literarj'
work. But the Lord checked me from commercializing
my gift." While he consecrated his talents and culture,
he came to realize their insufficiency for the work to
which God had called him and applied the great secret
which he had learned to this as to every other activity.
In that heart message at Bethshan he said with charac-
teristic humility : "Then I had a poor sort of a mind,
heavy and cumbrous, that did not think or work quickly,
I wanted to write and speak ft)r Christ and to have a
ready memory, so as to have the little knowledge I had
gained always under command. I went to Christ about
it, and asked if He had anything for me in this way.
He replied, 'Yes, my child, I am made unto you. Wis-
dom.' I was always making mistakes, which I regretted,
and then thinking I would not make them again: but
when He said that He would be my wisdom, that we
may have the mind of Christ, that He would cast down
imaginations and bring into captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ, that He could make the brain
and head right, then I took Him for all that. And since
then I have been kept free from this mental disability,
and work has been rest. I used to write two sermons
a week, and it took me three days to complete one. But
now, in connection with my literary work, I have num-
berless pages of matter to write constantly besides the
conduct of very many meetings a week, and all is de-
lightfully easy to me. The Lord has helped me mentally,
and I know He is the Saviour of our mind as well as
our spirit."
To the same inner working of the Spirit of God Dr.
Simpson attributed his ministry of song. Though his
reminiscences show that he recognized the maternal in-
fluence in his poetic temperament, a letter written not
long before he laid down his pen stated that he had nevet
written a poem in his life until the Spirit of God filled
him with "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." So,
too, he speaks of his love for music and of his early,
unaided attempts to master the violin. He had not a
musical education, yet a few of his musical compositions,
which seemed to flow from his heart spontaneouely with
the hymns to which they are set, have already been recog-
nized in Church music. Both words and music of Ever-
lasting Arms, Search Me O God, Thy Kingdom Comr,
and others touch the heart chords so strongly and ten-
derly that they will live in our psalmody.
The Gospel in All Lands, which Mr. Simpson instituted
during his pastorate in the Thirteenth Street Presbyterian
Church, was the first illustrated missionary magazine on
the American continent, and, with one exception, the
first in the world. He received little encouragement when
he proposed to issue this monthly. But he had caught
the vision of a needy world and believed that no art was
too good for missionary propaganda. The first volume
which appeared in February, 1880, assured its success,
and although he was compelled by the physical collapse
which occurred in the following summer to turn the
magazine over to others, he had set such an editorial
standard that for many years it held a foremost place in
current missionary literature.
In 1882, shortly after Mr. Simpson's independent work
began, he issued the first number of another illustrated
missionary monthly. The Word, Work, and World. Some
of his best literary work was done on this magazine. He
was Uying the foundation for his comprehensive grasp
of world wide missions and giving his constituency the
fruit of his studies in illuminating articles and readable
paragraphs. All of the freshness of a newly found mes-
sage is in the sermons which appear in these volumes.
Leading articles on phases of the deeper life were always
included, and some of his courses of lectures in the Train-
ing College, rich in Biblical scholarship, appeared in
In January, 1888, the name of this magazine was
changed to The Christian Alliance as a few months before
the society bearing that name had been organized, and
Mr. Simpson desired to make the paper the mouthpiece
of the work. It continued as a monthly for more than a
year and then became The Christian Alliance and Foreign
Mission Weekly. For a number of years it has appeared
under the simpler title of The Alliance Weekly.
In outlining the policy of the paper in its new form
as The Christian Alliance and Foreign Missionary
Weekly, August 4th, 1889, the editor made this announce-
"The great movement of today, the greatest m.ovement
of the Church's history is a CHRIST MOVEMENT ; a
revealing in our day, with a definiteness never before so
real, of the person of the living Chirst as the center of
our spiritual life, the source of our sanctification, the
fountain of our physical life and healing, the Prince-
Leader of our work, and the glorious coming King, al-
ready on His way to His millennial throne and sending
on as the outriders of His host and the precursors of His
coming the mighty forces and agencies which today are
arousing the Church and convulsing the world.
"This is the chosen and delightful ministry of this
humble journal and the blessed circle of disciples who
gather around the standard of the Fourfold Gospel; not
merely to preach salvation, or sanctification, or healing,
or premillennialism, but JESUS CHRIST.
"Therefore over all other names and themes we write
our eternal watchword 'JESUS ONLY,' and devote these
pages to the person and glory, the control, service, and
exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ."
As its editor, Mr. Simpson became recognized as one
of the strongest editorial writers of our time. From
weeK to week he compressed his richest experiences and
profoundest knowledge in a few expository paragraphs,
and scarcely a number left the press without one or
more incisive editorials on the great providential move-
ments and the trend of the times. He was most careful
of the choice of his writers, and perhaps no paper has
ever been at once so rich in spiritual food and so free
from the taint of fanaticism. The missionary columns
were filled with the triumphs of the Gospel not only in
the Alliance fields but in the work of other societies of a
kindred spirit.
For several years beginning July ist, 1902, Dr. Simp-
son also edited a high class religious monthly known as
Living TrutJis, his own contributions showing the ma-
turity of his literary work, and the articles by Dr. Wilson,
Dr. Farr, Dr. Pardington, and others being of permanent
Among those who assisted Dr. Simpson in the details
of editorial work were Miss Harriet Waterbury, Miss
Louise Shepard, Miss Emma F. Beere, and Dr. J. Hud-
son Ballard, their ability and devotion making his editorial
ministry possible.
In the early days Mr. Simpson's Sunday morning ser-
mon appeared in separate serial form as Tabernacle Ser-
mons and had a wide circulation. In 1889, when his pe-
riodical became a weekly, as the discourse appeared in the
paper, Tabernacle Sermons was discontinued. The de-
mand for them had been so great that it became neces-
sary to issue them in more permanent form.
In 1886 a book of sermons on service appeared under
the title The King's Business, and another series cover-
ing the deeper life as presented in the books of the New
Testament was issued in the same year entitled The Ful-
ness of Jesus. Among the other early books of sermons
may be mentioned The Christ of the Forty Days, or the
revelation of the risen Christ, a theme on which Mr.
Simpson loved to dwell ; The Love Life of the Lord,
which places him with Robert Murray McCheyne and
Hudson Taylor as an interpreter of the mystical Song
of Solomon ; The Life of Prayer, showing as deep pene-
tration into this mystery as Andrew Murray's discussions ;
The Larger Christian Life, revealing the possibilities of
a Christ-centered and Spirit-filled life; and The Land of
Promise, presenting our inheritance in Christ as typified
in the conquest of Canaan. Many of his later sermons
were also grouped into books.
The first volumes of his unique commentary, Christ in
the Bible, appeared in 1889. This series was intended
to include a survey of the great truths of the Word as
revealed book by book. The best of his expository dis-
courses were adapted to this purpose.
Four little volumes covering the essentials of Dr.
Simpson's message were among his earliest productions
and have had an enormous sale, both in English and other
languages. They are in reality text-books of the Alliance
movement. The Fourfold Gospel is a brief statement of
the four aspects of the Alliance watchword, "Jesus Christ
— Saviour, Sanctier, Healer, and Coming King"; and
tlie others The Christ Life, Wholly Sanctified and The
Gospel of Healing treat of phases of this truth.
Dr. Simpson has written a number of other books on
the distinctive testimony of the AlHance. The Discovery
of Divine Healing, Inquiries and Answers Concerning
Divine Healing, A Cloud of Witnesses, and Friday Meet-
ing Talks deal with Divine healing. His earliest book on
the Lord's Coming was The Gospel of the Kingdom. The
Coming One, written in 1912, is a general discussion of
the Second Coming ; and a companion volume, Foregleams
of the Coming One, a survey of the prophecies of our
Lord's Return, was left in manuscript and is now in the
press. Back to Patmos, an interpretation of the book of
Revelation, his latest contribution on this subject, was
written at the beginning of the war. He did not adhere
either to the Historic or the Futurist view in his interpre-
tation but took middle ground where an increasing num-
ber of devout interpreters stand.
He was not an extremist on typology, but his three
books on Divine Emblems in the Pentateuch, together
with Christ in the Tabernacle, Emblems of the Holy Spirit
and Natural Emblems in the Spiritual Life make clear
the meaning of most of the typical passages in the
The two large volumes. The Holy Spirit in the Old and
New Testaments, contain the fullest and clearest general
survey on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit that
can be found in religious literature.
Polemical discussion had no attraction for Dr. Simp-
son. He had a positive message and usually left heretics
and fanatical teaching alone. He loved to tell of the Mis-
sissippi pilot who justified his lack of knowledge of the
location of the snags in the river by saying, "I reckon
I know where the snags ain't, and there is where I pro-
pose to do my saiHng." One of his strongest books is
Present Truth, a series of discussions of the supernatural,
in which he puts all opponents of true Christianity on
the defensive by his clear presentation of the great facts
which transcend natural law. In another book, The Old
Faith and the New Gospels, he gives a most masterly
arraignment of those unChristian phases in education,
theology, sociology, and experimental life which have
been seeking to discredit and supplant the orthodox view
of Christ.
The great missionary messages which so thrilled multi-
tudes unfortunately have been left unarranged. His
Larger Outlooks on Missionary Lands, in which in his
racy style he surveyed the fields which he visited on his
tour in 1893, is his only book on Missions.
Among his most widely read books are several volumes
prepared for private or family devotions. The most
popular has been Days of Heathen upon Earth with a mes-
sage for each day of the year.
Though there is not a phase of Christian life or expe-
rience that is not touched in these books, several others
were devoted to special aspects of the Deeper Life, reit-
erating and enlarging the great central theme "Christ in
you the hope of glory." He never allowed himself to be
drawn away from this one great message.
During the last two years of his active ministry Dr.
Simpson devoted much of his time to the Bible Com-
mentary, in which he was condensing his life study of
the Bible in the form of a Bible Correspondence Course.
He had just begun the third and final year of this study
when his pen was laid down. It was his ardent hope that
he would be permitted to complete this work, but this
expectation was not realized.
Dr. Simpson's early hymns were included in the first
volume of Hymns of the Christian Life, which was pub-
lished in 1891. This was followed by two other volumes
in which a number of his later hymns appeared. The
three books were afterward rearranged and combined,
making a volume which has had a very wide circulation,
and has greatly enriched modern hymnology.
In 1894 a number of Dr. Simpson's earliest poems were
issued in a little volume, Millennial Chimes. This was
the only book of poems which he published. Some songs
that are not in the hymnal appeared in his periodicals,
and a number were sent out as Christmas and New Year's
messages. He wrote class songs for many of the grad-
uating classes in the Missionary Institute, some of which,
like Be True, have become widely popular. Larger Out-
looks on Missionary Lands contains several of his finest
missionary poems. Beautiful Japan was written as he
left these "Islands of the Morning." Our hearts thrill
with his as we read —
"Land of v/ondrous beauty, what a charm there Hngers
Over every landscape, every flower and tree !
But a brighter glory waits to break upon thee
Than thy cloud-capped Mountain or thy Inland Sea.
Tis the Father's glory in the face of Jesus ;
'Tis the blessed story of redeeming love.
Wake to meet the dawning of the heavenly sunrise!
Rise to liail the glory shining from above!"
Some of his unpublished poems have been collected
recently and, together with old favorites, issued under
the title. Songs of the Spirit. Quite a number still re-
main in manuscript. Here is the last stanza of one, en-
titled The Star of Bethlehem —
"Bright Star, thy coming must be near;
The darkness of the dawn gives warning.
Behold, the sky begins to clear !
The night is almost gone — Good Morning!"
Dr. Simpson wrote more than seventy books, but by
far the greatest was the imprinted volume of a Christ-
centered and Spirit-filled life. Of the making of this
book he was keenly conscious when he wrote in the con-
cluding words in his Commentary on Romans, "Beloved,
the pages are going up every day for the record of our
life. We are setting the type ourselves by every moment's
action. Hands unseen are stereotyping the plates, and
soon the record will be registered and read before the
audience of the universe and amid the issues of eternity."
ALBERT B. SIMPSON always lived a strenuous life.
When he was fourteen, he was taking a man's place
on a Canadian farm. His high school course was cut
short by a serious breakdown from over study. The pace
he set for himself in both of his early pastorates resulted
in enforced periods of rest which he could not be induced
to complete. When at length he was renewed in mind
and body by the impartation of Divine life, he devoted
his new found energies to the service of his Lord with
a consecration which has rarely been equalled. Believing
implicitly that this supernatural life had no limit within
the sphere of duty and opportunity, he never stopped to
measure his strength against the task before him.
He was an ambitious man and might have attained
greatness in more than one sphere in life, but after the
great crisis all of his aspirations were concentrated into
those three passions which overmastered the apostle Paul
and led him to declare, — "I am ambitious to be quiet" ;
"I am ambitious whether at home or absent to be well
pleasing unto him" ; "I am ambitious to preach the Gospel
where Christ has not been named." Because A. B. Simp-
son attained the first mentioned ambition to a degree that
few have known, and lived in the repose of God, he was
able to sustain an activity that amazed his friends and
silenced the charge that his teaching led to passivity.
Returning to his pulpit in Louisville after a long, en-
forced absence in 1879, he preached on the text "This one
thing I do." The following paragraph from his discourse
shows that in those dark days he had learned Paul's se-
cret of service. "The last thing in Paul's watchword was
ivork, — not I dream, I purpose, or even I will do, but I do.
He has already begun. Paul gave no countenance to that
abuse of God's rich grace which encourages easy indo-
lence and the kind of rest that does nothing because God
will do all. In Paul we see a perfect example of the fine
balance and proportion of character which has the most
sensitive feeling, the most intense spirituality, the most
devout emotion, and the most unquestioning faith, side
by side with the most practical common sense." Words
could not more accurately describe Dr. Simpson's own
manner of life from that day forward.
Speaking at Bethshan in 1885, he said, "I have been
permitted by God to work — I say this to His honor and
thousands could bear witness to it — and I have worked
about four times as hard as I ever did in my life. In
those four years I have not had one hour away from
work and have not had one single summer vacation."
For the next twelve years he continued to live in the
heart of New York City in the midst of manifold minis-
tries and constant distractions. Yet he seemed to thrive
on overwork, and added burdens only increased his evi-
dent vitality.
During all the years which he lived at Nyack he rarely
failed to board the 6:18 A. M. train for New York City.
The hour on the train was given to a rapid glance over
the events of the day and to study or editorial work.
Sometimes his secretary was called to his assistance on
the journey. The day in New York was spent in his
little office where he accomplished almost unbelievable
tasks and in interviews, in committees, and in public
meetings. He was busy again on the homeward journey
and, after dinner, spent hours in his study before he
finally gave himself to a time of prayerful relaxation as
preparation for the few hours of sleep which he allowed
It is needless to recount the many activities which have
been described in previous pages — his pulpit and plat-
form work, his pastoral duties, his ministry for the sick,
his lectures in the Institute, his convention tours, his cor-
respondence, his editorial labors, his preparation of books,
his production of hymns, and his executive responsibili-
ties. For him there was no such possibility as leisure.
Yet he was never flurried, even when hurrying at the last
minute to keep an appointment or to catch a train. A
party of friends was at the dock to bid him farewell when
he was starting on his tour around the world. They sang
and prayed and waited. The deck hands were loosening
the tacklings when he appeared, sped up the moving
gangway, turned, waved his hand and, with that ever
ready wit that saved many a situation, shouted — "Good-
bye ; God bless you all ! I'll be twenty-four hours ahead
of you when I get around the world."
Yet he was never too busy to meet a special call. He
had to protect himself from needless interruptions, as
does every man of affairs ; but when he responded, it was
with rare graciousness, and few ever knew at what cost
his time was given to them.
He had learned the secret of concentrating every power
on the person or thing to w^hich for the moment he gave
himself, and the rarer art of a quiet dependence upon
God to carry him through the hard places. To him work
and communion were not antagonists but handmaidens.
He expresses this in his own poetic way.
"I used to be very fond of gardening. I could work
in the garden and yet smell the roses ; they did not keep
me from my husbandry ; I had my sweet flowers every
second ; they did not hinder the work a bit. So you can
be busy all the time, and have the breath of heaven ; it
will not hinder you. It is like working in a perfumed
room, every sense exhilarated. It is something deeper
than prayer — communion."
Dr. Simpson never sought nor expected an easy life.
In one of his last public addresses he stated that "In the
beginning of the life of faith God gave me a vision which
to me was a symbol of the kind of life to which He had
called me. In this dream a little sail boat was passing
down a rapid stream, tossed by the winds and driven by
the rapids. Every moment it seemed as if it must be
dashed upon the rocks and crushed, yet it was preserved
in some mysterious way and carried through all perils.
Upon the sails of the little ship was plainly painted the
name of the vessel in one Latin word, Angustia, meaning
Hard Places. Through this simple dream, the Lord
seemed to fortify me for the trials and testings that were
ahead, and to prepare me for a life's voyage which was
to be far from a smooth one, but through which God's
grace would always carry me in triumph."
What was given in a vision was confirmed through the
Word. In the well marked Bible which he used in his
great life crisis in Louisville he heavily underscored Jer.
39:18, "Thy life shall be for a prey unto thee because
thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the Lord." On the
margin he wrote the date, January ist, 1879, and there-
after he regarded this as one of his life texts.
When he left home for his convention tours, long or
short, he carried with him work that would have over-
whelmed an ordinary man, even in his office, and was
always followed by numerous telegrams and piles of for-
warded mail. The local demands opon him at every point
were insistent; and, though he gave himself unstintedly
to public service and private interviews, he usually found
it necessary to resort to hotel accommodation to conserve
time and strength. This was sometimes misunderstood,
but here and there at least his motives were appreciated,
as is shown in this incident referred to in a letter from
Rev. Samuel H. Wilkinson, of the Mildmay Mission to
the Jews.
"The following may seem trivial, but it reveals char-
acter. During Dr. Simpson's stay in England I invited
him to take part in the Brentwood Convention. He
promised to do so but stipulated that he should be accom-
modated at an hotel instead of in a private house because,
to use his own expression, the 'social instinct' was strong
in him, and he lost time and strength in conversation. I
apprised him when he was to speak and named a suitable
train from London. I met it on the evening he was ex-
pected and each train thereafter until almost the time
of the gathering, when, leaving another to meet him at
the station, I went myself to the Town Hall to apologize
for Dr. Simpson's delayed arrival. But I found him
there waiting for me ! 'I thought,' he said, 'that I would
just come down earlier in the afternoon than I was ex-
pected and sit awhile in the hotel for repose of mind.'
And the incident clings even more than his splendid ad-
dresses, as an indication of the simplicity of greatness."
More of Dr. Simpson's time and energy than even inti-
mate friends realized was spent in business affairs. In
the beginning of his walk of faith he resolved tkat he
would lead a self-supporting Hfe. He had a large family,
and the financial demands upon him as its head were
His first step in this direction was taken in response
to the demand for a Fourfold Gospel literature. He de-
cided to be his own printer, and gradually built up a
plant which not only produced the books and papers which
he published but later included contract work in its output.
In 1912 he sold his publishing business to The Christian
and Missionary Alliance, but retained his printing house,
which he continued till he gave up all business afifairs
in 1918.
When the Missionary Institute and Berachah Home
were moved to Nyack, a tract of land was purchased
by a company composed of several men who had in view
the establishment of an Alliance center. Their expecta-
tions in regard to a settlement on the Hillside were not
fulfilled as few families made it their home. To relieve
the company of its embarrassments Dr. Simpson, who
was its President, took over a large part of the lands, and
this added greatly to his burdens.
Dr. Simpson also engaged in other business enterprises
in New York City, not all of which were profitable. Owing
to his busy life, he was obliged to commit the manage-
ment to others, and his optimistic attitude toward these
ventures was not always justified. Had business been
his calling, some think he would have become one of the
large financiers. Certainly his mind was cast in a mould
that would have seemed to promise success in large
But A. B. Simpson was called to be a prophet and not
a business man. In the work which his Master appointed
him and in which, in consequence, the Holy Spirit directed
him, he had phenomenal success. Those who have had
opportunity to know something of his affairs can also
trace the loving hand of an Almighty Helper in his busi-
ness life. Of this he was himself very conscious, and
jottings in vest pocket note-books prove that he not only
prayed but also returned thanks for God's help in his busi-
ness difficulties. There is no question that his business
was the great burden that finally proved too heavy for
him. He would have surrendered it in his later years ;
but while his own strength endured, he could see no way
of deliverance. When he could no longer conduct it, he
acknowledged to intimate associates that he had been mis-
taken in entering into business and that he should have
kept himself free, as did the apostles, to give himself to
"prayer and to the ministry of the word."
During the Annual Council of The Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance in May, 1918, Dr. Simpson conferred
with several of his brethren in regard to his business
affairs. He now felt that, as some of these interests had
* een closely associated with his public ministry, it would
be fitting for him to entrust their settlement to the So-
ciety. It was found that there were legal difficulties in
the way of such action, and after careful consideration
he made a complete assignment to Mr. Franklin L. Groff,
one of the oldest and most trusted business men in the
Tabernacle and in the Alliance, who formed a Company
made up of prominent members of these organizations,
to administer this trust. Through careful management
of these affairs under proper legal advice, this company
has been enabled by favorable disposition of his holdings,
and by special supplementary gifts and pledges from
friends, to provide for the liquidation of all obligations.
Dr. Simpson never accepted a salary from the Gospel
Tabernacle nor even the small living allowance granted
to missionaries and executive officers of The Christian and
Missionary Alliance, and often refused even his traveling
expenses to conventions. Regarding this relationship to
his congregation, he more than once said to an associate
pastor that it might be a very good school of faith for
the pastor but that it was very bad discipline for the
flock. When he finally relinquished his business, the
Board of The Christian and Missionary Alliance gave him
an ample living allowance and continues to provide
similarly for Mrs. Simpson.
How fully his intense life was appreciated by men and
women of every estate, and especially by the great men
of action, was shown by the tributes paid to him on the
platform, in the press, and in personal letters when he
was called home. Several, including his old associate
Dr. F. W. Farr, were reminded of the fiery prophet of
Gilead and exclaimed as did Elisha — "My father, my
father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof !"
Mr. W. R. Moody, of Northfield, was most impressed
by "the faithfulness of his Christian stewardship," and
adds, "Untiring in his labors, unsparing of his time, he
wore himself out in the service of his Master." Dr. Geo.
H. Sandison, Editor of The Christian Herald, wrote: "I
can think of no one in this age who has done more ef-
fective, self-denying service for Christ and His Gospel
than Albert B. Simpson." "His missionary zeal was as-
tounding," said his old friend. Dr. George F. Pentecost ;
and with this agrees another associate of other days.
Dean Arthur C. Peck, who testifies that "his labors were
apostolic in both spirit and scope. No man ever wrought
more abundantly and successfully among the heathen."
He was "fully absorbed in the missionary enterprise and
devoted all his energies to hasten the coming of the King,"
is the impression left upon Rev. J. M. Pike, Editor of
the Way of Faith. "I remember," said Pastor P. W.
Philpott at the Memorial Service, "reading- a letter from
a boy to his mother during the days of war, in which he
said, 'You know it is not how long a man lives that counts ;
it is what he puts into life while he is living.' And if
that is true. Dr. Simpson has lived about three times
longer than any other man of his age, for he surely put
into the last thirty years three times as much as the
ordinary minister."
There must have been some great secret hidden from
ordinary ken, some springs of action and fountains of
energy that accounted for such a life. Here he reveals
one of them. "There is no service which God expects of
us for which He has not made the fullest provision in
the infinite resources of His grace. We cannot dare too
much if it be in dependence upon Him, for He has given
us all His fullness, and sends no one warring upon his
own charges." The following quotation suggests another
secret. "The power to serve God is no natural talent or
acquired experience, but Christ's own life and power in
us through the Holy Ghost. And no man can serve God
without the Spirit." And yet another is disclosed in a
stanza from one of his poems :
"I dwell with the King for His work,
And the work, it is His and not mine ;
He plans and prepares it for me
And fills me with power divine.
So duty is changed to delight.
And prayer into praise as I sing;
I dwell with my King for His work
And work in the strength of my King."
Further, Dr. Simpson's attitude to life was that of the
Son of man who "came not to be ministered unto but to
minister." "What," he says, "would we think of Jesus
if we ever found Him looking for His own pleasure or
consulting His own comfort?" And yet again, he had
felt the pulse of the times for he says : "Everything
around us is intensely alive ; life is earnest ; death is
earnest ; sin is earnest ; men are earnest ; business is earn-
est ; knowledge is earnest ; the age is earnest ; God for-
give us if we alone are trifling in the white heat of this
crisis time," This conception moved him to write one
of his most stirring poems :
"No time for trifling in this life of mine;
Not this the path the blessed Master trod,
But strenuous toil ; each hour and power employed
Always and all for God.
"Time swiftly flies ; eternity is near,
And soon my dust may lie beneath the sod.
How dare I waste my life or cease to be
Always and all for God!
"I catch the meaning of this solemn age ;
With life's vast issues all my soul is awed.
Life was not given for trifling ; it must be
Always and all for God.
"I hear the footfalls of God's mighty hosts
Whom God is sending all the earth abroad ;
Like them let me be busy for His cause.
Always and all for God."
There was to him a motive power in "The Blessed
Hope." He sings "Let us live in the light of His coming,"
and in the following stanza he reveals his sense of
responsibility :
"Hasting on the coming of the Master,
Let us speed the days that linger still;
Time is counted yonder, not by numbers,
But conditions which we may fulfil.
If we bring the "other sheep" to Jesus,
If we send the Gospel everywhere,
We may hasten forward His appearing,
And His blessed coming help prepare."
Not the least of these secrets was a right apprehension
of God. One night, after he had been meditating on the
ways of some modern "Quietists," he fell asleep and
dreamed that he saw an office immensely larger than any
he had ever conceived. God was in the midst of it and
radiating from Him were visible electric waves which
reached the uttermost parts of the earth, everywhere
creating intense activity but without confusion or strain.
The impression left upon him when he awoke of God's
omnipresence and omnipotence was lasting. Thereafter,
even more than before, he was encouraged to "Attempt
great things for God."
SOMEONE with a true conception of mysticism and
an intimate knowledge of A. B. Simpson has called
him "the last of the great mystics." From first to last
his life is a mystery if viewed from rationalistic ground.
A mystic by hereditary temperament, a Celtic facility for
seeing the invisible struggled for the mastery of his youth-
ful soul against the cold logic of ultra Calvinism. Who
can read the self revelation he has given in his reminis-
cences of his conversion without sympathetic pangs?
There came a day after years of soul agony when the
veil was rent, and he was ushered into the followship of
the true mystics of the ages, thenceforth, like Moses, to
"endure as seeing him who is invisible."
Some of Dr. Simpson's friends express dissent when
he is referred to as a mystic, evidently because of very
general misconceptions of what mysticism is. These are
very clearly summarized by Professor W. K. Fleming in
Mysticism in Christianity. "We find three accusations
quite commonly brought against mysticism — that it deals
in unsafe and presumptuous speculation ; or that it en-
courages a sort of extravagant, unhealthy, hysterical self
hypnotism ; or that it is merely quasi-spiritual feeling,
vague, dreamy, and unpractical."
The same writer replies that mysticism is not equivalent
merely to Symbolism ; that it has nothing whatever to
do with occult pursuits, magic, and the like, although some
have lost their way and floundered into this particular
morass ; that it has no connection with miracle working
and the like; that although mystics have frequently had
visions, mysticism is not a dreaming of dreams nor dreami-
ness at all ; and indeed that mystics have more commonly
than not been known as very practical men and women.
What then is mysticism ? Ewald says "it is the craving
to be united with God." Professor Seth Pringle-Pattison
sees that, to the mystic, "God ceases to be an object and
becomes an experience." Professor Hamack writes that
"Mysticism is rationalism applied to a sphere above rea-
son" ; and Dean Inge, who perhaps is the clearest ex-
ponent of this subject, makes Harnack's statement read
"Mysticism is reason applied to a sphere above rational-
ism." This fairly well defines the subject in general, but
stops far short of Pauline mysticism.
Some writers have attempted to classify mystics into
extreme mystics, who disregard everything but their
revelations; super-rational mystics who, regarding ordi-
nary Christian experience as merely preliminary to mys-
tical communion, are indifferent to the externals of doc-
trine, worship, and sacraments ; and rational mystics who
would agree with Dean Inge. If such a classification
were complete, such men as Dr. Simpson would neces-
sarily be included in the last class.
Within the orthodox fold a distinction is sometimes
made between the mystical and the evangelical method,
the mystic reaching truth through internal experience of
Christ, while the evangelical attains it by historic fact —
"The Christ picture presented to the mind by Gospel his-
tory," Dr. Simpson was both truly mystical and thor-
oughly evangelical. So were the Apostles and many of
the Fathers, and so are some of the great men of our
day. Therefore we need a better classification, and recog-
nizing this, we may safely say that A. B. Simpson was
one of the school of evangelical mystics.
Some have charged mystics with pessimism, forgetting
that every prophet to a sterile age and a backslidden peo-
ple is of necessity pessimistic concerning his times and
his compatriots. So were the Hebrew prophets regarded,
"Which of the prophets have not your fathers stoned?"
asked Jesus of His own generation. But the prophet
and the mystic are eventually optimists. They see their
own times clearly because they have seen all time, and
eternity, and God Himself. The mystic mounts up as
a seer on wings like eagles ; runs the race of a man with-
out being weary ; and walks the rugged, thorny pathway
of earth without fainting because he waits upon the Lord.
The Pauline mystic is always mightier than the material-
ist and more practical, for men must always dream dreams
before they blaze new trails and see visions before they
are strong to do exploits.
There was a medieval mysticism which shut men up
in the cloister, and there is still an abnormal mysticism of
certain Christian sects. But there remains today a pure
mysticism which was the very breath and life of Biblical
Judaism, and which is the secret of the real power of the
Church. Without this mysticism there never would have
been a reformation or a revival. It was a revelation that
saved Noah ; a voice that called Abraham ; a burning bush
that transformed Moses ; a vision that inspired Isaiah ; a
call that strengthened Jeremiah ; and a visitation of the
Son of God that recreated Saul of Tarsus. Augustine,
Luther, Calvin, Knox, Wesley, Edwards, and Finney
were scholars and philosophers, but it was a knowledge of
the mysteries of God that made them mightier than prel-
acies, thrones, and universities.
It was time for another mystic to appear. Mists hung
in our valleys of experience, and clouds enveloped our
mountains of vision. We were threatened with a creed-
less Church, a Christless education, and a powerless re-
ligion. Men were wear}'ing for some one to lead them
directly to God, and A. B. Simpson was God's man for
the hour.
The word mysterion, which is used in the New Testa-
ment of divine mysteries, is derived from mystes, mean-
ing one who was initiated into divine things. But while
the Greek mystic was initiated into the secret circle of
the oracle and must keep his mouth shut — as the root
meaning of the verbal form indicates — the Christian mys-
tic was given a glorious revelation of things which he was
to declare. Paul and John indeed heard and saw some
things which they could not disclose, but the mysteries of
divine grace were given to them on the terms stated by
Jesus, "What I tell you in the darkness speak ye in the
light, and what ye hear in the ear proclaim upon the
These mysteries include the whole heritage of the reve-
lation manifested to the patriarchs and to the prophets
of Israel, and which was more perfectly revealed in and
through Christ and to His apostles. Those clearly speci-
fied in the New Testament are the Mystery of God, of
God's W^isdom, of Christ, of the Incarnation, of the Gos-
pel, of Faith, of Christ in You, of the Body of Christ,
of the Fellow-Heirship of the Gentiles, of Our Inheri-
tance in Christ, of Iniquity, of the Rapture, of Israel, of
the Kingdom, and of Its Capture from Satan.
Pauline mysticism included all of these and to him all
of them were essential ; yet it is on those mysteries which
pertain to Christ Himself, whom he had hated, that he
loved to dwell. He never recovered from the marvel that
to him, the persecutor, Christ should appear in person
and make him the recipient of some of these mysteries.
When we speak of A. B. Simpson as a Pauline mystic
we mean that he followed Paul in his comprehension and
declaration of the divine mysteries. With the history of
Christian mysticism and its errors he was conversant,
but he escaped the pitfalls in this path by overleaping
them and going- directly to Jesus and John and Paul for
his teaching. And herein he was an evangelical mystic.
The same safeguard enabled him to pass unscathed
through a veritable vortex of current mysticism. He
was continually beset both by interviews and through cor-
respondence by extremists and faddists. Some of the
leaders of modern movements would have plucked out
their right eye to make him a disciple. But he kept his
own course, and that always held right onward to the
fullness of Christ.
He was Pauline in his emphasis. Perhaps no modern
teacher had so well-rounded a theology or was so safe
a guide in all the mysteries of revelation. But, while
he dealt simply and fearlessly with every revealed mys-
tery, he dwelt most upon the great mystery which had
been specially revealed to Paul — "Christ in you, the hope
of glory," whom he, like Paul, preached, "warning every
man and teaching every man in all wisdom ; that we may
present every man perfect in Christ."
He was Pauline in his simplicity. It is only those who
try to peer through a curtain who speak in riddles of
what they see. Those who have been behind the veil
come forth to tell in simple terms what has been revealed
to them. A child can follow him in this passage from
his great sermon, "Himself." "That word, mystery,
means secret. It is the great secret. And I can tell you
today, nay, I can give you — if you will take it from Him,
not from me — a secret which has been to me, O, so won-
derful ! A good many years ago I came to Him burdened
with guilt and fear ; I took that simple secret, and it took
away all my fear and sin. Years passed on, and I found
sin overcame me and my temptations were too strong for
me. I came to Him a second time, and He whispered to
me, 'Christ in you,' and I had victory, rest, and such sweet
blessing ever since; for more than twelve years it has
been so precious."
This central truth of Paul's message needed to be re-
stated and revived in the Church. As conservative a
teacher as Dr. MacLaren, of Manchester, said that "This
great truth, the Indwelling Christ, is practically lost to the
Church. To me this truth, Christ in me and I in Christ, is
the very heart of Christianity, for which Christ for us
is the preface and introduction. You may call it mysti-
cism if you like. There is no grasp of the deepest things
in religion without that which the irreligious mind thinks
it has disposed of by the cheap and easy sneer that it is
mystical." No man since the days of Paul has done
more to make this vital truth of Christian life real and
practical in the Church than A. B. Simpson. Had he done
nothing else and nothing more, he still would live as one
of the greatest men of the age.
Paul's mysticism was crystallized in the phrase, "Christ
in you the hope of glory." This became the very heart of
A. B. Simpson's message.
"This is my wonderful story;
Christ to my heart has come;
Jesus, the King of glory,
Finds in my heart a home."
Inseparable from this in Jesus' teaching and in the
Pauline doctrine is the other mystery, "in Christ." The
two are one in Dr. Simpson's experience and expression.
He thus concludes the hymn quoted,
"Now in His bosom confiding,
This my glad song shall be,
I am in Jesus abiding;
Jesus abides in me."
This mystic union with Christ appears in every phase
of his teaching. Salvation is not the outcome of faith
in a mere historic fact, but identification with Christ in
His very death.
"I am crucified with Jesus,
And the Christ hath set me free ;
I have risen again with Jesus,
And He lives and reigns in me.
"Mystery hid from ancient ages
But at length to faith made plain,
Christ in me, the Hope of Glory ;
Tell it o'er and o'er again."
Perhaps none of the mystics since John and Paul have
approached him in his daring assumption of the rights of
redemption, and nowhere has he made so bold in his ut-
terance as in his hymn, "Even as He." If it were not
true, it would be blasphemy ; but some one printed it on
a leaflet and sent it broadcast with a Scripture reference
to every line, the application of which was indisputable.
It begins,
"Oh, what a wonderful place
Jesus has given to me !
Saved by His glorious grace,
I may be even as He.
When with my Lord I appear,
Like Him I know I shall be ;
But while I walk with Him here,
I may be even as He."
And so the Iiymn sweeps on through all of the experi-
ences through which our living Head passed, from the
cradle to the coronation, claiming everywhere our right
of identification with Plim.
To him the coming of the Lord was not so much an
event as a Person, an eternal and inseparable union with
"Some sweet hour our mortal frame
Shall His glorious image wear ;
Some sweet hour our worthless name
All His majesty shall share."
Naturally we have turned to Dr. Simpson's poems, be-
cause poetry is both the gift and the expression of mysti-
cism. His prose writings, however, are quite as rich.
After his life crisis, it seemed impossible for him to
preach a sermon or write an article which was not per-
meated with the mysteries of the Gospel.
The eftect upon his ministry is revealed in a confession
which he makes in The Fulness of Jesus. "1 am always
ashamed to say it, but it is true, that in the years that I
did not know Christ as an indwelling Spirit in my heart,
I never had a single Christian come to speak to me about
their spiritual life. I was a pastor for ten years before
this, and in all those ten years I seldom had a Christian
come to me and say, 'Dear pastor, I want you to tell me
how to enter into a deeper Christian life.' I had sinners
come because I knew something about forgiveness, and
so I could preach to them. But the very moment that
God came into my heart and gave me this indwelling
Christ, the hungry Christians began to come to me; and
from that time, for years, hundreds have come to be
helped to find the Lord as a personal indwelHng Hfe and
So, too, he found in this the secret of Christian unity.
He writes in Words of Comfort for Tried Ones: "It
is as we are united to Him that we are attached to each
other, and all Christian unity depends upon oneness with
the Lord. The secret of Christian union is not platforms,
creeds, or even cooperative work, but it is one life, one
heart, one spirit, in the fellowship and love of Jesus
He escaped controversy and became a great reconciling
force in theology by holding to this mystical treatment of
the great issues. His most widely circulated and most
God-honored tract, "Himself," was an impromptu ad-
dress given at the Bethshan Conference in 1885 on an
afternoon when the most conflicting theories of sanctifica-
tion had been assertively proclaimed. Referring to it
years afterwards, he said, "We were delighted to find at
the close of the services that all parties could unite in this
testimony and around this common center."
He discovered that power is not committed to us, but
communicated through this mystic union, and states this
simply in The Siveetest Christian Life. "Let us carefully
note that this power is all centered in a Person, namely,
the living Christ. It is not so much power communi-
cated to him to be at his own control and disposal as a
dynamo or battery might be ; but the power remains in
the Person of Christ and is only shared by him while he
is in direct union and communion with the Lord Himself."
To him it was the secret of the overcoming life. Thou-
sands have read this passage from his book of morning
devotions, Days of Heaven upon Earth. "A precious
secret of Christian life is to have Jesus dweUing within
and conquering things that we never could overcome. It
is the only secret of power in your life and mine. Men
cannot understand it, nor will the world believe it, but it
is true that God will come and dwell within us, and be
the power and the purity and the victory and the joy
of our life."
He saw the weakness in Thomas A. Kempis' presenta-
tion, Imitatioti of Christ, and we find him writing: "It
is Christ Himself who comes to imitate Himself in us
and reproduce His own life in the lives of His followers.
This is the mystery of the Gospel. This is the secret of
the Lord. This is the power that sanctifies, that fills, that
keeps the consecrated heart. This is the only way that
we can be like Christ."
He also felt keenly the lack in some of the schools
of holiness, as this terse statement shows. "Even the
teachers of holiness are in danger of substituting it for
Him, a clean heart for the divine nature. The mystery
of godliness is Christ in you the hope of glory. The end
of all experience is union with God." Nevertheless, he
goes far beyond these teachers, for he says, "Redemption
is not the restoration of fallen man, but the new creation
of a redeemed family under the headship of the second
Adam, on an infinitely higher plane than even unfallen
humanity could ever have reached alone. We are first
born of Christ, and then united to Him, just as Eve
was formed out of her husband and then wedded to Him.
So the redeemed soul is formed out of the Saviour and
then united to Him in an everlasting bond of love and
unity, more intimate than any human relationship can
ever express."
Nor would he give ground to those teachers who make
the terms of intimate union used in the New Testament
mere figures. "This is not a beautiful figure of speech,
but it is a real visitation of God. I wonder if we know
what this means. Does it seem an awful thing to have
God visit us? My idea of it used to be that it would
kill a person. It would be more than he could stand. And
yet it is represented in God's Word as an actual visitation.
Christ is not to be an outside influence which moves on
our emotions and feelings and elevates us into a sublime
idea of God, but the real presence of Christ has come
within us to remain, and He brings with Him all His
resources of help and love and mighty power,"
No one who knows Dr. Simpson's life would accuse
him of holding the errors of Quietism. Yet in one of
his most widely scattered leaflets, The Pozver of Still-
ness, he confesses that from the Quietists he learned a
truth which was one of the secrets of his life. "A score
of years ago a friend placed in my hand a little book
which led me to one of the turning points in my life. It
was an old medieval message, and it had but one thought
and it was this, that God was waiting in the depth of my
being to talk with me if I would only get still enough to
hear Him,
"I thought that this would be a very easy matter, so I
began to get still. But I had no sooner commenced than
a perfect pandemonium of voices reached my ears, a
thousand clamoring notes from without and within, until
I could hear nothing but their noise and their din. Some
of them were my own questions, some of them my own
cares, some of them my own prayers. Others were the
suggestions of the tempter and the voices of the world's
turmoil. Never before did there seem so many things
to be done, to be said, to be thought ; and in every direc-
tion I was pulled, and pushed, and greeted with noisy
acclamations and unspeakable unrest. It seemed neces-
sary for me to listen to some of them, but God said, 'Be
still and know that I am God.' Then came the conflict
of thoughts for the morrow, and its duties and cares,
but God said, 'Be still'
"And as I listened and slowly learned to obey and
shut my ears to every sound, I found that after a while,
when the other voices ceased or I ceased to hear them,
there was a still, small voice in the depth of my spirit.
As I listened, it became to me the power of prayer and
the voice of wisdom and the call of duty, and I did not
need to think so hard, or pray so hard, or trust so hard,
but that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit in my heart
was God's prayer in my secret soul and God's answer to
all my questions."
He had also learned that the secret of maintaining
this union with Christ is the Mystery of Faith. "It means
staying in God. When the dear Lord led me into this
place, I entered it without any feeling whatever, and
simply trusted Him for everything. But after several
months I found there was a great change in my feelings.
Then I immediately turned around and trusted the change
and became happy and buoyant because I was changed.
It completely rooted up my faith. I had taken up the
little plant of trust from the soil God meant it to live
in and planted it in a hot bed of my own preparing, and,
of course, it died. Ah, how many trust in their own feel-
ings or their own altered circumstances ! This is not
abiding in Christ."
Such a life was the ideal which he held before him for
his spiritual children. To an extent that perhaps he never
dared to hope his desire has been realized not only in
his own congregation and the numberless persons who
crowded the great conventions, but also far away in
heathen lands. There has arisen a church, an elect of
God from among all nations, whose enlightened eyes have
seen things invisible and whose hearts burn with some-
thing of Paul's passion to declare the mystery of the
Gospel, even though it should lead them, as it did the
apostle, to prison and to bonds.
SOME one who wished to discover the secret of the
Hfe of Bengel hid himself in his study to see and hear
him pray. After hours of work upon his Commentary the
saintly student rose, looked upward, and said, "Lord
Jesus Christ, things stand with us on the old terms."
If we are to know Dr. Simpson, we must reverently
approach his prayer closet. We may be as greatly sur-
prised as was Bengel's friend, for every mystic has learned
the simplicity and the continuity of prayer.
Prayer is one of the mysteries. In his discussion of the
supernatural in Present Truth Dr. Simpson says, "There
is no wonder more supernatural and divine in the life
of the believer than the mystery and the ministry of
prayer . . . wonder of wonders ! Mystery of mysteries !
Miracle of miracles ! The hand of the child touching the
arm of the Father and moving the wheels of the universe.
Beloved, this is your supernatural place and mine, and
over its gates we read the inspiring invitation, "Thus
saith Jehovah, call unto me and I will answer thee and
show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest
This promise, given to Jeremiah, was Dr. Simpson's
great life text, and became the foundation of that daring
faith which was the secret of his mighty ministry. It
led him to exhort us to "see that our highest ministry and
power is to deal with God for men" and to believe that
"our highest form of service is the ministry of prayer.."
Dr. Simpson had solved the secret of service when he
learned the mystery of prayer. In prayer he received a
vision of God's will. Through further prayer he ascer-
tained God's plans for the carrying out of His will. Still
praying, he was empowered to execute those plans. More
prayer brought the supply of every need for the work.
Continuing still in prayer, he was able to carry through
what he had begun. Praying always, a spirit of praise
and adoration welled up in his heart, and God received all
the glory for everything that was accomplished.
To Dr. Simpson prayer was not an exercise or a ritual,
but a life. In the introduction to The Life of Prayer he
exclaims: "The Life of Prayer! Great and sacred
theme ! It leads us into the Holy of Holies and the secret
place of the Most High. It is the very life of the Chris-
tian, and it touches the very life of God Himself."
This life of prayer was to him a phase of the Spirit-
filled Hfe. We find him writing, "The Holy Ghost is the
source and substance of all that prayer can ask, and a gift
that carries with it the pledge of all other gifts and bless-
ings. In the parallel passages in Matthew and Luke
"the Holy Spirit" and "all good things" are synonymous.
He that has the Holy Spirit shall have all good things."
And again we read, "Praying in the Holy Ghost means
simply this : When the Holy Ghost comes in. He comes
as a living person and takes charge of the whole life, plan-
ning for us, watching over us, fitting into every need for
every moment, for there is not a moment when He is not
trying to pray in us some prayer,"
Though he knew that faith is essential in true prayer
and emphasized this, he also knew that "we will not have
much of the divine element of holy faith in us unless we
feed it day by day with prayer. We must live a life of
constant prayer." He often quoted Montgomery's lines
"Prayer is the Christian's vital breath
The Christian's native air ;"
Prayer, as Dr. Simpson came to understand it, was one
of the expressions of union with Christ. He Hked to refer
to Dr. Robert E. Speer's remark to a friend that normal
Christian living is the attitude of mind and heart that
reverts immediately to consciousness of Christ when re-
leased from absorbing affairs. In one of the issues of
the Tabernacle Sermons where the indwelling of Christ is
vividly presented, this personal experience is given : "I go
back in memory this morning to the time when He first
came to me in this way and taught me to trust His pres-
ence and lean in prayer upon Him every moment. I
came to realize it quietly, for there was nothing startling
about it. Day after day the consciousness became clearer
that God was here. I did not have to mount up to the sky
to find Him. I never whispered to Him but He answered,
'Here am I.' Oh, how precious it is to be overshadowed
thus by the cloud of His presence."
So to him prayer was a habit of life, a free companion-
ship with an almighty, omniscent, omnipresent Friend. In
one of his books for daily devotion, he gave us this coun-
sel : "An important help in the life of prayer is the habit
of bringing everything to God, moment by moment, as it
comes to us in life." He had found that the command
"Pray without ceasing" meant that we were to make re-
quest "for such things as we need in our common life
from day to day. This is, after all, the real secret of con-
stant prayer. In no other way can we intelligently pray
without ceasing without stepping aside from the path of
daily duty and neglecting the callings of life and the obli-
gations of our various situations. There are very few that
can spend an entire day and none that can devote every
day and every hour to abstract devotion and internal
communion with God about things quite removed from
the ordinary things of life ; and, even if this could be done,
it would simply develop monasticism, which has never
been a wholesome type of Christian experience. It needs
the coloring of actual life to give vitality, reality, and
practical force to our communion with God."
His confidence in prayer was rooted in his knowledge
of the immeasurable reaches of redemption, and because
of this he could not only ask boldly himself but lead
others to ask and receive. When a young lady came to
his office to ask him to pray for her, he finally solved her
perplexities by saying, "Suppose a friend were to deposit
$100 at Macy's and say 'I want you to get whatever you
wish', but you were to say, 'Mr. Macy, I would not dare
to buy a hundred dollars' worth'. Would he not say, 'The
money is paid and is to your credit ; you are very foolish
if you do not get the benefit of it.' That is the way we go
to God. We have nothing to present to Him as a claim,
but on the books of God to our credit, the infinite right-
eousness of Christ has been deposited, and God comes
and says : Tn his name ask my help as far as that credit
will go.' You have not any right, but He has the right,
and He gives it to you. 'Oh,' said the young lady, 'I see
it. Why, I think I could ask God for anything now'."
Some say that we should ask once for a thing and
leave it with God. Not so Dr. Simpson. "What did Paul
do ? The right thing. He prayed and prayed and prayed.
So should you. It is all right to pray and to pray again
and to pray yet again and to pray until God answers you.
Paul prayed until God answered him. He said, 'Paul, I
have to disappoint you. I am not going to take this thorn
away'." How sanely he presented this in one of his Fri-
day meeting talks. "Probably this is the best rule about
prayer, to pray until we understand the mind of the Lord
about it, and get sufficient light, direction, and comfort to
satisfy our hearts. There is such a thing as vain repeti-
tion, and there is such a thing as supplication and contin-
unance in prayer. The Spirit must guide rightly in each
case, but a heaven-taught heart will pray until it cannot
pray any more. As soon as the assurance comes, we
should stop praying, and henceforth everything should be
Deeper than his own consciousness there was in Dr.
Simpson's life what he calls "wordless prayer." He
speaks of this in Days of Heaven. "In the consecrated
believer the Holy Spirit is pre-eminently a Spirit of
prayer. If our whole being is committed to Him, and
our thoughts are at His bidding. He will occupy every
moment in communion and occupy everything as it comes,
and we shall pray it out in our spiritual consciousness be-
fore we act it out in our lives. We shall, therefore, find
ourselves taking up the burdens of life and praying them
out in a wordless prayer which we ourselves often cannot
understand, but which is simply the unfolding of His
thought and will within us, and which will be followed by
the unfolding of His providence concerning us."
This unbroken fellowship was maintained by definite
communion and intercession. It was Dr. Simpson's habit
to spend a time, after he had laid his work aside each
night, in unhindered, conscious fellowship with Christ.
He called it his love life, and it was as real to him as
the interchange of thought and feeling between the most
devoted lovers. It was his daily renewal of life, his rest
before sleep, his outgiving of worship and adoration, and
his inbreathing of the very fullness of God. When for a
little time this fellowship, unbroken for years, was
clouded, he was like a weaned child, and those who had
the privilege of intimacy with him in the last months of
his life can never forget his satisfaction when his wearied
brain found abiding rest in the restored consciousness of
the continuous presence of his Lord.
Such was his life of fellowship. But his closet prayer
was more than communion. "Perhaps," he says, "the
highest ministry of prayer is for others." He knew the
meaning of a "burden" of prayer. He carried his con-
gregation, his world-wide constituency, but most of all
his missionaries in his heart. Sometimes when an over-
whelming burden was upon him for some far-away mis-
sionary it would be explained by a cable calling for prayer
for this very person. The various departments of the
many sided work, his private business concerns, his fam-
ily and personal friends called for continual intercession.
How pressing were those demands for prayer no one
but he and his Lord ever knew, for he treated his prayer
life as confidential business with God. In his vest pocket
diary were found memos of these needs, sometimes for
his children, at other times for his associates, and often
for financial demands. An ejaculatory prayer such as
"Thou knowest, Lord," usually followed. Very fre-
quently on the same date, or soon after, was written some
such grateful acknowledgment as "Praise God, need met !"
His testings of faith were often severe. In a record of
the early days in New York he frankly acknowledged
that, "The pastor receives no salary whatever, nor a sin-
gle penny from the ordinary revenues of the church. From
the first he placed all he had at God's service and trusted
Him alone for himself and family. He has no private
means whatever, but the wants of his family are daily
supplied by the providential care of God. Often when there
was nothing left and when no mortal dreamed of their
need, God has prompted some heart to call or send exactly
the amount required."
An incident recalled by Mrs. Simpson bears out his
statement. "We had moved from the comfortable Manse
on Thirty-second Street to a little four-room apartment.
One morning we had nothing for breakfast but oatmeal.
Not being able to trust the Lord as my husband was do-
ing, I went out and for the first time in my life ordered
supplies for which I could not pay. For some days Mr.
Simpson received very little money. Sometimes he would
come in with a small piece of meat or some other neces-
sity. One morning 1 received a letter from a lady in
Philadelphia, whom I did not know, containing a check
for one hundred and fifty dollars. I hurried over to the
church office to have Mr. Simpson cash it at a neighbor-
ing bank, and then made the rounds of the stores to pay
the bills. That was the first and last time I ever bought
anything for which I could not pay."
This life of intercession was the secret of his successful
public ministry. No one knew this so well as he, for in
The King's Business he says : "I have noticed that those
wHo claim and expect souls for God have them given to
them ; and, for myself, I never dare to preach to the un-
saved without first claiming alone with God the real birth
of souls, and receiving the assurance of His quickening
and new-creating life distinctly for this end. If I fail to
do this, I am usually disappointed in the results of the
His private prayer life also explains the power that
Dr. Simpson had in public prayer and in intercession with
fndividuals. Who can forget the prayers he offered in his
pulpit or the petitions which he poured forth as he knelt
beside some needy soul? Rev. Kenneth Mackenzie aptly
expresses our feeling : "My memory recalls most vividly
his unction in prayer. Though I hated to have to en-
croach upon him for this ministry, I never came away
from his presence without a deepened sense of the near-
ness of the Lord. No one can describe that power which
he so charmingly expressed as he poured out his soul in
unselfish importunity for others. It would be sacrilegious
to try. But thousands have known it and blessed God for
Mrs. A. A. Kirk, who for some years was associated
with Dr. Simpson in the Missionary Institute, recalls that
on the occasion of her first meeting with him he prayed
"Oh, Lord, may she be the mother of a thousand," and
that undreamed of enlargement of ministry came to her.
She is but one of hundreds who look back to a moment
when a Spirit-inspired prayer breathed through him by
the Spirit of God opened the gates into a life of ministry
in the power of the Highest.
On one occasion Dr. Simpson was holding a conven-
tion in the Scranton Valley. A child was dying of diph-
theria in one of the Alliance families, and threats were
being made against the parents and Rev. W. T. Mac-
Arthur. After the evening meeting Mr. MacArthur told
Mr. Simpson of the circumstances and asked him to go
to see the child. Together they knelt at the little bedside.
'Tt seemed," says Mr. MacArthur, "as if a great giant
had stooped his shoulders under an insuperable burden.
But it presently began to give way, and we were all lifted
up into the very presence of God. Then he said, 'Now,
Mac, you pray.' But there was nothing to pray for. We
all knew that the child was healed, and when the physician
came in the morning, his mouth was stopped."
How aptly he would turn everything into fuel for the
fires of prayer is shown by an illustration in his first
missionary magazine The Gospel in All Lands. "1 will
kill you," said a gentleman on the deck of a vessel, as he
held a pistol to the head of a workman by his side, "I
will kill you on the spot if you stop those bellows for a
single second ; my brother is down in that diving-bell ;
that tube must supply him with the air he breathes every
moment, and you hold his breath in your hands. Be
steady'." Then he compared this to "holding in our
hands by believing prayer the vital breath of men and
women who have gone down into the engulfing waves of
heathenism, while we close the tube, drop the bellows, and
forget their desperate need." He also used it in one of
his most pathetic missionary hymns, the first verse of
which reads
"Down amid the depths of heathen darkness
There are heroes true and brave;
Shrinking not from death, or toil, or danger.
They have gone to help and save.
But we hear them crying, 'Do not leave us
Mid these dreadful depths to drown;
Let us feel your arms of pray'r around us ;
Hold the ropes as we go down'."
Many of his sweetest hymns were born in prayer and
lift us as his own heart was lifted into the very presence
of God in intercession, aspiration, adoration and praise.
Some have even felt that they must cease to pray as they
followed him into the heights and depths of his passionate
prayer life. Who of us was not humbled when he first
"O Love that gave itself for me,
Help me to love and live like Thee,
And kindle in this heart of mine
The passion fire of love divine.
"Set all my ransomed powers on fire;
Give me the love that naught can tire,
And kindle in this heart of mine
The living fire of zeal divine.
"O Holy Ghost, for Thee I cry ;
Baptize with power from on high,
And kindle in this heart of mine
The living fire of power divine.
"Help me to pray till all my soul
Shall move and bend at Thy control.
And kindle in this heart of mine,
The living fire of power divine.
With such a leader the AlHance could not but be a
prayer movement. It was born in the soul agony of a
man w^ho had seen a vision and had paid the price of his
dream. It has been nourished on prayer. His desire to
keep it simple and always dependent upon the Lord was
a passion. When he could no longer preach or use his
pen, he prayed night and day for his spiritual children
and for the great purpose into which they had been called.
While we pray as he prayed, we shall continue to carry on
the work which God gave him to do and which is left for
us to finish.
WHEN we speak of a modern proprhet, some will
take it as an epithet applied to eulogy, an exaggera-
tion of a preacher's gifts for the sake of effect. Others
will question our point of view, for there is a very wide
spread notion that there are no prophets today. The pop-
ular idea is that prophets lived in Bible times and pre-
dicted coming events. On the other hand the rationalistic
wing of the modern school regards the prophet as a states-
man and reformer dealing with the social, political, ethical
and religious problems of his time, and that there is no
essential difference between the prophets of the Bible
and men of this type today. Both of these views are im-
perfect and misleading.
The Bible is very definite as to the nature of the
prophetic office. God said to Abimelech concerning
Abraham, "He is a prophet and he shall pray for thee, and
thou shalt live" (Gen. 207). When Moses complained
about his slowness of speech, God said, ''Aaron shall be
thy spokesman unto the people ; and it shall come to pass
that he shall be to thee a mouth and thou shalt be to him
as God." Before he spoke to Pharoah 'Jehovah said unto
Moses, "See, I have made thee as God to Pharoah ; and
Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet."
These earliest references show that there are three
parties to prophecy — God, man and a mediator who can
speak to each party for the other. Thus we find Haggai
the prophet describing himself as "Jehovah's messenger
in Jehovah's message" — a definition of a prophet than
which no simpler can be given. The subject matter of
the message may be disregarded, for it matters not
whether the message concerns the physical or the spiritual
in man or whether it regards the present or the future.
The all-important factors are that the prophet be in actual
communication with God, and that he has been given a
message to communicate.
The office was continued in the New Testament dispen-
sation. Paul wrote to the Ephesians that when Christ
ascended on high, He gave gifts unto men; "and he gave
some to be apostles ; and some, prophets ; and some, evan-
gelists ; and some, pastors and teachers ; for the perfecting
of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the
building up of the body of Christ." Until the Body, the
Church, is complete, these gifts will continue.
"Desire earnestly to prophesy" Paul says to the Corinth-
ians. "He that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edifica-
tion, and exhortation, and consolation." The teacher
teaching the Word of God, the evangelist telling out the
glad tidings of salvation, the pastor shepherding the flock
are not necessarily prophets; for the prophet, whether
as a teacher he edifies, as an evangelist he exhorts, or as
a pastor he consoles his people, has come out of the
inner chamber of God's presence w^ith a specific message
for a special occasion. Any one who has received this
gift of prophecy may properly be called a modern prophet.
It was this mystical element in Dr. Simpson's later
ministry, this prophetic office to which he was called, that
made him more than a great pulpiteer, evangelist, and
pastor — he was all these in his early ministry. Now he
was lifted into the circle of those to whom are committed
the oracles of God.
The biographer of Lucius B. Compton, the mountain
evangehst, says that many have gone miles to hear Comp-
ton only to be greatly disappointed ; but that when God had
a message to give to men, and had chosen Lucius B.
Compton to declare it, no one was ever disappointed. This
is his way of saying that God had taken an ignorant,
stammering, mountain boy and at times made him a
prophet. In Mr. Simpson's case God chose one whom
he had already equipped with many of the spiritual gifts
and graces. And furthermore his spiritual communion
with God was so continuous that he seldom if ever ap-
peared in the pulpit without a message which hearers
recognized as from God.
Strange as it may seem, Balaam the soothsayer was
on at least one occasion a prophet of Jehovah. But no
man of any age ever exercises the prophetic gift as the
sphere of his ministry who has not made a definite and
complete surrender to God. Dr. Simpson clearly recog-
nized this. "I have," he says, "often seen sermons in
print that were excellent in conception, in division, in
language, in illustration, and in logic, but lacking in spirit-
ual aroma. They were cold and intellectual. When I
find souls surrendered to God, I feel communion with
them in what they say. The fact of their abandonment
to God produces spiritual feeling, and no person can
counterfeit it. Preaching without spiritual aroma is like
a rose without fragrance. We can only get the perfume
by getting more of Christ."
Surrender is initial but is not in itself sufficient. The
prophet must walk with God. One of the Bible synonyms
was "the man of God." Rev. W. T. MacArthur said of
Dr. Simpson in his memorial message; "If God was his
method of life, the same was true of his service. How
often have I heard him say, *I am no good unless I can
get alone with God.' His practice was to hush his spirit
and literally cease to think. Then in the silence of his
soul he listened for 'the still, small voice.' It was thus he
received his messages. Jotting down the divisions and
the headings of his subjects, he was prepared either to
go into his pulpit and extemporize or into his study and
write." Another intimate ministerial friend says, "His
immediate leaning upon the Lord for his message was a
delightful study to me."
How dependent upon the Holy Spirit this master of
the art of sermon building became and continued to the
end of his life is shown by a conversation with Rev. R. R.
Brown shortly before his ministry ended. "One day
while relating some experiences in connection with the
Lord's dealing with us concerning our messages, he said
that he was passing through a new experience. For some
time the Lord had been withholding the message he was
to give, oftentimes until he entered the meeting or a few
hours before at the longest. He continued his study and
research but contrary to his habits the Holy Spirit had
been teaching him new lessons of waiting and trusting for
the message."
In an informal address to the class in homiletics in the
Missionary Institute, when he had been fifty-one years
in the ministry, he told them that he had spent his birth-
day on the hill-top seeking some new enduement for ser-
vice and had received a renewed call both to studious
preparation and prayerful reception of his messages.
In his conception of preaching, such studious prep-
aration and prayerful reception of the message were not
contradictory terms. Dean Turnbull has written — "He
was a scholar of profound and varied learning, who could
countenance no mental shallowness or inadequate stan-
dards in teaching. He believed that the minister of God
should be not only spiritually equipped but also as well
developed intellectually as opportunity would permit. His
faith in God's ability to quicken the mind and to thor-
oughly equip those who would not be considered qualified
according to ordinary educational standards has been
amply justified by the achievements of many seemingly
unpromising youths who were trained in his school."
So he believed in the mastery of the art of public dis-
course. Indeed his addresses have been analyzed by
teachers of the psychology of oratory as models of the
perfection of that art. We quote again from Dean Turn-
bull, "Tower of expression was always recognized by this
master teacher as being vitally important for ministers
of the Gospel. He encouraged the acquirement of good
English and unaffected oratory. His delight in the bud-
ding eloquence of each group of graduates was un-
bounded. He used to say that the human voice was the
rarest of instruments at God's disposal when once its
powers were fully realized and yielded to the Master."
In an Editorial in Wonderful Word Rev. W. Leon
Tucker gave this apt description of one of the outstand-
ing qualities of his preaching: "He was a minstrel — a
spiritual minstrel ; preaching was melodious and musical
when it fell from his lips. His voice was a wonderful
vehicle for his message. It was full, resonant, and tri-
umphant. The very sway of his body was poetic and
passionate. He was like a reed shaken by the wind of tlie
Holy Ghost. While multitudes were going broader, he
was always going deeper. He was a poet preacher. His
poems belong to the first rank of Christian poetry. Rhyme
and rhythm were part of his refined nature."
It was the prophetic aspect of his ministry that left the
deepest impression. Henry W. Frost, Director of the
China Inland Mission, testifies to this. "In my young
manhood I attended Dr. Simpson's services. The dev/ of
youth Vv^as on his brow, and the unction of the Holy One
was peculiarly with him. It was no wonder that great
blessings followed his ministry and that I was a sharer
in it. I can never be other than grateful for the lessons
learned at that time in his ministry." "The man and his
message," Rev. W. H. Chandler says, "won my heart to a
deeper life in the Lord. For years I had been interested
in the experience of holiness; but when I learned that the
indwelling Christ was the secret of holiness, my heart
found rest." That great English preacher, F. B. Meyer,
D.D., who ministered with him both in America and Eng-
land, says: "He leaves a trail of light which will linger
long as an inspiration and appeal." Dr. C. I. Scofield,
who was even nearer to him, wrote this tribute : "It has
been my privilege to know with some measure of inti-
macy the greater preachers and men of God of the pres-
ent time. Among these, and with no disparagement to
any, I count Dr. A. B. Simpson the foremost in power to
reach the depths of the human soul. And his message
was so bathed in love that it was always redolent of the
personality of Him whom having not seen we love." Pas-
tor F. E. Marsh gives this testimony : "It was my happy
privilege to be Associate Pastor with him of the Gospel
Tabernacle. His home-going is a personal loss. The im-
press of his character as a man of God is unique. His
ministry was unparalleled. He was not only clear in tes-
timony, but there was a tenderness in tone and sympathy
in expression which went to the heart."
Dr. Simpson was a prophet to the prophets. Even in
his early days he left deep impressions upon his fellow-
ministers, as is shown by the testimony of Dr. W. H.
Hincks of Toronto, given some years ago before the
Guelph Methodist Conference where he stated that he
was very thankful for religious impressions that came to
him while sitting under the ministry of Rev. A. B. Simp-
son of Knox Church, Hamilton. In his later years he be-
came pre-eminently a preacher's preacher. Referring to
Dr. Simpson in one of his addresses, Dr. T. DeWitt Tal-
madge said that he had recently attended a meeting in a
New York City Church, with a dingy auditorium and a
very ordinary looking crowd of people, with nothing aes-
thetic or emotional in the service ; but that before the min-
ister had been preaching three minutes he felt that his
head and shoulders had been lifted into heaven. One day
when Dwight L. Moody was in New York, he said to his
friend. Dr. A. T. Pierson, "Pierson, I have just been down
to hear A. B. Simpson preach. No one gets at my heart
like that man."
Paul Rader, who has had the distinguished honor of
being the successor both of Moody and Simpson, thus
speaks of him: "He was the greatest heart preacher I
ever listened to. He preached out of his own rich deal-
ings with God. The Word was ever new and fresh in
his own experience and messages. I thank God with all
my heart for what his Hfe and messages have been to me
and to multitudes of others."
Dr. Wilbert W. White of the Bible Teachers' Training
School, New York City, sent this message to the Mem-
orial Service: "For years I read with personal profit
the messages of Dr. Simpson. Many of them are filed
away for future reference. Only the other day, in the
study of Habakkuk, I came across a refreshing sugges-
tion of his concerning the outlook of faith, the patience
of faith, and the joy of faith." Dr. Marquis, of the same
school, said at the Sunday Memorial service in the Taber-
nacle : "Not only was Dr. Simpson a man of God, he
was a great preacher, the greatest whose voice has been
heard in New York City in twenty-five years. And more,
he was an artist in the way of treating the truth. His
voice, manner, gestures, his marshaling of facts — they
were the method of one who was an expert in the art of
expounding God's Word to the people. What made his
natural gifts and his spiritual gifts as an interpreter of
the truth effective, were, of course, his deeply spiritual life,
his profound conviction of the truth, his passion for
souls, and his great faith in God."
William Dayton Roberts, D.D., of Temple Presbyterian
Church, Philadelphia, said after one of his visits, "We
shall not hear another such message until he returns to
this city."
It was said of the Great Teacher that "the common
people heard him gladly." In this Dr. Simpson was like
his Master. His closest friend and associate, Dr. Henry
Wilson, himself a philosopher, said: "There are other
great preachers who are clear without being so deep. But
Dr. Simpson is both deep and clear, leading the profound-
est thinkers into the deepest things of God, and at the
same time so clear and simple as to be easily understood
by even the uneducated."
This quality impressed others. The Atlanta Constitu-
tion made this comment: "His style of preaching is
childlike in its simplicity, and he avoids anything like re-
dundancy. He is fond of simple words and short sen-
tences, and yet he makes them serve as vehicles for pro-
found thought and sublime theology. A large number of
children were scattered about in the congregation yester-
day morning, and the eloquent divine seemed to have
no difficulty in holding their individual attention."
Rev. Edward B. Shaw, D. D., who was one of the boys
in Dr. Simpson's congregation in Hamilton, tells this
story : "Waiting for a train in a little village in Massachu-
setts, I got into conversation with a flagman. There was
no mistaking that he was Irish. 'Did you ever hear a
man named Simpson?' said he. *Yes,' I said, 'I have
known him many years.' 'And how do you like him?' he
asked. 'Very much,' said I, 'he is a great preacher.'
'Sure,' he said, 'I could sit on the point of a picket fence
twenty-four hours and listen to that man.' "
His ideal of preaching is shown in a story he told of the
celebrated philosopher David Hume: "Some one took
David Hume to hear one of the most popular preachers
of the time, and when asked afterwards whether he liked
it, replied, 'That man preached as if he did not believe
a word of it.' He went to hear John Brown, a devoted
Scotch preacher, on the same afternoon and came away
saying, 'That man preaches as though he got the sentence
straight from heaven, as if Jesus was standing at his el-
bow, and as though he said, 'Lord, what will I say next?'
That was the testimony of an infidel to a man that
preached as the oracle of God, the voice of God, the mes-
senger of divine revelation."
Dr. Lowe Fletcher, who has known Dr. Simpson since
his association with him in Louisville forty-four years
ago, closes a short life sketch with a paragraph which
expresses beautifully the thought which is in many a
"The story of Dr. Simpson's life work cannot be told
in simple words, and not until the men an.d. women savec^
through his ministry come one by one from the dark
Soudan, the thickets of Tibet, the shores of the Congo
and Euphrates, and from the remotest places of earth, and
sit down with him in the Kingdom of God, will there be
an opportunity for even an approximate estimate of the
far reaches of his earthly ministry."
THERE have been many great leaders, but leader-
friends have been few. The crowning glory of
A. B. Simpson's leadership was that he was a friend of
man. He loved the man next to him, he loved men, and
he loved mankind.
After what has been written it seems to be needless
to speak of his leadership. His life story is more elo-
quent than words. Yet there are features that may be
outlined to make the picture more complete.
A. B. Simpson was an apostle. No, he was not a
thirteenth apostle, nor a fiftieth. There were twelve
apostles, chosen by Jesus Christ as witnesses to his life,
death, and resurrection, and there will not be another.
Neither do we mean that he was in an apostolic suc-
cession, commissioned by men, who, with their prede-
cessors back to the Twelve, had been themselves succes-
sively commissioned. Such men do not claim to be
apostles. But there were apostles before the Twelve
and after them. Barnabas is called an apostle in the
Lystra story. And "There was a man, sent from God,
whose name was John." Our verb "sent" does not do
justice to the word John the Apostle used of John the
Baptist. It is the verbal form of apostle and means sent
on a commission. An apostle is a commissioner from the
court of Heaven. Such a man was A. B. Simpson.
Only a man divinely commissioned could have done
what Dr. Simpson accomplished. False apostles have for
a time wrought mighty works, but they did it by the
skilful use of human agencies, if not by preternatural
power. This man did not employ the means men use to
achieve leadership. He neither exalted himself nor would
he allow others to exalt him. He did not exploit the
public. The tricks of the advertiser he despised. He
did not lay stress on organization ; in fact, he deter-
minedly opposed the introduction of much machinery. In
his dedicatory address of the Madison Avenue Taber-
nacle he said : 'T am afraid of human greatness ; I am
afraid of the triumphs of human praise; I am glad to
have the work of God beginning in lowliness." But he
believed that God had sent him on a definite mission and
for a specific ministry and lived and loved and labored
in the unconquerable courage and invincible strength of
a true apostle.
A. B. Simpson was a pathfinder. Like Abram "He
went out not knowing whither he went." Many so-called
leaders follow the beaten path. The really great leaders
blaze a new trail. Columbus crossed the uncharted sea.
LaSalle and Mackenzie opened a continent. Lincoln led
in the liberation of a race. Here we have a man whose
life work seemed to be to push on aione where his fel-
lows had seen nothing to explore, and where the multi-
tude would not follow. He dared to ask his fashionable
Louisville congregation to follow him from a comfortable
church home to a theatre that they might together reach
the masses. Single-handed he launched the first pictorial
missionary magazine. Alone he stepped out in the great
metropolis to find a way to the hardened hearts of multi-
tudes. With a Gideon's band he attempted to take un-
evangelized continents for Christ. He revived methods
untried or forgotten since the days of the apostles. He
found a way through the clash of creeds to Christ Him-
self, restoring mysticism to Pauline purity, saving sancti-
fication from the plane of self-perfection, placing healing
on terms of abiding in and intimate fellowship with
Christ, and giving a new note of strenuous service to the
song of welcome to the Coming King. These were "The
Old Paths" but overgrown with the theological weeds of
As a leader he was unique. One of his fellow-workers
has written: "Neither he nor his work can be explained
upon scientific principles. The organization itself is the
simplest and, I may say, the most fragile possible. It
holds together by a mysterious, invisible bond. Its mem-
bers are neither received into nor cast out from its fellow-
ship. They simply are or they are not. The methods of
finance are the same." Dr. C. I. Scofield adds this word,
"With this seasoned and mature gift was united a power
of detail and of organization that made him unique among
the great Christian leaders of the day." His successor,
Rev. Paul Rader, says "No man ever held an organiza-
tion with as light a hand as did Dr. Simpson."
He had his own way of enlisting and training workers.
He never asked a man to join his organization nor held
out inducements to attract them. He knew that the path
that he was marking out was too rugged for any but such
as had caught his own vision. But when he met a man
after his own heart, great was his delight. At the first
convention in Binghamton, N. Y., he met Rev. W. T.
MacArthur. At midnight Mrs. Simpson called from the
window beneath which the two preachers were walking
up and down. Mr. Simpson replied, "Yes, dear, I'll be
up soon, but I've caught a rare bird this time." Few
indeed were the conventions which he held, especially in
the early days, where new workers were not enlisted. The
city of Toronto alone gave him Dr. R. H. Glover, now
the Foreign Secretary, Rev. Robert Jaffray, whose per-
sistent faith planted a mission in Indo-China, and many
other missionaries and home workers. When a young
student in that city said to him after one of his powerful
appeals, "Dr. Simpson, if you have a hard place, please
send me to it," he secured another recruit by simply re-
plying, "My dear boy, we have lots of hard places." No
one ever knew better than he how to awaken the heroism
in young hearts.
When they were enlisted, this leader put recruits to the
test. It has been the practice of the Society to turn mis-
sionary candidates loose in some untried home field or
before some half-closed door. If they stood the test and
proved that they were not only soul winners but good
soldiers of Jesus Christ who could endure hardness. Dr.
Simpson and the Board believed that they would succeed
on the foreign field. Many of these young men and
women have looked into a penniless purse and an empty
cupboard, and sung the nursery rhyme about "Old
Mother Hubbard" to the tune of "Praise God from Whom
All Blessings Flow."
A business man, who has been one of his great ad-
mirers, said recently, "Dr. Simpson had many followers
but few disciples." The missionary to whom this was
said replied that there were three hundred men and
women on the foreign field who were his disciples indeed
and that his spiritual following in mission lands were
numbered by thousands. This is borne out by the tes-
timony of Dr. George F. Pentecost, who, just before he
finished his course, wrote "I have met some of his mis-
sionaries in various parts of the pagan world and they
all seem animated by his spirit." We need not go to the
distant shores to find his disciples. Dr. George H. San-
dison, of The Christian Herald, who knew him and his
work intimately, said "He preached the full Gospel in
simple yet eflfective language and gathered about him as
his aids men who were like-minded, and who followed his
methods with success.
The test of leadership is time. Long ago, Gamaliel
said, "Let these men alone." He knew that time would
tell the story. A prominent minister of New York sug-
gested at one of the October conventions that, as there
was no one like Dr. Simpson to continue the leadership
of the movement, a large endowment fund should be
raised to insure the perpetuation of the work. Dr. Simp-
son said nothing and did nothing. He believed with
Gamaliel that if the work was of God, nothing could
overthrow it. How he rejoiced during the last months
of his life when he had no active part in leadership at
the reports of largely increased missionary offerings and
marvelous progress on the foreign field. The fact that
the year that has passed since he was laid at rest has been
the most prosperous in the history of the work gives its
own witness.
Some have concluded that because a great work had
developed around the personality of Dr. Simpson, he
must have been autocratic. Those who really knew him
smile at the suggestion. Rev. A. E. Funk, who has been
longer and more closely associated with him than any
other man now living, says, "He trusted those in charge
of the different institutions and left them free to exercise
their own gifts" ; and to this statement every man who has
been intimate with him will subscribe. When some one
asked a leading member of the Board if it was true that
Dr. Simpson dominated everything, he repHed somewhat
indignantly, "Nothing is ever passed in the Board with-
out full discussion and an open vote. But," he added,
and herein he showed his own quality of greatness, "if he
sat in my place, and I were president, he would still be
the controlling factor,"
This suggests that his leadership was most manifest
when he was surrounded, as he so often was in public,
by the great men of his day. He never suffered by com-
parison. At one of the Old Orchard Conventions, the
platform was particularly strong. When it was over,
some one remarked that though the messages had been
in unusual power, Dr. Simpson's series of addresses was
the great feature of the convention.
His associates loved Dr. Simpson. He did not pre-
serve much of his correspondence, but a Christmas letter
from Dr. Henry Wilson, written in 1907 very shortly
before his death, found among Dr. Simpson's papers,
shows the tender attachment between these two great men.
"My dear Mr, Simpson:
Only a brief, true-hearted word of love, sweetening
and deepening the years and the coming and going of
these holy seasons — love born from above for yourself
personally, to whom I owe more than I can ever expioss;
love for Mrs. Simpson in these days of heavy burden-
bearing, and for all the family ; and praise for the privi-
lege of having with you a part in the work dearer to us
than life. More than ever
Yours in Christ,
Henry Wilson."''
Few men were more intimately associated with Dr,
Simpson than Dr. F, W. Farr, who says: "An apostolic
man has passed from earth to heaven. His mighty faith, his
flaming zeal, his tireless devotion, his abounding labors,
place him among the great leaders of the Christian Church.
His enduring monument is seen in the multitudes of
transformed and consecrated lives the world around and
in the splendid heroism of devoted missionaries in every
land. Measured by the standards of eternity, his was a
great and noble life."
Paul Rader was only voicing his own experience when
he said of Dr. Simpson's disciples, "They did not follow
him. He was abandoned to God, and they saw that he
walked with his Lord. They, too, in this abandonment,
found the joy of this faith life in the all faithful One."
Dr. S. D. Gordon, author of "Quiet Talks," speaks of
hyn in his own distinctive manner: "Gentle, cultured,
scholarly. Spirit-filled, he left the smoother rhythm of
the regular pastorate for the very difficult special min-
istry in answer to the Master's call, and that ministry
was blessed immeasurably to tens of thousands of com-
munions of the United States and Canada and reached
out in the far corners of the earth. The memory of it
and of him will be fragrant down here until he returns
with his Lord in the air for the blessed new order of
things which will likely be very soon."
Mr. Wm. E. Blackstone, in expressing his deep regret
that failing strength and great pressure in his own work
of world-evangelization, prevented him from writing a
chapter of this biography, said "I cannot express to you
what a joy it would be to me if I could write a suitable
chapter for this book. I loved Dr. Simpson, I loved his
Hfe and ministry, and the work which he has so greatly
promoted both in spiritual life and in advanced foreign
mission work."
At the Memorial Service Mr. Charles G. Trumbull,
Editor of The Sunday School Times, revealed one of the
secrets of the regard felt for Dr. Simpson. "I had a
very real need in my own life, and talked with Dr. Simp-
son at Old Orchard about it. He listened with all love,
and sympathy, and understanding, and explained to me
the meaning of the committal of things to God. Then
we knelt and he prayed. And I can never forget, even
in eternity, his prayer for me that day as he talked with
God, talked to God for me. A man at that time with
heavy responsibilities for multitudes of persons in every
part of this earth, with the names of many, many mis-
sionaries in his mind and on his heart for his prayer
stewardship, loved ones in the home circle, loved ones
here in the Gospel Tabernacle, and, with uncounted obli-
gations in every direction, was just for that moment talk-
ing to God as though he had no other responsibility except
this one person who had come to him for help. And as
he prayed, his whole being was simply vibrating with the
spiritual consciousness of his fellowship with God at
that moment for the need of a brother. He was laying
hold of God because I had laid hold of him for that very
need. And, oh, can you understand the blessing that
God poured out at that time into my life just because
dear Dr. Simpson gave himself wholly, unreservedly to
that intercession for one person at the throne of God?"
There were other secrets. Evangelist Charles Inglis,
who has preached on three continents, says, "He was the
most gracious man I ever knew." A State Superintend-
ent of the Alliance, Rev. I. Patterson, writes, "One of
the greatest secrets of his successful life and ministry
was his humility." Mrs. A. A. Kirk, for many years
Superintendent of Women in the Missionary Institute,
found that *'He was always most courteous and humble
in times of ministry, quickly acknowledging the gifts of
others." A home worker. Rev. H. E. Cottrell, recalled
with what diffidence he "went to the hotel to meet Dr.
Simpson, but he put me at ease at once. He reminded
me of the Psalmist's words, *Thy gentleness hath made
me great'."
Rev, E. M. Burgess, a cultured and gifted leader of
Alliance work among the colored people, sent this special
message: "During the October Convention of 1915,
while there at his invitation to sing, I heard him publicly
express his deep love for our people, especially in the
homeland, and of the South in particular, and urged the
people to pray that the time would speedily come when
the Lord would thrust forth Rev. E. M. Collett, Dr. C. S.
Morris, and myself as an evangelistic party to tour the
country, spreading the full Gospel message among our
people. This utterance received a very hearty and fervent
assent. On behalf of our people, and at the request of
some of the leaders of our Branches, please record the
fact of Dr. Simpson's great and sincere love for our people
and the inestimable loss his home-going has meant to us."
If the great men who knew him loved Dr. Simpson, the
average man and the poor and unlettered held him in equal
esteem. Not only in his own congregation, but wherever
he went in conventions, the very attitude of the people
manifested their love and devotion. In the next chapter
Dr. Turnbull will tell of the regard with which he was
held by his students. His missionaries held him in ten-
• derest affection. His God-speed and his warm hand-clasp
and word of welcome cheered the recruit and heartened
the returning veteran. When on some far-away field a
weary missionary received a personal letter written in
his own careful handwriting, tears would fall that so
great and busy a man at so great a distance had time and
thought for the lonely messenger of the Cross, The chil-
dren loved him. Dr. Shaw has told us of the effect upon
him when, as a boy, the hand of the young Hamilton pas-
tor was laid upon his head. But what would many of the
younger generation tell of the effect of Dr. Simpson's
patriarchal hand, his fatherly smile, and his companionable
word. Truly, he was a Friend of Man. One might
almost think that he had been in the mind of our Ameri-
can poet when he wrote :
"Let me live in a house by the side of the road,
And be a friend to man."
Here is Dr. Simpson's own explanation of his influence.
"If I have ever done anyone any good, it was not I, but
Christ in me."
By Walter M. Turnbull, D.D.
Dean of The Missionary Training Institute, Nyack, N. Y.
THE Spirit-guided tongue and pen of Dr. Simpson
have been freely recognized by the spiritually minded
in all sections of the Christian Church as the potent in-
struments of a modern prophet who was divinely com-
missioned to impress upon a generation grown callous
and materialistic the reality of the supernatural working
of the Lord Jesus Christ in the spirits, minds and bodies
of present-day believers. Yet he himself considered that
his highest and most fruitful service consisted in impart-
ing divine truth and life through systematic training of
the young and open-hearted. The schools he founded
were not by-products of his ministry, but were conceived
as an integral part of his commission. Simultaneously
with the dawning of his great vision of truth, and the
beginning of his larger service beyond the borders of the
accustomed, came the impulse to duplicate himself by
giving special attention to the instruction of the plastic
minds among his followers. Thus he strove to revivify
not only the message but also the method of Scripture.
His prophetic calling was never better exhibited than in
the founding of his modern "school of the prophets," nor
were his God-given wisdom and foresight anywhere more
clearly shown than in the principles and aims which he
adopted in connection with his training work.
Mr. Simpson took up the responsibilities of young man-
hood as a public-school teacher in a Canadian country
district. He was always a serious and thorough student
and had the advantage of an excellent education. Through
constant application he gained a depth and range of
knowledge that placed him among the world's great
thinkers. In understanding of the Scriptures he was
peerless, and his early ministry gave him experience as
to methods successful and otherwise in the conduct of
religious affairs. It is not surprising, therefore, to find,
when the heaven-born passion for the lost led him forth
from his settled pastorate to evangelize the unchurched
masses of New York City and to reach out toward the
dark corners of the heathen world, that he should have
early turned toward training others as a means of accel-
erating the accomplishment of his task. His first converts
caught fire from him and were eager to go as missionaries
or to win souls at home. They flocked round him for
advice and help. Thus in the year 1882 the first training
class, composed of new and zealous followers, met on the
stage of a theater on 23rd Street, New York, using rough
benches and hastily improvised tables as their equipment.
The history of the years that have followed may be con-
veniently divided into three periods.
During the first eight years, from 1882 to 1890, the
school was moved from place to place like the tent in the
wilderness, but the pillar of fire always attended. On
Monday, October ist, 1883, it was formally organized,
and a new rented home on Eighth Avenue was opened
as the Missionary Training College for Home and For-
eign missionaries and evangelists. Between forty and
fifty students were in attendance. The course comprised
one year of study, including English, Christian Evidences^
Bible Study and Interpretation, Church History and
Christian Life and Work, As the first prospectus an-
nounced, the work was most thorough and soHd. The
plan was to present a complete outline of Bible study in
the year, beside other kindred subjects of which the Word
of God is the center. The students who gathered had the
common qualification that they had given up all for
Christ, and His work meant all to them.
Among the notable men who lectured or gave addresses
in the first session were Dr. Arthur T. Pierson, Dr.
George F. Pentecost, Dr. Charles F. Deems, Dr. A. J.
Gordon, Dr. Thomas C. Easton and Rev. Kenneth Mac-
kenzie. The last named is still connected with the school
as a highly esteemed special lecturer.
The following is the first statement of character and
purpose: "This work originated in the felt need for a
simple, spiritual, and scriptural method of training for
Christian work the large class of persons who desire to
become prepared for thorough and efficient service for
the Master, without a long, elaborate college course. It
aims, through the divine blessing, to lead its students to
simple and deeply spiritual experiences of Christ, and to
recognize the indwelling presence and power of the Holy
Ghost as the supreme and all-essential qualification and
enduement for all Christian ministry ; and to give to them
a thorough instruction in the Word of God, and a prac-
tical and experimental training in the various forms of
evangelistic and Christian work; besides such other theo-
logical and literary studies as are included in a liberal
course of education,"
Dr. Simpson was the pioneer in the field of Bible Train-
ing School work in America, although in Great Britain
the East London Institute founded by Dr. H, Gratton
Guinness is some years older. Dr. Simpson blazed the
way for similar institutions whose number is constantly
increasing. His firm grasp upon the essentials of Chris-
tian training is exhibited in the fact that the course which
he planned nearly forty years ago has needed little revi-
sion to meet the requirements of successive generations
of students, and has become the basis for the curricula of
similar schools everywhere. Its value has been proven
by experience. It has stood the acid test of years.
The first Commencement was held in May, 1884, and
shortly afterward five of the graduates sailed for Africa
as the vanguard of hundreds of Alliance missionaries
who have gone forth into the virgin missionary fields of
the world. Thus the strong current of missionary fer-
vor, which has ever dominated Dr. Simpson's work in all
its phases, found its initial expression. The third tem-
porary home of the school was opened a year later on
West 20th Street, and a fourth in 1886 on 49th Street,
but in May, 1887, through the apostolic gift of Mr. and
Mrs. O. S. Schultz, who had first given themselves and
now gave their possessions to the Lord for this work, a
new and commodious building was purchased on West
55th Street, where the school continued until the Gospel
Tabernacle was erected.
In 1885, the standard course was lengthened to cover
three years, and the syllabus included three departments.
In the Literary Department were the following: English
Language and Literature, Rhetoric and Public Speaking,
Logic, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Natural Science,
Ancient and Modern History, Geography, with special
reference to Bible Lands and Mission Fields. In the
Theological Department were included : Christian Evi-
dences, Bible Exposition, New Testament Greek, Sys-
tematic Theology, Church History, History and Biography
of Christian Work, Pastoral Theology. The Practical
Department comprised : Christian Experience, with spe-
cial reference to the Enduement of Power, Exercises in
Sermon Outlines and Bible Readings, Evangelistic Work
and the Conducting of Religious Services, Personal Work
for Souls, Foreign Missions, Sunday School Work, Vocal
The second period, from 1890 to 1897, covers the years
during which the Training College was located at 690
Eighth Avenue, where a substantial building was erected
in connection with the Gospel Tabernacle. From this
time the work developed rapidly. Many who are now
laboring for Christ in the homeland and mission fields
received their preparation in the old Training School at
"690." In 1894 the name was changed to the New York
Training Institute. The high price of land in New York,
and the distractions to student life in the city, led to the
choice of a rural site when a larger building became neces-
For the past twenty-three years, from 1897 to the pres-
ent time, the Missionary Institute has been located at
South Nyack, New York. The cornerstone of the main
Institute building was laid on April 17th, and the open-
ing exercises were held October 24th, 1897.
In 1905 the Nyack Seminary, which afterwards was
called Wilson Memorial Academy in honor of Dr. Henry
Wilson, was founded to provide Christian education of
High School standing for boys and girls. It was discon-
tinued in 1917. In 1913 the large Administration Build-
ing was erected. So rapidly has the Missionary Institute
grown that there are now five commodious buildings in
use for school and dormitory purposes.
Dr. Simpson's educational ideals were expressed not
only in the Nyack work, but also in regional schools
which were modeled after the original pattern. Toccoa
Falls Institute in Georgia and the Alliance Training
Home in St. Paul are rapidly growing institutions with
the same aims and methods. The Pacific Bible School was
also similar in character. Boydton Institute in Virginia,
for colored students, is now operating upon the same
principles. In South China, Central China, West China,
Indo-China, Gujarat in India, Berar in India, the Congo,
and Palestine are offspring Bible Schools of far-reaching
influence, manned by those who caught the vision of di-
vine possibility in such enterprises from their great
leader. These are some of the material monuments of
Dr. Simpson's persevering labors.
The character of the educational ministry of Dr. Simp-
son may be judged by the splendid company of spiritual
teachers who were attracted to share this service. For
several years Dr. F. W. Farr served as Vice-President,
and gave all his time and large abilities to the administra-
tion of the School and to teaching. Rev. A. E. Funk was
Secretary throughout most of the School's history in New
York and Nyack. Principal W. C. Stevens for many
years devoted his thoroughly trained powers to the suc-
cessful development of the school. The saintly and gifted
Dr. George P. Pardington poured out the richness of his
consecrated scholarship for a score of years, and crowned
his ministry by a wise year of leadership during which
the school came to the full measure of its usefulness.
Among the worthy list of teachers and special lecturers,
besides those previously mentioned and those of more
recent date, are found the names of Dr. James M. Gray,
Dr. Henry Wilson, Dr. J. H. Oerter, Rev. George N.
Meade, Rev. Robert Roden, Rev. W. H. Walker, Rev.
Stephen Merritt, Rev. D. Y. Schultz, Dr. John Robertson,
Rev. Henry Varley, Dr. F. L. Chapell, Dr. C. I. Sco-
field. Dr. George B. Peck, Mr. S. H. Hadley, Rev. A. L.
Mershon, Rev. J. D. WilHams, Mrs. C. DeP. Field and
Miss May Agnew.
The words of Dr, Simpson in his last convention ad-
dress at Nyack express his convictions as an educator :
"Just as God called Elijah to stand for a living God,
so God is calling His witnesses today to stand for a living
God, a living Christ, a supernatural faith. We stand for
a supernatural Book, for a supernatural life, and for a
supernatural work dependent entirely upon the Master
and the power of the Spirit.
"This makes necessary our Training School. It is not
enough that we should grasp these mighty truths, but we
must commit them to others who will be able to teach
others also, and provide as the Master did through His
own disciples, for the perpetuation of these principles and
their propagation throughout the whole world."
"How we thank God for the product already of our
Nyack School! Between three and four thousand conse-
crated lives have gone forth from this place, over one
thousand of whom have already reached the foreign field
as missionaries. A large number are actively engaged in
the work of other churches and other societies where
they are spreading abroad these holy principles until our
people today are being used of God directly and indirectly,
in under-currents that have not been traced in any organ-
ized work, to influence men and women in all branches
of the Church of Christ. Perhaps this has been our rich-
est and most productive service."
Although Dr. Simpson was a strikingly handsome and
attractive figure, was possessed of a resonant, captivating
voice, and was gifted with social graces that gave him
advantage in any company, it was always to be noticed
that the affection of his students seemed to be drawn to
his Master even more than to himself. It is difficult to
recall his ways and methods in the class room because
of the overpowering sense of the Lord's presence that
abides in the memory as the aroma of his teaching minis-
try. Yet there are many hundreds scattered throughout
tTie world, wherever need is greatest, who will treasure
as their most valued recollection the picture of the simple
chapel at New York or Nyack filled with a company of
eager young students. The teacher's chair is empty, for
all have come early at Dr. Simpson's hour. A happy
chorus is started with exuberance of spirit, and the zest
of it makes young blood tingle. Another chorus, perhaps
a trifle boisterous, but suddenly a hush falls, for down the
aisle comes the dignified form of Dr. Simpson. The
massive head upon the broad shoulders is bowed as one
who enters a holy place. The chorus dies away ; he
quietly takes his chair, opens his Bible, and smiles in de-
lightful comradeship upon his class. "Will you not sing
another chorus?" he asks. "Song is a little of heaven
loaned to earth." He is one of us, young as the youngest.
One feels that he knows every thought and desire of the
most wayward heart, yet his face and voice betray the
fact that he has been caught up into the third Heaven and
has seen things unlawful to utter. He comes to our level,
but brings the glory of the Presence with him. We can
only sing, "My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art
mine," or some similar hymn of adoration. Then fol-
lows the prayer as he talks about us to Christ Jesus at
his side. We breathe softly, and listen for each word
as it is uttered. It would not surprise us much to hear
an audible answer because the Lord seems so near. In
such moments our petty sorrows and the little selfish
plans wither and are gone. Deep in the soul is born a
desire to please in all things, not Dr. Simpson, but that
Living One whose voice whispers to us and whose hand
we feel upon our hearts. As the Scriptures are ex-
pounded, the same Presence lingers and many a splendid
point of truth is not only intellectually grasped, but is
personally applied as some convicted one takes a practical
step of obedience and whispers, "Lord, I will."
The simplicity and orderliness of Dr. Simpson's class
room teaching prevented one from fully realizing its pro-
fundity. Only in retrospect, could one ever attempt to ap-
praise his incomparable gifts. Without doubt, he was one
of the master teachers of his generation. His breadth
and comprehensiveness of view were phenomenal. He
combined deep spiritual intuition with such forceful yet
simple presentation that the greatest truths were caught
by even the unlettered. Men of wide learning and deep
Christian experience could sit in his classes by the side of
the intellectual babe, sharing equally in the richness of
truth that fell with such graciousness from his lips. So
kindly and affectionate was his manner, that the most
timid found more confidence, and yet so princely was his
bearing that no idle questions ever wasted the precious
moments of his hour. Wholesomeness of spirit radiated
from his presence and proved a powerful preventative of
morbidness or fanaticism. His books give some inkling
of his power, but they are, of necessity, limited in exhibit-
ing that marvelous realism that made his teaching period a
visit to the Mount of Transfiguration. He gripped every
mind that was open. In any department of the educa-
tional world, he would have been an outstanding success.
His virile personality, quick sympathy, and crystal clear-
ness would have won him fame ; but when to all his natural
talents were added the Spirit's gift of prophesying and
teaching, it is not to be wondered that he holds the su-
preme place in the minds of all who were ever favored to
sit at his feet. The secret of his strength is found in a
few lines from his own pen:
"How best can I my Father glorify?
Naught can be added to His majesty;
But I can let His glory through me shine,
And shed on all around His light divine."
By Robert H. Glover, M.D,
Foreign Secretary of The Christian and Missionary
THE careers of Old Testament patriarchs and
prophets and of New Testament apostles had their
genesis in a heavenly vision. The Lord appeared unto
Abraham and Moses and spake unto them. Isaiah and
Ezekiel both beheld the glory of the Lord and heard His
voice. To Paul and John, under circumstances strikingly
different, was given the same exalted heavenly vision.
In all these instances, and many others which might
be cited, the essential features were the same, despite wide
divergence in external setting. There was accorded to
these men a divine audience, from which they went forth
with a new subjective knowledge of God, a transformed
and illuminated spirit, and a sense of a great and com-
pelling commission to service.
But God's line of prophets and apostles has not run
out, and of this fact no better evidence and example can
be furnished in this generation than the life and work of
the Rev. Albert B. Simpson. To him, at a peculiar crisis
in his life, was granted as to these others the heavenly
vision. It was a twofold vision, first, of the exalted
Christ and the believer's glorious inheritance in Him for
spirit, soul and body ; and then, of a lost world dying for
the lack of the knowledge of that Christ.
That vision crystallized in the forming of the Chris-
tian Alliance and the International Missionary Alliance,
and these two bodies were in turn united in the present
Christian and Missionary Alliance. It is with the foreign
aspect of this movement that the present chapter has to
It was no light undertaking or easy task which faced
Dr. Simpson and the little group of kindred spirits that
gathered around him at that early date. It meant the
blazing of a new missionary trail round the world. It
was not that there was any disposition on Dr. Simpson's
part to ignore or underrate the missionary work already
done or in progress through other agencies. All this he
gratefully recognized both then and at all times. And
yet he felt a clear and imperative call to project a new
missionary movement on certain distinctive Hnes.
Its program was pre millennial, looking not toward
world conversion as its goal, but rather toward the reach-
ing of the whole world with the witness of the Gospel
and the calling out from among every nation, tribe, and
tongue of "a people for his name," a bride for the return-
ing Heavenly Bridegroom. It chose and maintained a
pioneer policy, with the aim of evangelizing the most dis-
tant and destitute, and in particular the yet wholly unoc-
cupied fields. Its preeminent method was evangelism,
• direct, aggressive, and widespread, with the object of giv-
ing to all men everywhere a fair opportunity to hear of
Jesus and be saved. Its standards were spiritual, laying
insistent stress upon absolute consecration and the filling
and enduement with the Holy Spirit as the^ supreme re-
quisite for its missionary candidates, along with consis-
tent physical strength and intellectual gift and training.
It recognized and accepted as its missionaries laymen as
well as clergymen, and women as well as men, and with-
out distinction as to denominational connection. It
adopted the faitJi principle of support, not guaranteeing
fixed or large salaries but standing with its missionaries
in trust for the full supply from the Lord of the financial
needs of workers and work through the free will offerings
of His people. And, finally, it promoted a spirit of econ-
omy in living and of sacrifice in giving among its entire
While in missionary principle and practice the Alliance
patterned very largely after the already existing and hon-
ored China Inland Mission, there was from the begin-
ning the one important difference that the Alliance
sphere of operations was international ; and this has con-
tinued to the present to distinguish this society from most,
if not all, other faith missions which have since begun
work, inasmuch as the efforts of these other agencies
have usually been confined to one particular mission field.
It was indeed a bold and daring enterprise to project
pioneer missionary parties almost simultaneously into
half a dozen distant lands thirty years ago, and within
five years to commence work in fifteen separate fields and
send out nearly one hundred and fifty missionaries. Any-
thing less than a clear heavenly vision and a faith firmly
rooted in God on the part of the leader would have caused
him to quail before such a venture. But, like Gideon of
old. Dr. Simpson had seen the Lord face to face and
heard Him say, "Go in this thy might; have not I sent
thee?" And so this man of God set his face like a flint
and went forward unfalteringly in naked faith.
Nor did it take anything less than God-given conviction
and courage on the part of those who composed the van-
guard into these "regions beyond." Seldom has God en-
trusted to servants of His a harder task. The earliest to
go forth were five young men who sailed for the Congo,
Africa, in November, 1884, three years before the Al-
liance was regularly organized. Within a few months of
their arrival on the field their leader, John Condit, died of
fever. Indeed, the opening of both Congo and Soudan
fields proved a painfully costly undertaking. Those deadly
climates exacted such an awful toll of lives that for years
the missionary graves in both fields outnumbered the liv-
ing missionaries.
The pioneer Alliance missionary to China, Rev. Wil-
liam Cassidy, was never permitted to reach that land, but
died of smallpox contracted on the Pacific voyage and
was buried in Japan. Those who followed after him
faced a China that was then seething with bitter anti-for-
eign feeling; and especially in the totally unevangelized
provinces of Kuangsi and Hunan, where they were among
the early pioneer forces, were they called upon to endure
no little hardship and danger. Others pressed on west-
ward to the remote borders of Tibet and knocked at the
doors of that hostile and devil-possessed land, to enter
which had been one of the main objectives in mind when
the Alliance was organized. A little later a band of forty-
five workers from Sweden penetrated the far north, and
amidst many vicissitudes planted stations beyond China's
Great Wall on the borders of Mongolia. The Boxer up-
rising of 1900 brought this mission to a tragic end.
Twenty-one of its foreign workers and fourteen of their
precious children were brutally murdered, and the rest
made a hazardous escape across the desert into Siberia and
after harrowing experiences reached their European
homes. ■ ■ | :'
Still another pioneer party of about forty set out for
Central India, under the wise and godly leadership of
Rev. Mark B. and Jennie Fuller, and opened work among
the neglected but proud and resisting Mahratta people.
Smaller companies were sent in close succession to other
The Annual Report presented in October, 1893, only-
six years after the society was organized and five years
from the beginning of its actual operations, showed work
begun in twelve fields, with forty stations manned by one
hundred and eighty missionaries. Up to that time twenty-
three missionary comrades had fallen at the battle front.
The fields already occupied were Congo, Soudan, India,
China (Central, South and North China and Pekin mis-
sions), Japan, Bulgaria, Palestine, Alaska, Hayti and
Santo Domingo, besides a Jewish field in New York City.
The first steps had also been taken toward establishing
missions in Malaysia and the South Sea Islands, but these
plans did not mature. Circumstances led to the early
withdrawal from Bulgaria and Alaska, and later from
Hayti and Santo Domingo. The North China and Pekin
missions were broken up by the Boxers in 1900 and never
reopened. On the other hand, work was begun succes-
sively in West China, Tibet, Brazil and Venezuela (1895),
Chile and Jamaica (1897), Argentina and Ecuador
(1898), Shanghai, Porto Rico, and Philippine Islands
(1900), and French Indo-China (1911). All of these
fields, with the exception of Brazil and Venezuela, are
still occupied, thus making sixteen fields at the present
The story of this worldwide missionary enterprise, so
unique in its conception, so varied in its features, and so
rich in its detail of wonderful experiences, falls naturally
into three periods.
First of all came the Pioneer Period of pressing into
virgin territory and establishing new missionary foot-
holds, in the face of obstacles sufficient to challenge the
faith and courage of the most doughty warrior. There
were closed doors to force open, and physical obstacles
to cope with in the shape of deadly climates, unsanitary
conditions, and every sort of contagious and loathsome
disease. The most difficult languages of the world had
to be grappled with. Formidable foes such as bitter anti-
foreign sentiment in China and Tibet, pride and cunning
in Japan, caste and fanticism in India, gross superstition
in Africa, official duplicity in Palestine, the subtle plot-
ting of priestcraft in South America — all these and a host
of others — had to be met and overcome. The opening of
some fields and stations was in the teeth of the most stren-
uous resistance, involving riots and uprisings, humiliat-
ing insults, physical injuries, threatenings and dangers of
many kinds. And having obtained a first foothold under
conditions of this sort, the pioneer missionaries had to
negotiate for property, renovate and make habitable old
buildings or have new ones erected, and plod through all
kinds of tedious and trying preliminaries before a begin-
ning could be made in actual Gospel work.
Then followed the Sowing Period of steady, aggressive
evangelistic effort along every line. In churches and street
chapels, in tea houses and temple squares, in crowded
bazaars and district fairs, in great metropolis and remote
hamlet, in crowded thoroughfare and on the lonely wind-
ing trail, everywhere and by every means the Word of
Life has been sounded forth. Patiently, perseveringly,
persistently, in season and out of season, by word of
mouth and by the printed page, the ever enlarging band of
Alliance missionaries and their devoted native colleagues
have sowed these many lands thickly with Gospel seed.
Oftentimes it has been literally a "going forth with weep-
ing, bearing the precious seed," amidst many trials and
discouragements, and with meager visible results or none
at all to cheer the worker.
But as with the earliest apostles so with these later
ones — "they went forth and preached everj^where, the
Lord working with them, and confirming the word with
signs following." Wonderfully has God fulfilled in this
simple apostolic work His promise of sheaves as the re-
ward of faithful seed-sowing, and so in turn the Reap-
ing Period has come. At first it was only by ones and
twos, here and there, that the converts came. But year
by year the results have steadily increased, and now the
fuller harvest has set in, and the Alliance is on almost
every one of its fields reaping the richest fruitage of all
its history.
Let a few examples sufiice to illustrate this develop-
ment. There in dark Congo, early studded so thickly with
missionary- graves, more than four thousand heathen have
been converted and baptized, and we find today ten
churches, several of them seating a thousand or more,
built with native Christian money and voluntary labor,
and all regularly filled to capacity with devout worship-
pers. In Kuangsi, South China, twenty-five years ago
wrapped in unrelieved heathen aarkness, the Alliance has
today fifteen churches, several of them wholly self-sup-
porting, with a membership of nearly two thousand. Hu-
nan, once the most gospel-hating province of all China,
is now among the most fruitful fields, and last year in a
single day one Alliance missionary baptized one hundred
and seventy-two persons on one station. In India three
thousand five hundred souls have confessed Christ in bap-
tism, and in the Latin America fields three thousand
Space forbids the mention of each field in order or the
recounting of a mass of detailed facts and features of
intense interest. We can only attempt to sum up in
briefest compass a few of the outstanding results to date
of the missionary work which had its beginning only one
short generation ago in the response of God's faithful ser-
vant, Albert B. Simpson, to the divine call. The Gospel
has been carried into a number of the darkest and most
neglected lands in the world. The Alliance was among
the pioneers of Kuangsi and Hunan, the last two prov-
inces of China to be entered. It has penetrated Tibet and
occupies three points within its borders. It was the
pioneer of French Indo-China and is still the only evangel-
ical mission at work among eighteen million benighted An-
namese. It has stations among the aboriginal tribesmen
of South China and the pagan Subanos of the Southern
Philippines, It built the first Protestant chapels in Vene-
zuela and Ecuador, and is laboring among the Mapuche
Indians of Chile and the Quichua tribe on the Ecuadorian
Andes. It has the only American church in old Jerusalem,
and is located at Beersheba on the southern border of
Palestine among the wild Bedouin Arabs. It has recently
planted a station on the banks of a large tributary of the
Niger River in the vast and unevangelized land of French
Guinea. And now it s planning advances at an early
date into French Congo, and across Jordan into the new
Syro- Arabian state.
In most of its sixteen fields the Alliance has a large
territory all its own, and a careful estimate reveals the
solemn fact that within the areas at present committed to
this society, and in which it is as yet the only evangeUzing
agency, there are at least forty milHon benighted souls
whose only apparent hope of ever hearing the Gospel is
through Alliance efforts. What a sacred trust and grave
responsibihty such a fact bespeaks! Thank God, as a re-
sult of the work already done, a vast number — at least one
or two millions — have come under the sound of the blessed
Gospel for the first time.
This in itself is an achievement for which we may well
give praise to God. But there is more, much more than
this. The preaching of the Cross has thus early borne
precious and abundant fruit, despite the peculiar difficul-
ties attending pioneer work in virgin soil. The records
show that wp to the end of 1919 no fewer than 17,356 had
been baptized on clear evidence of a saving faith in Christ,
while many others were counted as sincere enquirers.
There were 125 organized churches with nearly 12,000
members in full communion. There have been gratifying
evidences of marked growth in grace among the Chris-
tians, many of whom have gone on unto mature spiritual
manhood. Instances abound of wonderful transforma-
tions of heart and home, of miracles of healing through
faith in the Lord, and of His mighty providence and
power at work along many lines. Last year 8,704 schol-
ars were enrolled in Sunday Schools, 7,714 in primary
Christian day schools, and nearly a thousand choice young
men and women were in training in twenty-six more ad-
vanced schools, including nine Bible Institutes, in prep-
aration for active Christian service.
No single fact bears stronger testimony to the spiritual
results of this mission work than that from its infant
native churches 700 men and women have heard the Mas-
ter's call to service and today comprise — as pastors, evan-
gelists, Bible-women and teachers — a devoted and effi-
cient auxiliary force to the 320 foreign missionaries who
are holding 500 stations and outstations in this far-flung
battle line and are vigorously pressing forward on every
But while the facts thus stated and the figures quoted
bear their own testimony, it is to be realized that any
recital of facts and figures must in the end fall far short
of telling the full story of the outflow of divine grace
and power through a thousand streams of consecrated
activity and influence which were fed from that life that
itself drank so deeply from the fountain of divine full-
ness. One thinks of those inspired words uttered by the
dying patriarch concerning his favorite son as peculiarly
applicable to the life we are here considering: "Joseph is
a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose
branches run over the zvall." Dr. Simpson's ministry and
influence far outreached the limits of the particular or-
ganization which he founded. It was the writer's rare
privilege to accompany him on deputational tours both in
America and in Great Britain, as well as later to follow
in his steps in a round-the-world visitation of missionary
lands. Never will he forget the host of grateful testi-
monies he has heard borne by godly men and women in
many lands — among them not a few missionaries of note
and persons of prominence in other spheres — to the deep
and abiding influence upon their life and service which
Dr. Simpson exerted, whether by his personal preaching
and touch or by his books and writings. And who will
define the measure in which his clear and inspired vision
and his impassioned appeals by voice and pen imparted
a vital impulse to the whole modern missionary enter-
The Lord has seen fit to promote His honored servant
to the higher realm of service above. Today he stands
in the presence of the King and beholds His face. While
we mourn his loss we rejoice in the heritage he has left
the entire Church of Christ by his ministry of spiritual
power and worldwide outreach. Verily, "he being dead
yet speaketh" the world around, through thousands of
lives inspired and enriched by his touch, while multi-
tudes in every land, who owe their salvation to the mis-
sionary agencies which he was the means of bringing
into being or of stimulating, "Rise up and call him
One word more in closing: Dr. Simpson's impelling
vision and passion were to take the whole Gospel with all
speed to the whole world. His missionary motto was
"the regions beyond," his missionary goal "the uttermost
part of the earth." He projected the witness of the
Gospel into some of the remotest corners of the globe,
and today Alliance missionaries are to be found on not a
few of the most distant outposts of the great missionary
enterprise. They are on "the roof of the world" in lone
Tibet, in the thickly peopled deltas of destitute Indo-
China, on the crest of the lofty Andes looking down into
the black heart of South America's unpenetrated savage
Indian region, on the banks of the mighty Niger in the
limitless stretches of the dark Soudan, and now at the
fords of the Jordan, ready to press on into the blighted
land of Arabia.
But there are other great areas wuth vast populations
— in Central Asia, in the interior of Africa and South
America, in the Island World — which still lie outside the
present activities and even the projected plans of all
existing missionary societies. These lands were in Dr.
Simpson's vision and heavily upon his heart, WJw is to
carry the Gospel to them, and zvhenf The divine com-
mand is clear, categorical and unalterable : "to all nations/'
"to every creature," "unto the uttermost part of the
earth." The divine will is that all may have a chance to
hear and be saved. The divine program waits for its
completion until "out of every kindred, and tongue, and
people, and nation" at least some representatives shall be
gathered for the bride made ready for the Bridegroom's
coming. That the record of this departed missionary
apostle may stir the heart of the true Church of Christ
to move forward in fuller obedience, and with a new
daring of faith and a sacrificial spirit, on definite and con-
certed lines for the speedy completion of her great un-
finished task of world evangelization — this is the fervent
prayer of one who will ever feel the great debt he owes
to Dr. Simpson, his revered teacher, leader and friend,
for the moulding and inspiring of his own life and ser-
By J. Gregory Mantle, D.D,
Bible Teacher and Author.
IN his letter to the Colossians the Apostle Paul makes
this statement : "I have been appointed to serve the
Church in the position of responsibility entrusted to me
by God for your benefit, so that I may fully deliver God's
message — the truth which has been kept secret from all
ages and generations, but has now been revealed to His
people." (1:25,26 — Weymouth.) The expression "that
I may fully deliver God's message," means that to the
Apostle was given the revelation that makes full or com-
plete the Message or Word of God. The highest and full-
est revelation that God has been pleased to give to men
was communicated through the Apostle Paul.
Who can deny that Dr. A. B. Simpson was privileged
to be in the grand succession of those w^ho, following the
apostles, received and proclaimed the full-orbed Gospel,
the complete Word of God ? It was inevitable, since the
hand of God had brought him through the fire and water
of affliction into a large and wealthy place, that he should
exercise a large and wealthy ministry.
The first characteristic of his message was Spacious-
ness. The whole thought of the Gospel is to call men out
of Httleness, out of pettiness, out of the insignificant
things, into the breadth and sweep of great thoughts and
forces and to the wide horizon of limitless possibilities in
the realms of divine grace. But it is not all who answer
the call. Many insist on living narrow lives in a large
place. Not so Dr. Simpson. He had discovered the great
secret, as he himself expresses it, that "Christ has not
saved us from future peril, and left us to fight the battle
of life as best we can ; but He who has justified us waits
to sanctify us, to enter into our spirit, and substitute His
strength, His holiness, His joy, His love, His Faith, His
power, for all our worthlessness, helplessness and noth-
ingness, and make it an actual and living fact, *I live, yet
not I, but Christ liveth in me'."
The waters that in the early days of his ministry were
"waters to the ankles," were now "waters to swim in, a
river that could not be passed over." What had seemed
to him at one time to be merely a lake, he now discovered
to be an arm of the ocean, and that he was on the shores
of "a vast unfathomable sea where all our thoughts are
Dr. J. H, Jowett says that the expression, "the unsearch-
able riches of Christ," suggests the figure of a man, stand-
ing, with uplifted hands, in a posture of great amazement,
before continuous revelations of immeasurable and un-
speakable glory. In whatever way he turns, the splen-
dor confronts him. It is not a single highway of en-
richment. There are side-ways, by-ways, turnings here
and there, labyrinthine paths and recesses, and all of them
abounding in unsuspected jewels of grace." These un-
searchable or untrackable riches Dr. Simpson explored
as few men have done, and the amazing treasures he dis-
covered he loved to declare.
What abundant illustrations of the spaciousness of his
ministry may be found in a volume of sermons published
nearly thirty years ago. The volume is entitled A Larger
Christian Life, and the very titles of the sermons sug-
gest this conception of amplitude : "The Possibilities of
Faith"; "The Larger Life"; "Filled with the Spirit";
"More than Conquerors" ; "Grace Abounding" ; "God's
Measureless Measures"; "Enlarged Work," etc.
In October, 1887, in the opening address at the New
York Convention Dr. Simpson allowed his imagination
full play as he described the marvels of the Palace Beau-
tiful into which his audience was invited to enter : "You
will be led a little way at this Convention through this
Palace Beautiful, with its four grand walls corresponding
to our glorious four-fold Gospel. The front wall is Sal-
vation. The north wall to protect you from the cold winds
is Sanctification. The wall on the south, from which the
hot winds of disease blow, is Divine healing. The east-
ern wall, toward the sun-rising, is the point from which
we are looking for our coming King. We look above us,
and the wings of the Holy Spirit are spread there as a
canopy. We are thus shut in in His pavilion. I have
not time to tell you of all the chambers in this wonderful
house. There is the bath-room, in which you may be
cleansed from all the filth of the flesh, and emerge a puri-
fied soul. There is the banqueting-room, in which you
can feed your hungry spirit. There is the chamber of
rest, in which you will find that peace which passeth all
understanding and lose all your care and fear. There is
the library, in which you can learn the Word and the
will of God. There is the art-chamber, with its exquisite
pictures of heavenly things. Above is the observatory
where you can look out upon the land that is very far off.
God grant that, as weary pilgrims, you may be well enter-
tained in this Palace Beautiful, of which the Master
Himself is the chief delight. In my own heart the one
word, Illimitable, has been painted. May He, indeed,
bring us beyond our limit, filling us with all the fullness
of God."
Dr. Simpson's ministry was uncommonly fruitful be-
cause he found in an ever-increasing measure that the il-
limitable mines of riches he had discovered, were usable
riches, fitting into every possible condition of human sin,
sorrow, poverty and need. He proved, day after day, in
the incessant activities which now engaged him, the truth
of his own poem :
"I have come to the Fountain of Love,
He fills all the springs of my heart,
Enthroned all others above,
Our friendship no power can part;
"And so long as the fountain is full.
The streams without measure must flow,
And the love that He pours in my soul
To others in blessing must go."
This it was that made his life so radiant and useful.
He never saw a need in human life that did not find its
complement in Jesus Christ.
Another characteristic of Dr. Simpson's messages was
their Simplicity.
It is indeed a great art, and one to be devoutly coveted,
to make profound truths simple and easy of comprehen-
sion by men and women of ordinary intelligence. Like
His Master, because of this, "the common people heard
him gladly." He was the very antipodes of the Scotch
minister who was said to be incomprehensible on the
Sabbath and invisible all the week.
The doctrine of the Indwelling of Chirst has been so
greatly neglected during the last half century that it has
been called a lost doctrine. While that prince of exposi-
tors, Dr. Alexander Maclaren, of Manchester, was calling
attention in Great Britain to this lost doctrine, Dr. A. B.
Simpson was doing the same in this country.
"The glad thought," Dr. Maclaren says, "of an indwell-
ing Christ who actually abides and works in our hearts,
and is not only in the heavens, or with us by some kind of
impalpable and metaphorical presence, but in spiritual
reality, is in our spirits, has faded away from the con-
sciousness of the Christian Church. We are called 'mys-
tics' when we preach Christ in the heart. Unless your
Christianity be in the good, deep, sense of the word
'mystical,' it is mechanical which is worse."
"This truth of the Indwelling of Christ," says Dr. Simp-
son, "is no vague figure of speech, this is no dream of
Pantheism, of New Theology, or of the Divine Imma-
nence, but it is a great supernatural fact which marks a
crisis in every Christian's life when the Son of God be-
comes incarnate in the believer, just as truly as He be-
came incarnate in the Christ of Judea and Galilee. The
man who apprehends this truth and goes forth from that
sacred hour of transformation is no longer a mere man
fighting the battle of life even with Divine assistance, but
is a Christ-man, an anointed soul, a dual life with two
persons united in everlasting bonds, one, the lowly dis-
ciple, the other, the living Christ, and these two henceforth
forever one, 'Not I, but Christ who liveth in me.'
"Once there lived another man within me,
Child of earth and slave of Satan he;
But I nailed him to the cross of Jesus
And that man is nothing now to me.
"Now another Man is living in me,
And I count His blessed life as mine;
I have died to all my own life,
I have risen to all His life Divine.
"Ill what sense is this a mystery ? No human mind or
heart had ever dreamed of it. Ancient mythology had
foreshadowed some union of God with man, but it was
a union which only degraded their gods and did not lift
mankind and still left a great gulf between the earthly and
the heavenly.
"It is a secret of which the world has no conception.
Think of it and try to realize it — not only a God that
mercifully pardons our guilt and saves us from its con-
sequences ; not only a God that gives to us a new nature
that loves to do the right which once we hated ; not only
a God that comes to our aid in temptation and trial and
interposes His strength and His providence for our de-
liverance but above all this, a God Who comes Himself
to live His own life in us ; Who takes us into the Divine
family; Who makes us partakers of the Divine nature;
Who undertakes our life for us ; Who becomes the Author
and Perfecter of our faith. Who 'works in us both to will
and to do of His good pleasure.'
"What does human poetry, human philosophy — the pur-
est form of human religion — know of anything like this?
No wonder Paul was aflame with the enthusiasm of his
glorious discovery and longed to sweep like an angel
flying in the midst of heaven to tell our helpless race the
mighty secret, not only that God had come down to visit
men with a message of mercy, but that He had come to
stay and live within them with 'the power of an endless
It is earnestly to be hoped that in the near future, there
will be given to the public, in a separate volume, a collec-
tion of Dr. Simpson's marvelously luminous sermons on
this subject.
The following is a specimen, among scores of others,
of how he reduces to simple and easily apprehended lan-
guage, one aspect of this great doctrine, and shows the
relationship between the indwelling of Christ and the O;
dwelling of the Holy Spirit, a subject so full of perplexity
to so many.
"One of the most attractive lights in which the Holy
Spirit is revealed to us in the New Testament is in con-
nection with the Person of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit
is a pure Spirit, and has not been incarnated in human
flesh as the Son of God was in His birth and earthly
life. Instead of this He has been so united to Jesus
Christ, that He partakes of the incarnation of the Son
of God, and comes to us clothed in the humanity of Jesus,
softened and humanized by His relation to Him and His
residence in Him during the whole period of His earthly
"In receiving Him we just receive the Lord Jesus Him-
self. He comes to us to impart the very life of Jesus
Christ. He takes the qualities that were in Him, and
makes them ours. He transfers to us the purity, the
love, the gentleness, the faith of Jesus Christ, and so
imparts to us His very nature as to reproduce in us His
life, and we live, in a very literal and real way, the Christ-
life as our own experience.
"Cease to look to the Holy Spirit as simply an addition
to your human virtue and strength ; and surrendering self
entirely, accept Him as the divine medium through whom
Christ is made unto us a wisdom from God, consisting
of righteousness, sanctification and redemption.
"This is a very attractive conception of the Christian
life. It is not our holiness, but the life of our Lord. It
is not our struggle with the old nature, but it is the im-
parting of a new nature, and the indwelling of a new
life. Hence it follows that when the Holy Spirit comes
into our life and consciousness, it is Jesus that is made
real to us rather than the Spirit, who never speaks of
"Jesus is not only the pattern, but the source of our
life, ^nd it is the business of the Holy Spirit, day by day,
and moment by moment to transfer His qualities into
our life. Do we need patience? We just draw it from
Him through the Holy Spirit. Do we need power? We
take a deeper draught of His fullness, and He becomes
our power. Do we need love? We draw a little nearer
to Christ the Loving One, and through the Holy Spirit,
His love is shed abroad in our hearts.
"So the deeper Christian life becomes as simple as the
life of a babe; as instinctive as breathing; as high and
lofty in its standard of righteousness as the very holiness
of Deity. It is at once transcendently great, and yet de-
lightfully easy. It is God's great secret of holy living/'
Who can wonder that his exultant spirit so often broke
forth into song:
"This is my wonderful story,
Qirist to my heart has come;
Jesus, the King of Glory,
Finds in my heart a home.
"How can I ever be lonely,
How can I ever fall ;
What can I want, if only
Christ is my all in all!
"Christ in me, O wonderful story,
Christ in me, the hope of glory."
A third characteristic of this great preacher's messages
and writings is their Sanity.
Before me is an article on Spiritual Sanity which Dr.
Simpson wrote because of swarms of hysterical excite-
ments that prevailed, and particularly because of the
danger that the special gifts of the Holy Spirit should be
so travestied that rational Christians would turn away
from the truly supernatural and divine manifestations of
the power of God through fear of the counterfeit.
With these unbalanced presentations of the deepest
truths, which created so much prejudice in the minds of
intelligent thoughtful seekers after God's best, he had
no sympathy. Nor could he regard with favor the sen-
sationalism with which so many so-called revivals were
attended. He says : "The Lord Jesus was never undig-
nified, spectacular or ridiculous in His personal bearing
and earthly ministry. Not once did He resort to the
tricks of the stage performer to attract the public. The
calm dignity and resistless power of His presence and
all His work, were sufficient to advertise Him, and again
and again, even w^hen He sought retirement 'He could
not be hid.' Surely if the example of our Lord has any
weight with respect to the bearing and deportment of His
servants, we shall find little encouragement in the Mas-
ter's example for many of our modern methods of at-
tracting the multitude and manifesting the power of the
The last paragraph of this article is so sane and strong
that we venture, in closing, to reproduce it. "It has been
well said, that the element of proportion is indispensable,
both in natural and spiritual things. The atmosphere
we breathe depends for its wholesomeness upon the exact
proportions in which the different constituents are mingled
in the air. A Httle more carbon, a Httle more hydrogen,
or a little more oxygen, would bring death in a single
instant to the whole human race. It is because these ele-
ments are so perfectly mingled that the air we breathe
brings life and wholesomeness. It is precisely so with
the gifts of the Spirit. The spirit of love alone will make
us sentimental, unless it is mixed with power and wis-
dom. The spirit of wisdom alone will make us cold and
hard, unless it is mixed with love. The spirit of power
alone will run all the trains off the track, unless wisdom
stands at the engine and directs the way. God give us
the blended fullness of the Holy Spirit, the holy tact of
the Master, who 'increased in wisdom and in favor with
God and man,' and 'the spirit of love, and of power, and
of a sound mind'."
By Kenneth Mackenzie
President of the Inland South American Union.
TWO significant facts mark the workings of God in
the periodical awakenings of His Church — first, the
agents employed are not conscious that their work is to
be widely known and felt; second, such awakenings are
ever coincidental with counter movements. These facts
are conspicuous in the life and labors of our beloved
brother, A. B. Simpson.
He could not know, when he surrendered the comforts
of a stated parish for the exigencies of a life of faith,
that he was to become the founder and executive of one
of the greatest missionary organizations of modern times.
Nor yet did he realize that God had called him to rescue
from "peril of perdition" many souls who were likely to
drift in the tide of unbelief which was at that time rising.
Those of us who recall the days of the early seventies,
need no reminder that the subtle and sinister insinuations
of Christian Science were beginning to quicken the curi-
osity of the unstable. God had raised up Dr. Cullis to be
the apostle of spiritual healing, at that time popularly
called "Faith Cure," and his extensive operations in that
field had won for him the unique compliment embraced
in the address of a letter from England designed for him,
"The Man in America who Believes God." In justice to
Dr. Cullis, we must testify that his influence over the life
of Albert B. Simpson was not inconsequential at the very
time when the step of faith was to be taken. Dr. Cullis,
however, did not live to prove God in withstanding the
new metaphysical, pseudo-Christian movement. That
was given to Dr. Simpson.
We did not find him, however, ranting against the cult.
He rather employed the positive method. To help
people to resist error, one must give them truth. He
therefore entered the arena armed with the real Gospel
of healing, affirming and testifying both in teaching and
experience that "Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the
same." We bless God that he taught the great essential
of faith, that not healing but God Himself is the true
quest of life. His immortal poem
"Once it was the blessing,
Now it is the Lord"
stands as a perpetual reminder of his keen vision of God's
purpose. It were not amiss to say that in the beginning
of his healing ministry, faith in the promises was the all-
essential and culminating pre-requisite. But he came to
the place, as he grew in the life of his Lord, where he
was convinced that the Cross of Calvary is significantly
related to our physical need. As sin was the precursor,
aye, the parent of sickness, the conquest wrought for us
by our Lord in His sacrificial death must reach the physi-
cal as well as the spiritual needs of mankind. Not a few
have dissented from this position, but he could not do
otherwise than teach it, once the conviction possessed his
ardent soul.
And he had yet another step to take, which I think had
not been discerned by his predecessors or contemporaries.
It was that physical Hfe is guaranteed to the believer
through the exalted resurrection body of our Lord Jesus,
the Head of the Church. From this postulate arose a
new interpretation of physical ills and weaknesses. If by
one stroke of faith they were not removed and full re-
covery to health conferred, it was that the life of Jesus
should be made manifest in our mortal flesh, by our
willingness to bear in our bodies the dying of Jesus, In
other words, God might not take away the sickness, but
leave it to be overflowed and overmastered by the abound-
ing life of our Lord. As a consequence, our beloved
brother reached to the sublimity of faith in the achieve-
ment of standing with God who calls those things that
be not as though they were ! And out of weakness,
always present, the saint of God could glory in his in-
firmities that the power of Christ might rest upon him.
I recall two significant instances in which he illustrated
this experience.
At a Friday meeting, many years ago, he was mani-
festly battling with a high fever ; we felt that if he dared
to fall from his standard of faith, he could be ill in bed.
But as he ministered, the evidence of the outpouring of
the divine life was so apparent to us who watched him
with loving solicitude, that we were moved to rejoice with
him in his victory. When the first convention was held
in Nyack, September, 1897, it was wonderful to see him,
climbing the high ascent from the lower levels with the
elasticity of youth. It seemed as though nothing could
weary him.
This epoch in his ministry had a far-reaching influence.
Doctrines, as he always had, he still strongly presented,
but he accentuated the declaration of the truth of God
by the all-absorbing plea that the Lord Jesus should have.
sovereignty in the life of the believer. The one unique
text which has for many years hung on the walls of the
Tabernacle, and which most clearly and unctuously de-
fined his mind and heart was "Jesus Only."
As I write these words, I have before me a Christmas
card received from a kindly friend, a very noble man,
which offers a strong contrast to Dr. Simpson's enriched
experience. This card, after the conventional Christmas
greeting, contains the words in his own hand, "And I
attest that the Christ-birth comes but once in an incar-
nation ; and blessed is he who gives it the fullest measure
of devotion as divine knowledge and not as personality."
I am certified that Dr. Simpson had even then seen this
seductive Buddhistic pantheism so guilefully adopting
New Testament history and nomenclature that many
professing Christians cannot detect the fraud.
This specious system of reasoning, imported from
India, denies the existence of sin, save as it gives to that
horrible thing its own fantastic interpretation, and conse-
quently has no vital place for the Cross of Calvary. The
resurrection of our Lord is comprehended in a cryptic
and meaningless sense. If we read the two Epistles to
the Corinthians aright, we come to the conviction that
St. Paul met this very thing in that proud city as well
as in Colosse, and that it wrung from his heart the de-
vout confession "I determined to know nothing among
you save Jesus Christ and him crucified."
So far as this "divine knowledge" affects the physical
man, and is marked by a wide exploitation of the heal-
ing prerogatives, it makes the inestimable boon of health
to proceed, not from God as a person, but from the divine
which is the inherent right of all men. The covenant
rights of the New Testament, purchased through the blood
of our Lord, vitalized by His exaltation to the right hand
of God, is repudiated ; and when the processes are filtered,
the resultant solution is not the Giver of health, but health
itself. The power is within. The behest to Jew or Gen-
tile, Christian or heathen, is "tap the inexhaustible veins
of indwelling potentiality and you will be rich,"
Another vital truth for which Dr. Simpson firmly stood
was that the fullness of redemption could not be until the
Lord Jesus should come in His glory and perfect the
work He had begun on the Cross. The creed of these
cults is that the present life is the only life, the present
world the only world. Reincarnation may bring men
back, but it is to the same order of existence, conse-
quently, there is no anticipation of the life to come. There
is no preparation "to depart and be with Christ," no thrill
of expectation in our manifestation as the children of
God. The exultant hope of the New Testament has no
throb of expectancy.
Related to what has been defined, we have to note next,
Dr. Simpson's rational popularizing of the doctrine of
our Lord's second coming. Through jubilant song and
clear exposition this discarded doctrine has come to be
received by thousands who had never even heard of it in
their churches. And myriads of souls have gone forth
from the services in the Tabernacle or at conventions, in-
spired and energized by the Blessed Hope. The unpopu-
larity of Second Adventism needed the rich and mellow
presentation of the New Testament truth of our Lord's
return to encourage the weak and confirm the strong.
No man in his day and generation did so much to make
the appearing of our Lord vital and entrancing as did
Albert B. Simpson. And the glory of it is that he d,ld
not make it an obtrusive hobby. It was a part of the
rounded whole of the entire truth.
And this leads us to consider the wisdom and tact with
which he conducted the work. In every such movement
radicalism is pregnantly threatening. His critics called
him "a. faith-curist." But healing was only a part of his
ministry. If they failed to see it, they erred for want of
knowledge. So while he was accused of being a fanatic
in preaching the coming of the Lord, his judges were
ignorant of the sweet reasonableness with which he pre-
sented it. Many a man has gone to his meetings for the
purpose of discovering preconceived confirmations of ex-
travagance, only to leave disarmed and humbled by the
winsomeness of the man and the indisputableness of his
teaching. We may clearly discern from this that ex-
tremists found no congenial soil in which to propagate
their special plants. The most skilful and tender diplo-
macy was at times needed to curb some outlandish idio-
syncrasy which would have imperilled the undertaking.
But he was equal to it for he was so splendidly poised
himself. It is a rare gift, and essentially divine, to turn
such corners as he had to, ever and again in all the long
years of his memorable leadership. Of course, he could
not expect to square with every fad and fancy that en-
tered his doors. He had to be firm and he was, but he
was always gentle and considerate.
When he began his life of faith and his ministry to the
common people, the taint of Modernism was newly af-
fecting the minds of the clergy and poisoning the faith of
the people in the inspiration of the Word of God. Many
a distracted soul sought refuge from the speculations of
the pulpit and "the assured results" of the critics, by a
visit to his services. I have known more than one per-
plexed minister, uneasily feeling the pressure of clerical
essays in the religious publications of the day, to quietly
steal into the meetings at the Tabernacle and get tone for
purer preaching and more devoted service. Probably no
man, save Spurgeon, did so much for the hard-working
and truth-loving clergyman as he, through the published
sermons which he gave to the world each week. And as
for those whose faith was becoming unsettled in the
churches, whether or not they could hear his voice, his
teachings on the printed page brought renewed assurance
in the "Impregnable Rock of the Holy Scriptures."
We remark once more, that he did this effective work,
not by direct assault upon the enemies' lines, but by the
gentle persuasion of affirmative teaching. To him, one
"Thus saith the Lord" was worth a volume of argu-
ments. And the glory of it all is, that while now the
stream of Criticism is receding ; while one of the stalwart
chiefs has confessed, "There can be no solution of the
present unrest until there is a return to positions which
have been forsaken," Dr. Simpson may look into the
face of his Lord in that great day with the enriched re-
membrance that he forsook nothing. He intensified that
which he had believed ; he deepened foundations ; he
strengthened existing confidences and dispelled by the
certainty of his message every question of the truth. He
lived to see some of the fruits of this steadfastness; and
coming years will justify his fidelity and consistency.
Believing as he did in the Biblical presentation of the
future life, and placing upon the statements of the Scrip-
tures a logical meaning, the tide of so-called Spiritualism
but energized him to breast the wave with courage and
decision. Here again he met a popular tendency by a
positive and kindly presentation of God's Word. I can-
not recall any studious refutation of this fallacy from
his pen. He had only to make his affirmation of truth
and leave it with God. But he gave to those, whom he
deemed fitted for the task, the opportunity to present de-
fined expositions to the readers of The Alliance Weekly
and the books published under his supervision. The testi-
mony to the effectual influence of such literature has
been abounding and most gratifying. Whole families
have been saved from this now universal deception.
Thank God, the imprimatur which he set upon standards
of faith and conduct, by which the AlHance should be
established, was fixed and permanent.
While it would be abhorrent to him, as it is indeed to
me, to classify in this chapter a certain movement within
the Alliance circles, I cannot refrain from recording the
agony through which he passed when so many of his most
trusted and valued friends and workers withdrew from
him because he did not go with them to the Hmit which
was their ideal. He could not say of them, as did St.
John, ''They went out from us, but they were not of us,"
for they were. Their presence and prayers, their sym-
pathy and service had been a bulwark to him in times
of stress and strain. But he had to see them go from
him and trust God with the consummation, whatever
that might be. If there be some who contend that he
missed the golden hour of his ministry, equally certified
are they who believe that consistency to the standards
he had set demanded that he should hold firmly to what
had been revealed to him as God's purpose for the great
body of which he was the trusted custodian.
His great heart suft'ered hours of pain when he found
the insinuating perversion of truth, widely known as Mil-
lennial Dawnism, eating into the ranks of the Alliance
people. There is so much that is plausible in that teach-
ing, so much that accords with the criterion of faith as
set forth in the Alliance doctrines, that he was troubled
to know how to meet it. The disciples of that school were
at conventions, soliciting private conversations, handing
out literature at the close of meetings. But he saw most
keenly that persuasion must come through the Holy
Spirit. Our brother W. C. Stevens' admirable treatise
amply covered the ground of disputation, and the matter
could rest with God. But I am sure the weak places
in that system, without being indicated, were met and
overcome in strong appeal from pen and pulpit. Any
propaganda that could adulterate the Deity of our Lord
Jesus, that could put fanciful interpretations upon the
doctrine of the future life, that could deny a place in
the present age to missions, must demand a brave
The trend of all these movements is to draw people
to themselves and away from the Church of the Living
God. I can well recall how this problem came to Mr.
Simpson at a period of the life of the Alliance when
methods were still in solution awaiting crystallization.
He labored to help the churches; "come-outism" was
offensive to him ; he longed to send the people back to
their prayer meetings with the fresh witness of their full
salvation. But he came to see that he must house and
care for those who had received his testimony whom the
churches would not tolerate. Consequently, there grew
the need of a Tabernacle and an ecclesiastical organization.
In contrast to the worldly-minded policy and mercenary
motives of some modern movements which alienate con-
verts from the Christian bodies in which they were born
and reared, our brother ever unselfishly advised the people:
who came to him to "go tell how great things the Lord
hath done." The mighty dollar never spread a glamor
over his eyes. Whatever came to him was as from the
Lord. The greatness of the giver, the largeness of the
gift never intoxicated him. Sophie's early sacrifices were
as dear to his heart as the liberal contributions of those
who gave of their abundance. And the motive is not far
to find. He was God's servant ; in God's care he rested ;
success or failure were inconsequential so long as God
had His way. If he could send one man or woman into
some church where the light received should touch a
torch or fan a flame, he was filled with joy. Only that
the Lord Jesus might be glorified, did he labor and pray.
If he could have set the whole of Christendom aglow
with clear perspective of truth and compelling unction
to do the work of God, he would have been content to
sink out of sight. How he charms us as we recount this
devotion !
And there remains yet this to be said in contrariety of
these modern fads. Wealth they seek and get in volumes,
for the spread of their special propaganda. The vast
sums that are laid on their altars put to shame the beg-
garly offerings of evangelical Christendom. The reason
is not far too seek. The Church of the Living God does
not take its religion wholeheartedly. These people, who
were once in the churches, do. They think they have
something which the Church never could give them, and
they prove their joy in the possession by an abundant
reciprocation. From the standpoint of consistency, exter-
nal to the un-Christian character of the systems, we must
admit that they have the right on their side. But their
attachment is not to God and to His work. They see
only the bringing into many other lives of the new and
alluring vision which has so thrillingly opened to them.
As we contemplate Dr. Simpson's dedication to God
and feel his pulse-beat of longing for "one sinner that
repenteth" as we stand with him and hear his passionate
appeal for the "regions beyond," how magnificently he
looms up as God's servant doing the will of God from
the heart, seeking nothing, wanting nothing but His Lord's
gratification of soul-travail in the saving of a lost hu-
manity for whom He laid down His life.
By James M. Gray, D.D,
Dean of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
I FEEL the need of apology for using the word "sane-
ness" as descriptive of a man of Dr. Simpson's char-
acter and standing, and yet it is employed deliberately
and much as his co-laborer. Dr. Turnbull, has employed
it in speaking of the Nyack Institute which Dr. Simpson
founded. He said its attitude is one "that lifts the mind
out of morbidness or fanaticism into sane and normal
relations to God and man."
There were those who did not know Dr. Simpson other
than as his critics and the press sometimes represented
him, and who considered him visionary, impractical, a
hobbyist, a maker of extravagant claims, an egotist, and
some other things not so capable of refined mention. "It
is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and
the servant as his lord. If they have called the master
of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call
them of his household?" (Matthew 10:25).
The constructive work in which he was ever engaged,
the enduring evidence of which he left behind him, would
seem a sufficient refutation of such implications or as-
sumptions, and yet a personal testimony may not be out
of place from one who knew him for years, and from
different angles, though not privileged to be a member
of the inner circle of his friendships.
My knowledge of him began while he was still pastor
of the Thirteenth Street Presbyterian Church, New York,
the successor of the distinguished Dr. Burchard, who
had the name of defeating James G. Blaine for the presi-
dency by his famous bon mot, "Rum, Romanism, and
When Dr. Simpson resigned that pastorate and with-
drew from the Presbytery in order to preach the Gospel
to the non-churchgoers of the great city, I was one of
the foolish on-lookers curious to see how long he would
hold out, and what his next "crotchet" might be. Dr.
Kenneth Mackenzie is right when he says, "it seemed as
though he had wrecked high possibility for a venture that
could only end in disaster" ; and also that "satire, cen-
sure, and condemnation were freely offered him."
As his Old Orchard experience had preceded this step
by some months, he was already, if I mistake not, coupling
the ministry of Divine healing with his Gospel preaching,
which of course added to the curiosity and the "pitying"
interest with which his downfall was awaited. But God
seemed able to make him stand.
And indeed the discovery of this was a cause of joy
to the writer when, some time afterward, he himself was
passing through a not dissimilar spiritual crisis. It was
in Boston where, settled over a church in close proximity
to that of the late A. J. Gordon of blessed memory, he
thus had an opportunity to study at close range another
example of a Spirit-filled man. Dr. Gordon also preached
the Fourfold Gospel, and his life quite as much as his
teaching aided in the interpretation and the understanding
of that in the career of Dr. Simpson which seemed so
different from other men and particularly other ministers.
But by and by I came to know Dr. Simpson himself at
conferences, in business matters, in his school work, in
private homes, by sick beds, in the intimacy of Christian
counsel and the fellowship of prayer. Thus learning
what manner of man he was, it no longer seemed the
marvel that The Christian and Missionary Alliance should
expand as it had done, that the Gospel Tabernacle should
be such an attraction to God's saints, that the Old Orchard
convention should be a Mecca for half the world, that
the Nyack Institute should have achieved so much, or
that the product of his pen should have filled so many
volumes and brought strength and refreshment to so
many souls.
His saneness, if I may use the word, impressed me all
the more because I had expected something different. A
friend writes of him that he had the happy faculty of
devoting himself to a caller seeking counsel as though
he had nothing else to do, perhaps leaving the crowding
duties of his busy hours to pay attention to him. And
I recall the way he grew on me when I saw him more
than once, temporarily leaving the platform of a con-
vention where he had been presiding and perhaps deliv-
ering a powerful address, to talk to some one about a
detail such as the publication of a book, a lecture schedule,
the entertainment of a guest or the payment of a sum
of money, as though it were of all things that in which he
had the deepest interest.
"Rich in saving common sense,
And, as the greatest only are,
In his simplicity sublime."
The characteristic impressed me in casual intercourse.
One was not compelled to be on his guard with Dr.
Simpson. As to his piety and consecration there was
no question, and he always seemed more than ordinarily
engrossed with the things that are not seen, and yet he
never appeared to be expecting anything out of the ordi-
nary in you ; that is to say, he did not by any show of
sanctity allure you into a show of cant. He could get
down to your spiritual level without unkindly humiliating
you by the contrast. A real gift and an exhibition of
true grace.
The same must have been noticed by any with whom
he happened to differ on a question of Scripture inter-
pretation. The hobbyist or egotist conceals it with diffi-
culty in such cases, but Dr. Simpson, master of exegesis
and exposition as he was, while maintaining his opinion
if it seemed worth while to do so, escaped the folly of
letting you suppose that he had ceased to be a learner.
My thesis found a new illustration when I went to
lecture periodically at the Missionary Institute at Nyack
years ago. Its beautiful situation, though very different
in feature from that of Northfield, stamped its selection
as that of a man with the practical sense of D. L. Moody ;
while its buildings and equipment, though limited in com-
parison with the older and wealthier institution, showed
a capacity for affairs not commonly associated with a
The days spent there, going and coming at different
seasons, afforded an introduction not only to students
and teachers, but to the officials conducting the business
of the school, which commanded esteem for the adminis-
trative ability, to say nothing of the grace and unction
of the leader and director of it all. Looking back upon
those days I am able to appreciate another remark of Dr.
Turnbull, that Dr. Simpson "breathed a spirit of happy
confidence that was simply contagious."
An amusing personal incident of that time did its share
also to help me see the "humanness" of Dr. Simpson and
open a window into his soul.
Racing down the mountain side one day in haste to
catch a train, I stumbled over a sharp rock and tore my
nether garment almost from the belt to the hem. The
devastation seemed too serious for repair and to travel
to Boston in that predicament was unthinkable ; and yet
my exchequer was too low to pay my fare to Boston in-
cluding a sleeper, and also to purchase a new garment.
How was the situation to be met?
Happily, Dr. Simpson had preceded me to the train,
and looking him up in a forward car where he was im-
mersed in Bible and note-book, I presented myself to his
quizzical gaze.
He made me a loan, the widow's mite if I remember,
but which alas ! was rendered useless by the event. For
on arriving at New York, I became aware for the first
time that it was a legal holiday, Washington's birthday,
and that no stores were open, not even a tailor's shop.
What an abasing walk I had that day, and how sorely
tried my patriotism was, as I meandered through Twenty-
third Street from the ferry to Broadway, and then north,
partly on Broadway and partly on Fourth Avenue, to
the Grand Central Station, looking for a hospitable bushel-
man; and not until the very end of the journey was one
The curtain falls on the happening there, but the recital
of it afterwards to Dr. Simpson drew me to him in a
new way as I realized that his gravity was the kind that
could stand the test of humor.
Doubtless it is too early to predict which of the facets
of Dr. Simpson's life will project its gleam farthest into
the coming years, but it is natural to suppose that it may
be his witness to Divine healing.
The thrilling story of his own healing has never lost
its effect upon me since the time I first heard it, and the
many instances coming to me of his exercise of the gift
of the prayer of faith in the healing of others have been
a source of praise and wonder.
This is not to say that I was ever able to see quite eye
to eye with him in his exposition of the doctrine; but this
circumstance is mentioned merely because it gives its own
value to my testimony as to the reasonableness with which
he presented his views upon it to other people.
I say nothing now of that which he has written on
the subject, which speaks for itself, but only of that
which I have seen in or heard from him as together we
have sat by the side of an ailing or a dying saint.
Perhaps the saint was one who was unable to grasp
the higher round of faith's ladder which he himself had
scaled, but this did not seduce him into speaking dis-
paragingly of human physicians in such a case nor in
making light of medicines. He recognized the place of
medical science in the economy of things, and regarded
it as un-ChristHke to denounce or oppose it in its true
place. But patiently, lucidly, sympathetically he set forth
the Bible teaching about heaHng as he understood it,
making any mention of himself with modesty, and then in
prayer going only as far as the inquirer could go even
if a disappointing pause was made before the end.
His attitude seemed to be that expressed in his simple
verse, written without satire, I feel sure :
"God has His best things for the few
Who dare to stand the test;
He has a second choice for those
Who will not have the best."
Whether you agreed with him or not, somehow you felt
that he dealt in that "sound speech that can not be con-
demned" (Titus 2 :8), the understatement which strength-
ens argument.
Some time since there was placed in my hands for re-
view a book entitled, "Counterfeit Miracles," written by
an American theologian of distinction, who devoted a
chapter of some forty pages to "Faith-Healing." He
paid his respects to several witnesses thereto, including
three or four of my personal friends now departed to be
with their Lord, but when he came to the subject of this
chapter he simply said :
"Perhaps Dr. A. B. Simpson, of New York, who has
been since 1887 the president of The Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance, founded in that year at Old Orchard,
Maine, has been blamelessly in the public eye as a healer
of the sick through faith for as long a period as any of
our recent American healers. The fame of others has
been, if more splendid, at the same time less pure and
less lasting."
"Blamelessly" and "pure" were particularly well chosen.
The word for which I apologized in my title was early
suggested to me as descriptive of Dr. Simspon when,
years ago, I commenced reading after him, especially
in the "Answers to Questions" column of The Alliance
Weekly or its predecessor. If ever one needed the Spirit
"of power, and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Tim.
1:7), it is when he undertakes the editorship of such a
department in a religious journal,
"What is the 'Abomination of Desolation'?" "Was
Adam created with sinful tendencies?' "Please tell me
what Bahaism is." "How does Christian Science differ
from Divine healing?" "Will infants be saved?" "Is
the Church the body or the bride of Christ?" "Should
Christians vote?" "May a Christian join a lodge?" "Why
did God punish Pharaoh when he hardened his heart?"
"Do you teach eradication ?" "Do you believe in conscious
and eternal punishment?" "Please explain what is meant
by 'Baptized for the dead'." "Please explain I Peter
3:19 and Heb. 6:4-6." "Give us your opinion of
women preaching." "Will the Church pass through the
tribulation?" "How shall I answer a Seventh Day Ad-
ventist?" "Is war justifiable?"
I am bound to say that so far as I am able to judge,
Dr. Simpson passed this test triumphantly, and pur-
chased for himself "a good degree and great boldness in
the faith" (I Tim. 3:13).
May I enlarge upon that last-named question about
Dr. Simpson was a premillenialist, and when the United
States went to war with Germany, New Theology preach-
ers thought they saw an opportunity to discredit such,
stating that they were pacifists, who were weakening the
Government's hands.
Of course this was not true. Postmillennialism is es-
sentially pacifism because it claims that the world is
growing better all the while, the corollary of which is
that military armaments are to be discouraged. The
writer pointed this out in a magazine article, in the course
of which he said that the earliest and ablest arguments
from the Christian standpoint in defense of our Gov-
ernment's action which he had heard, had come from
A. B. Simpson was one of these. The title of his ser-
mon is not recalled, but it is remembered with what mar-
tial eloquence he described Abram's battle against the
confederate kings, and how it was approved in the court
of heaven by the fact that he received the blessing of
Melchizedek, the priest of the Most High God.
As I read it, I thought of Mary Queen of Scots, who
feared John Knox's prayers more than an army of 10,000
men, and I believed it no hyperbole to say that the Kaiser
might have been similarly disturbed had he heard the
clarion note of this man of God which was sounded up
and down our land and around the world.
Some were giving forth a very uncertain sound about
that time, and others were clearly unpatriotic and wrong,
but when he spoke with the authority of the Bible he
knew so well and the strong influence of a life hid with
Christ in God, it brought boldness and steadiness to many.
Had he coveted a decoration for his breast it was as truly
merited as in the case of others whose patriotism had
taken a different form.
And speaking of patriotism and the Christian saneness
of which it is sometimes an exhibition, the last word that
I dare claim space to write concerns that little book of
Dr. Simpson, The Old Faith and the New Gospels, a
classic of its kind, which should never be out of print,
and which this generation at least should not allow to be
forgotten. Whether it be the chapter on Evolution or
Creation, or that on Higher Criticism and the Authority
of the Bible, or that on Socialism and the Kingdom and
Coming of Christ, it is patriotism of a high order and
saneness that the whole world needs.
Our accomplished President has recently coined a new
phrase about the spiritual leadership of the world. His
meaning may require some clarifying for the mind of
the average poHtician, but the spiritual leadership of the
world which The Old Faith and the Nezv Gospels advo-
cates is that which shall remain when the democracies of
the present shall have forever run their course. He who
reads it with enlightenment of mind and heart to believe
it, will set his seal to the testimony of this witness that
A. B. Simpson was a man "of honest report, full of the
Holy Ghost and wisdom."
By Frederic H. Senft
IT was my privilege to know our beloved brother, Rev.
A, B. Simpson, for over thirty years. His name and
one of his tracts along with other full Gospel literature
were sent to me by a friend shortly after graduating
from college. The Fourfold Gospel appealed to me at
once. God led me to see these truths in His Word, and
I found that his statement of doctrine agreed with my
Returning from the South, I came to New York and
visited his work. I had an interview with him, and heard
him speak the first time in the Friday meeting, then held
in a hall while the present Gospel Tabernacle was being
built. At this meeting I first witnessed and participated
in an anointing service, which was solemn and uplifting.
Mr. Simpson spoke from the text: "If God be for us,
who can be against us?" (Rom. 8:31).
I was much impressed by Mr. Simpson's serene, spirit-
ual bearing, and my heart was drawn to him and to the
testimony and work he represented. It was not through
any persuasion on his part, but from settled conviction
that I cast in my lot with this chosen people and work.
I sat under his teaching for a few months in what was
then called The New York Missionary Training College.
My wife, some three years before I met her, had the same
privilege. She was baptized by Mr. Simpson in Lake Erie,
at which time he remarked, "Why, Ruth, the Spirit of
Christ is so real that He bathes us and seems as oil poured
on the waters." He officiated at our marriage. So, as
children in the Full Gospel and co-laborers, we have come
in close fellowship with him for a score and a half years
and have shared in the blessed benefits of his ripe expe-
rience, courtesy, and counsel.
Men and means have been put at his disposal in answer
to prayer. True, there have been all along the way per-
sons attracted to the man, his message and leadership, who
did not count the cost, and have dropped out for various
reasons. This has been the record of other spiritual
movements. A great convention with a magnificent offer-
ing for missions, has again and again attracted the on-
looker, who has been caught in the popular wave and
swept into the movement ; but when the waters subsided,
with the reproach of the Cross and the patient plodding
without applause in view, some have fallen out of the
The best, the sweetest, and indeed all the resources of
his many-sided life were always held at the disposal of
His Master. It was surely true of him:
"Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all."
And as he, by the grace of God, followed faithfully and
lived out the reaHty of such a complete consecration, God
in His infinite love and unfailing faithfulness did the rest.
He was controlled by a lofty purpose and high ideals ;
his whole being seemed to shun the selfish and the sordid.
He ever sought to see and seize God's highest choice in
all his relationships with God and his brethren, and to
find and fill the perfect will of his Master. He practised
his own exhortations to others: "It is a blessed thing to
have our life laid out and our Christian work adjusted
to God's plan. Much spiritual force is expended in waste
effort and scattered in indefinite and inconstant attempts
at doing good." It was his highest ambition and chiefest
delight to catch the thought of God, and obediently,
loyally, and lovingly to fulfill it. He had learned the
necessity of lingering in the mount with God to procure
His pattern, and then go down to the hosts of the Lord
with shining face and divine dignity and serenity to carry
it out in deeds of love and abiding fruit. He found that
hours of secluded meditation and holy exaltation v/ere
necessary for hours of patient plodding and the faithful
performance of his Father's will and work.
There was apparently no self-consciousness in Dr.
Simpson, as one came in contact with him in conversation
or heard him in public address. His face, manners, and
spirit, in the pulpit or in private, showed self-effacement
to a degree that is rare. About twenty years ago, one
who had become interested in our work in Philadelphia,
after hearing him preach, remarked : "One does not see
Dr. Simpson but the Christ whom he preaches and ex-
emplifies ; he is so completely lost in Christ and His mes-
sage that he seems to be unconscious of himself and
others." His was a crucified life. "For me to live is
Christ," was his theme and the expression of his long life
and labor. "Himself," the title of his most sought-after
tract, was the keynote of his message.
Intelligent and highly cultured he was, yet there was
no attempt to boast of his accomplishments or to make
an impression upon those with whom he mingled or to
whom he ministered. He held every God-given gift as
a sacred trust to be used in deep humility as well as in
unswerving fidelity. Wesley's memorable motto could be
applied to him: "Simplify religion and every part of
Again, in the ministry of the printed page, A. B. Simp-
son's plan was similar to John Wesley's, namely, "Cheaper,
shorter, plainer books." Amid Wesley's other abundant
labors it is said that "he found time to keep up a constant
supply of pamphlets, tracts, and sermons, carried by his
preachers to the remotest parts of the country, beside pro-
viding them with a large library, written or edited by
himself." Surely a great heritage of most helpful lit-
erature has also been left for those who follow our be-
loved leader, and for the whole Church of Christ,
Dr. Simpson was a good listener. This added much to
his companionableness and to the interest with which
others listened to him. It is difficult to talk with some
people — one feels ill at ease because of their evident
eagerness to occupy all the time. Hear his own words
on this point: "How unseemly it would be for us in the
presence of an earthly superior to monopolize all the con-
versation. The best conversationaHst is the best listener."
He had a rare gift of speech, using well-chosen words
that flowed with fascinating freedom from his lips. He
was at times witty, but with a high order of humor,
having a noble purpose in view. He could tell a story
with rare skill and abiding effect, especially in his public
messages and in his printed sermons and books. Nothing
was lacking in the aptness of his illustrations and the
effectiveness of the application. Certain of his illustra-
tions and their pertinent use are still remembered though
given a score or more of years ago.
Brother Simpson possessed unusual qualities both of
heart and mind, rarely found so highly developed in the
same individual. Although he was gifted with more than
ordinary powers, yet he exhibited beautiful humility, as
well as practical wisdom in counselling with his brethren
in the work, and profiting by the judgment even of those
much younger than himself. He had an inspiring per-
sonality, a keen knowledge of men, a rare combination
of dignity and simplicity, and a gentle spirit and manner.
One of the marked inwrought gifts of the Spirit was
his winsome way of presenting truth and giving personal
testimony. Many have gone to hear him preach who
were prejudiced, having preconceived and distorted
opinions regarding the man and his message. But his
sweetness of spirit, Scriptural argument, and convincing
logic disarmed and won the biased hearer, often making
him a staunch friend and supporter. True, there were
extremists who, at times, came to his meetings, or sought
a private interview with him — those who had some fad
or fancy to present. But with what rare tact and ten-
derness he dealt with such persons ! Thus he saved a
public ministry of exceptional power and blessing from
being side-tracked into discussion and division. Firmness
mingled with gentleness and true greatness often won the
day for truth and righteousness.
He had a remarkable range of practical knowledge and
his answers to questions were always an interesting feat-
ure in the conventions. The "Question Box" and the
question hour were occasions of rare privilege to the
eager congregations. Some would take advantage of this
to ask "catch questions" or to air some idiosyncrasy.
These were usually answered or dismissed in a sentence,
giving time for the sincere seekers after Hght. Some of
these questions and answers have been preserved, as In-
quiries and Answers Concerning Divine Healing, a pam-
phlet which has been of inestimable help to many honest
Another gift of God's grace bestowed upon our beloved
brother was the perfect ease with which he entered into
the condition and confidence of one seeking counsel or
spiritual help. His approachable attitude and the broth-
erly atmosphere v/hich he radiated made the seeker after
help to feel free in his presence. A well-known Christian
worker said of him : "He was the most gracious man I
ever met." His deep piety did not produce awe and
uneasiness, but showed itself in sweet simplicity. His
intuitive and acquired knowledge of men, their problems,
heart yearnings, and physical needs, enabled him to probe
the vital point, and through words of counsel, and pre-
vailing prayer, to bring down heaven's help, and heahng.
He did not spare himself at all; he lived for others with-
out a trace of self-interest.
In his silence under criticism and persecution one could
not fail to see in him the marks of highest manhood, wise
method, and rare spirituaHty. He had the spirit of the
One "Who opened not his mouth." He met opposition,
misrepresentation, and persecution of all sorts and de-
grees, especially in the earlier years of his career when
he separated from his church and former friends and
became an exponent of the Fourfold Gospel. But to all
assailants he "answered not a word." Like Nehemiah he
was doing a great work, and could not come down to
answer the railings of the wary, world-inspired troublers
— usually those of the Pharasaic element of the professed
Church. It seemed his devotion increased as difficulties
and persecutions pressed him closer to the bosom of his
Master who, by His power, turned the curse into a
The ceaseless round of duties left him little time for
rest and recreation. For thirty-five years he scarcely
knew the meaning of a holiday. His capacity for con-
tinuous hard work was remarkable. The summer season,
when ministers usually have a vacation, was his busiest
time — going from one great convention to another for
the week-end, then back to New York to catch up with
accumulated work.
However, to rest his mind and refresh his body, he
diverted himself at times in the evenings by working in
the garden or by turning to mechanical work, making
fine models for homes at Nyack Heights, and other de-
vices. He had an inventive and mechanical mind. As
a boy he knew how to plow and do other service on the
farm. He was fond of astronomy, and had a small ob-
servatory near his home where with a large telescope he
taught the students the wonders of the heavens. These
diversions from the crowded hours in his New York
office, a very humble place on noisy Eighth Avenue,
served as a tonic for his arduous labors which touched
the ends of the earth.
As was said of McCheyne, he excelled in prayer. Who
can forget the ardent prayers coming from the depths of
dear Dr. Simpson's soul and reaching to the throne of God,
bringing down untold blessing upon innumerable lives !
The months of his infirmity were filled with prayer day
and night. It was my privilege to stay with him for
several nights during the first part of his break-down
when he needed prayerful support in the night seasons.
How the spirit of ''prayer and supplication with thanks-
giving" would be poured out, not for himself so much
as for others ! Then God would come in comforting bless-
ing and soon he would sleep as a child on its mother's
bosom. This was the choicest privilege of my thirty years'
association with him.
Upon calling to see him in his room at headquarters,
New York, a few months before he passed away, I found
him in bed, weak in body but alert in mind. Sheets of
paper were about him on the bed. He had been jotting
down thoughts, though scarcely able to write. During
these months he led several of the midweek meet-
ings in the Tabernacle. Coming from one of the services,
a shade of regret came over him, and he seemed much
burdened as he said to Rev. E. B. Fitch, the assistant
pastor, "1 fear that sufficient preparation was not made
for that message." His state of body and mind, no
doubt, had much to do with this remark ; but it indicated
his habit of painstaking care and prayer in preparing for
his public work. He often told me while in meetings
together and in our home, 'T must wait on God for a
fresh message for this service." Dr. Henry C. McBride,
an old friend and early helper in the work, said to me
once, after hearing him preach : "In all these many years,
I have never heard Dr. Simpson repeat a sermon — always
something fresh, fragrant, and satisfying."
Dr. Simpson was a forceful and fascinating preacher.
His expositions of Scripture were profound yet simple.
His whole soul was poured into his message ; true elo-
quence flowed from his heart and lips, carrying his
hearers with him in unbroken and intense interest for an
hour or more as he preached the glorious Gospel. He
probably had no superior in missionary appeal. There
was a manifest spirit of sweetness and strength in his
messages, a charm of expression, clear and convincing
argument, and powerful application of the truth that has
transformed lives and embued them with the spirit of
the Christ of Calvary.
At a large summer convention, Dr. Simpson preached
one of his characteristic sermons, sweeping through the
Scriptures, illustrating and enforcing his theme with
powerful inspiration and conviction. Sitting with one
of our oldest and ablest workers, one thought in common
was expressed : "Well, there seems to be nothing left for
any one to say on that subject ; the whole ground has been
covered;" and we felt as if it was hardly worth while
for any one to attempt to follow on any subject. One
of the leading ministers of Philadelphia, after hearing
Mr. Simpson preach at our Annual Convention, which
was held in his church, remarked : "We will not hear
another such sermon until Dr. Simpson returns to this
Notwithstanding his busy life, he took time for careful
preparation for his public messages. They were steeped
in prayer. He says in his Testimony, "I have found
the same divine help for my mind and brain as for my
body. Having much writing and speaking to do, I have
given my pen and my tongue to Christ to possess and use,
and He has so helped me that my literary work has never
been a labor. He has enabled me to think much more
rapidly and to accomplish much more work and with
greater facility than ever before. It is very simple and
humble work, but such as it is, it is all through Him, and,
I trust, for Him only. To Him be all the praise."
"So when a great man dies,
For years beyond our ken,
The light he leaves behind him lies
Upon the paths of men."
WHEN General Allenby captured Jerusalem in De-
cember, 191 7, Dr. Simpson was in Chicago on a
convention tour. He went immediately to his room, over-
come with emotion, and on his knees praised God for
an hour. He had been watching the Jewish clock for
forty years, and now its warning chime announced that
the great hour of the redeemed was at hand. He gave
a powerful address on "The Capture of Jerusalem" in
Moody Tabernacle, which he repeated in his own pulpit
on his return to New York.
In the following January he was announced as one of
the chief speakers at a Jewish Mission Conference in
Chicago, but after the conference had commenced he
wired his life-long friend, Mrs. T. C. Rounds, Superin-
tendent of the Chicago Hebrew Mission, who was secre-
tary of the convention, expressing his regrets that he
found himself unable to attend. It was a great disap-
pointment, for every one knew that a message for the
hour was burning in his heart.
During the rest of the winter he engaged in very little
public ministry, and most of his other duties were laid
aside. He submitted to urgent solicitation and, accom-
panied by Mrs. Simpson, spent a few weeks with his
A. B. Simpson During Last Visit to England.
friends of other days at Clifton Springs, New York. He
did not, as some have suggested, take medical treatment.
Dr. Sanders of the Sanitarium was an old friend and
a former attendant at the Tabernacle, and thoroughly
understood Dr. Simpson's position.
When the Annual Council of The Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance assembled at Nyack in May, 1918, Dr.
Simpson called upon Mr. Ulysses Lewis, Vice-President
of the Society to preside, though he himself attended most
of the sessions. During this Council, as stated in an
earlier chapter, he committed his business affairs to his
brethren for settlement. This was not only a great per-
sonal reHef to him but also proved that he never had
any desire to build up an estate for his personal or family
interest, and enabled one of the speakers at the Memorial
Service to make the public announcement that Dr. Simp-
son left no legacy but the will and work of God — the
richest heritage ever bequeathed to family or friends.
Dr. Simpson had hved, as he tells us in the story of
his life crisis, a lonely life. One of the secrets of his
success was that he had taken his difficulties directly to
the Lord, and even his immediate family knew little of
the burdens which he bore from day to day. He attempted
to continue to meet the pressure that was upon him dur-
ing the early months of his physical decline as he had
always done. The great adversary, against whose king-
dom he had so valiantly warred, attacked him in his weak-
ness and succeeded in casting a cloud over his spirit.
Even yet he did not call his brethren to his spiritual
help until one of them, a short time after the Council,
asked for the privilege of staying with him at night, at
which time the pressure was most severe. For several
weeks one or other of the brethren enjoyed what they
will ever regard as the unspeakable privilege of this inti-
mate fellowship. He would kneel at his bedside with
the one who was with him and pour out his heart unto
the Lord. After retiring they would lie in sweet com-
munion, quoting the great promises of Scripture and softly-
singing the hymns which have been endeared to the
Church, or the yet richer Psalms of David in the old Scot-
tish metircal version, which he, and at least some of these
friends, had sung in childhood. When the brother would
say, "Dr. Simpson, you must sleep now," he would say,
"Yes, yes, but we must have another word of prayer."
By this time that rich consciousness of the indwelling
Christ, in which for forty years he had never failed to
compose himself for sleep, had returned in some measure
to him, and presently he would be sleeping as a child.
When he awakened in the morning, addressing the one
beside him with the affectionate familiarity of a spiritual
father, he would express the hope that he had not dis-
turbed him. Again in "psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs" the day would be begun, till the brother left for
his daily duty. So several weeks were passed.
One day two of the brethren, who had been greatly
stirred by the Holy Spirit for his complete deliverance,
bowed with him in his library. They prayed a prayer
into which he earnestly sought to enter with a real Amen.
The brethren knew, as did Dr. Simpson, that they
wrestled "not against flesh and blood, but against princi-
palities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark-
ness of this world, against wicked spirits in heavenly
places." Presently they knew that victory had been given,
but they longed and hoped that it also might mean perfect
physical deliverance. Before they rose from their knees
he said, "Boys, I do not seem to be able to take quite all
that you have asked. You seem to have outstripped me —
but Jesus is so real" ; and he began to talk to his Lord
as only a man who has known the intimate love-life of the
Man in the Glory can do.
From that hour no one ever heard Dr. Simpson speak
of the Enemy, and to the last those who met him in the
Tabernacle or at the headquarters in New York, or at
Old Orchard, where he went soon afterward, or later in
his own home and bedchamber, were conscious of even
a richer aroma of Christ than that sweet fragrance which
for so many years had surrounded him.
His marvelous ministry of prayer was revivified. His
friend. Rev. W. T. MacArthur, who a short time before
had spent two or three days with him, returned un-
heralded. Dr. Simpson met him at the door and said,
"Well, Mac, you have come to pray for me again." "No,
Brother Simpson, I have come to ask you to pray for
me." "That is a very gracious way of putting it," he
replied. "Not at all; it is the truth. I have carried my
old sermon barrel till I am sick of it. I must have a fresh
anointing." "Oh, then, if that is so," said Dr. Simposn,
"we will go right into my study." That night a series of
messages were born in the preacher's soul, and those who
heard him that summer knew that fresh oil had been
poured upon him.
Nor was Mr. MacArthur the only one who found his
way to this man of God for just such an anointing. One
after another of the brethren met him quietly and alone
with the same result. He seemed to be pouring out upon
these disciples something of the gift which had so en-
riched his own ministry.
Perhaps the most memorable of these occasions was
that which occurred when Paul Rader came from Chi-
cago to New York for a night of prayer and special con-
sultation with the Board concerning his relation to the
work. We will let Mr. Rader tell the story.
"Never will I forget a night a few months ago. Dr.
Simpson was occupying a room at headquarters across
the hall from the Board meeting which he was unable
to attend. At the close of the meeting I went into his
room with Brother Senft and Brother Lewis. He put
out his arm, and we knelt to pray^ Oh, such a prayer!
He started in thanksgiving for the early days, and swept
the past in waves of praise at each step ; then to the pres-
ent; then on to the future — the prophet vision was mar-
velous. We were all with upturned, tear-stained faces
praising God together with him as by faith we followed
him to the mountain and viewed the Promised Land. He
was so sure the Alliance was born in the heart of God.
He lay there in a burst of praise, sure that God could
carry it forward. He knew his physical life was closing.
So, reverently he lifted his hands as if passing the work
over to God who had carried it all these days."
Perhaps Mr. Rader was the only one of the brethren
who dared to claim a double portion of his spirit. Those
of us who saw him that day when he came out from that
prayer scene realized that in his inner consciousness,
whether he confessed it to himself or not, Paul Rader
knew that the mantle was falling upon him. All the way
to Nyack he would answer us only in monosyllables ; and
when he stood before the students that night, the natural
man which had dazzled many an audience had disappeared,
and for that night he stood in brokenness, quietly uttering
a message which went to the depths of many a heart,
though he himself felt that he had failed.
During the winter of 1918-1919 Dr. Simpson spent ^
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson.
considerable part of the time at headquarters in New
York, and attended most of the meetings in the Taber-
nacle, He started a daily prayer meeting and once ven-
tured to address the Friday meeting. He attended the
great Prophetic Conference in Carnegie Hall, delighting
in the fellowship of such old friends as Dr. W. B. Riley,
Dr. James M. Gray, Dr. George William Carter, Mr.
Charles G. Trumbull, and many others. The chairman
of one of the meetings called upon him to lead in prayer,
and though the audience could see that his strength had
failed greatly, when he began to pour out his heart to
God a hush fell over the vast assembly, and men realized
anew that in real prayer
"Heaven comes down our souls to greet
While glory crowns the mercy seat."
Dr. and Mrs. Simpson spent the early springtime on
the beautiful Nyack hillside in Dean Turnbull's residence
near the Institute, to the great delight of the students,
and later returned to their own home a little further down
the hill.
Just before the Annual Council in May he suffered a
slight stroke of paralysis, which prevented him and Mrs,
Simpson from going to Toccoa where the Council was
held that year; but he recovered so rapidly that none of
the brethren was detained at Nyack. He sent this tele-
gram to the Council : "Beloved brethren assembled in
Council at Toccoa : I regret not being able to meet you
this year to look over the blessing of the year gone by.
Although turmoil and strife have ruled the world, God
has held us by His mighty hand from the many trials
and evils which have surrounded us. Blessing has been
poured out upon the work and the workers as they have
been guided by Him. We praise His name forever. My
prayer is that God shall rule this blessed work which was
begun in sacrifice and consecration to Him, for the spread-
ing of the Gospel into all lands. I hope soon to meet you
all again as He will. My text today is John 1 1 :4 — 'This
sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God.' We
are with you in spirit if not in body."
When the delegates returned, they found Dr. Simpson
recovered almost to his condition previous to the stroke.
He passed through the summer with little change, being
about his own home and graciously receiving the few
special friends who were privileged to call upon him.
His son, Howard, who had been in the Canadian Army
in France, returned and spent some months at home, but
in the late summer accepted a business position in Mon-
treal. His daughter, Margaret, came frequently from
New York and his older daughter, Mabel, also came from
Hamilton in the early autumn to visit him.
During these months Mrs. Simpson watched over her
beloved husband with the utmost devotion, and was
wonderfully sustained from day to day by God's unfailing
grace. Dr. Simpson received all these loving ministries
with his usual graciousness but made no needless demands
on those who cared for him.
On Tuesday, October 28th, he spent the morning on
his verandah and received a visit from Judge Clark, of
Jamaica, conversing freely, and praying fervently for
Rev. and Mrs. George H. A. McClare, our Alliance mis-
sionaries in Jamaica, and for the missionaries in other
fields, who were always in his mind. After the Judge
left him he suddenly lost consciousness and was carried
to his room. His daughter Margaret and a little group
of friends watched by the bedside with Mrs. Simpson
till his great spirit took leave of his worn out body and
returned to God that gave it, early on Wednesday morn-
ing, October 29th, 1919.
Mr. Howard Simpson and Mrs. Brennan and her two
daughters, Marjorie and Katherine, hastened from Can-
ada, Mrs. Gordon Simpson, a widowed daughter-in-law,
and her daughters, Misses Joyce, Ruth, Wilhelmina and
Anna, and her son Albert came from New York City, and
a nephew, Dr. James Simpson, of Ridgefield Park, N, J.,
was also present.
Mrs. Simpson received hundreds of letters and tele-
grams from all parts of the world and many messages
of sympathy were sent officially to The Christian and
Missionary Alliance and The Alliance Weekly from kin-
dred organizations.
The Congo Mission wrote through its Executive Com-
mittee : "The news of Dr. Simpson's home-going came
to us as a shock. We had been praying and hoping that
the Lord would restore him to health and grant him yet
many years of service in directing the world-wide Alliance
work which was so dear to his heart and to which he
gave himself so unselfishly and untiringly. May our
Heavenly Father, the God of all comfort sustain you in
your separation and sorrow. As a Mission and as part
of the Alliance family we bear you up in our prayers
and trust that the Lord will continue to use you in this
work, which we know is also dear to your heart."
Rev. E. A. Kilbourne, of the Oriental Missionary So-
ciety, Japan, sent this message: "His influence was not
confined to the ranks of The Christian and Missionary
Alliance, but preachers, missionaries, editors, and people
of all denominations have been moved and stirred by
his untiring zeal for the cause of Christ in all the world.
How glad I am that I was permitted to sit at his feet.
His inspiring messages have always stirred my soul."
Several leaders in Jewish missions sent tender mes-
sages, among whom were Rev. Samuel Wilkinson, of the
Mildmay Mission to the Jews, London ; Rev. S. B. Ro-
hold, superintendent of the mission to the Jews, Toronto,
Rev. Thomas M. Chalmers, of the Jewish Mission, New
York, and Rev. Maurice Ruben, of the New Covenant
Mission, Pittsburgh, who said: "It is with the deepest
feeling of a personal loss that I wish to express my inner-
most sympathy to all the Alliance family in the departure
of their beloved leader. Truly a prince in Israel has
fallen. Dr. Simpson was one among thousands, and he
will leave a vacancy that will not easily be filled."
Rev. Henry W. Frost, director of the China Island
Mission, wrote that "Dr. Simpson belonged to the whole
Church of Christ. His ministries overflowed boundaries
and went out into every place. It is a true mark of a
Spirit-filled man. I speak also for the members of the
China Island Mission in expressing for The Christian and
Missionary Alliance our heartfelt sympathy in their great
The president of the Toronto Globe, Mr. W. G. Jaf-
fray, sent this personal word: "The Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance stands as a monument of his devotion
to God's purpose for him in this life. Eternity alone
will show the full results of his earthly ministry. Both
myself and my family have experienced his loving sym-
pathy and help in times gone by."
Other brief extracts show the regard in which he was
held by the great men of the Church. Prof. W. H. Grif-
fith Thomas, D.D., said : "In the death of Dr. Simpson
it is literally true to say that a great man has fallen in
Israel. For many years I have followed his work with
keen interest and genuine admiration." His old friend,
Dr. James M. Gray, D.D., Dean of the Moody Bible In-
stitute, wrote: "I knew Dr. Simpson before The Chris-
tian Alliance was formed, and my feelings toward him
have passed from wonder and admiration to the deepest
confidence and love." Dr. George H. Sandison of The
Christian Herald, who knew him intimately at Nyack,
and as a fellow editor, said that "His epitaph is written
in the hearts of countless multitudes at home and abroad.
I can think of no one in this age who has done more ef-
fectual, self-denying service for Christ and His Gospel
than Albert B. Simpson. It will be one of the dearest
memories of my life that I had the honor and pleasure
of calling him my friend." Dr. D. McTavish, in whose
church in Toronto many of the Alliance conventions were
held, adds this word: "Rev. A. B. Simpson was a man
definitely laid hold of by God to do a marvelous work.
He was a great Gospel preacher, a great defender of
'the faith once for all delivered unto the saints' ; a great
missionary advocate and a great-hearted Christian friend.
We shall sorely miss his genial presence, but what a glor-
ious welcome awaited such a splendidly invested life." Dr.
W. B. Riley, of The First Baptist Church, Minneapolis,
sent this word of mingled sorrow and hope: "It was a
great personal grief to me to know of the going of Dr.
A. B, Simpson. For more than twenty-five years I have
known him and my admiration increased with the ac-
quaintance. Truly, the cause of Christ is the poorer for
his departure, but how much richer for his sacrifices and
services of love. We join with a host of friends in ex-
pressing congratulations to his dear wife and family on
the great life he lived, and our condolence on the separa-
tlon which, let us trust, will be cut short by the soon-com-
ing of his Lord."
Four simple and impressive services were held in con-
nection with the Memorial. The first of these was in
The Gospel Tabernacle, New York, on Sunday morning,
November 2nd, at which several of the church officers and
members of the Board of The Christian and Missionary
Alliance gave loving tributes to their beloved friend. Dr.
Marquis of the Bible Teachers' Training School, who
was present, was called to the platform and gave a brief
but most appreciative impromptu address which is quoted
elsewhere. On Sunday afternoon three hundred Institute
students lined the winding pathway leading up the hill-
side from the Simpson home to The Missionary Institute,
while other students carried the casket to the Institute
Chapel. An informal service was held in the evening at
which many testimonies were given as to the influence
of the life of Dr. Simpson, the founder of the institutions,
upon the students and the faculty.
On Monday afternoon a more formal tribute w^as
given by Rev. R. A. Forrest, Rev. A. E. Funk, Rev.
Henri DeVries, Rev. T. P. Gates, and Dr. J. Gregory
Mantle. Dr. Mantle told how the vergers of St. Paul's
Cathedral show to travelers the sculptured monuments
of Britain's greatest sons. Finally the verger points out
a little tablet on which is inscribed
"Sir Christopher Wren,
Born in 1631,
Died in 1723;
If you seek his monument, look around."
"So," said Dr. Mantle, "would I say of this man — Tf you
seek his monument, look around'."
The principal service was held in the Gospel Taber-
nacle, New York, on Tuesday at noon. So many desired
to attend that admittance was by ticket. The members
of the Board of The Christian and Missionary Alliance,
the elders of the Gospel Tabernacle, the faculty of the
Missionary Institute, many missionaries and home work-
ers of the Alliance, and representative ministers of the
Gospel from various denominations filled the platform.
They included many of the disciples who were now to
carry forward the work he had begun. Mr. Ulysses
Lewis, of Atlanta, Georgia, presided. Rev. F. H. Senft
offered the invocation; Rev. J. E. Jaderquist read the
Scripture; and Rev. E. D. Whiteside led in a tender in-
tercessory prayer, Mrs. Margaret Buckman, daughter
of Dr. Simpson, sang one of his unpublished hymns. The
Upward Calling.
"A Voice is calling me, a Hand has grasped me,
By cords unseen my soul is upward drawn;
My heart has answered to that upward calling,
I clasp the Hand that lifts and leads me on.
"I'm turning from the past that lies behind me,
I'm reaching forth unto the things before;
I've caught the taste of life's eternal fountains,
And all my being longs and thirsts for more.
"A brooding Presence hovers o'er my spirit,
The Heavenly Dove my heart doth softly woo;
I catch bright visions of my heavenly calling
And all there is for me to be and do.
"A mystic glory lingers all around me,
And all the air breathes out the eternal spring;
I feel the pulses of the New Creation,
And all things whisper of the Coming King.
"And in my heart I hear the Spirit's whisper,
'The Bridegroom cometh, hasten to prepare!'
And with my vessels filled and lamps all burning
I'm going out to meet Him in the air."
Messages were read from Dr. Robert E. Speer, Secre-
tary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and
Dr. Wilbert W. White, of the Bible Teachers' Training
School, who were both out of the city. Rev. Edward H.
Emett was present and spoke as Dr. White's personal
representative. Rev. Kenneth Mackenzie, the first min-
ister in New York City to stand with Mr. Simpson on his
platform when he began this ministry; Dr. Edward B.
Shaw, of Monroe, New York, a Sunday-school boy in
Mr. Simpson's first pastorate and Mr. Charles G. Trum-
bull, Editor of The Sunday School Times, represented
the larger circle of the Christian Church and spoke feel-
ingly of what Dr. Simpson's life and testimony had
meant to themselves and to the Church at large. Rev. P.
W. Philpott, of Hamilton, Ont. ; Rev. J. D. Williams, of
St. Paul, Minn.; Rev. W. M. Turnbull, of Nyack, and
Rev. A. E. Thompson, of Jerusalem, all members of the
Board, gave testimonies on behalf of the Alliance consti-
tuency at home and abroad. The last message was a most
touching tribute from Rev. Paul Rader, Vice President of
The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Perhaps no minis-
ter in the great metropohs had ever been so truly hon-
ored in his memorial service as was this man who, thirty-
eight years before, had dared to step out alone on the
promises of God and, like Caleb of old, "Wholly follow
the Lord."
The funeral cortege proceeded from the Gospel Taber-
nacle to Woodlawn Cemetery where Dr. Simpson's body
was placed in a vault. The family had intended that his
last earthly resting place should be in the family plot in
Hamilton, Ont., but graciously consented to the urgent
request that his body should be interred on the beautiful
hillside at Nyack, near the Missionary Institute. Some
one had suggested that each of the sixteen mission fields
send a stone, engraved in the native language, to be built
into a simple but unique monument.
On Friday, May 21st, 1920, at the closing of the Annual
Council of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Dr.
Simpson's body was brought back to the hillside. Hun-
dreds of delegates to the Council and other friends gath-
ered around as the hands of men who had loved him
lowered his body into the earth whence it came, and eyes
looked upward knowing that the spirit had departed to
be with Christ and is waiting for the day for which he had
looked and longed when "the trumpet shall sound and
the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be
changed," when "Death is swallowed up in victory." How
often he had voiced in song the hope that he would be
caught up in the clouds together with the resurrected ones
to meet the Lord in the air and so be "forever with the
Lord." He can have no regrets now for he is "with
Christ which is far better" than to be here, even with
friends and fellow-workers. Mrs. Simpson and many
friends sorrow not as those who have no hope, for "we
which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord
shall not go before them which are asleep" but "the dead
in Christ shall rise first," As they lived here together
with Christ, so then together they shall share in the power
of his resurrection.
Few men since the days of Paul could so confidently
say "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid
up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me
only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."
By Rev. Paul Rader
President of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.
THERE have been but few world men. We read the
history of great statesmen who were splendid defend-
ers of their nation's rights and guiders of the bodies
politic. We read of some of these who were diplomats,
for they stood between their own and antagonistic nations
in the hour of strain or war. We read of others who had
breadth of heart and smiled with favor on a sister nation
or a people near at hand who were in subjection. There
have been men of world-travel fame who have discussed
for us, on the printed page, the habits and customs of far
away peoples. We have had great writers on interna-
tional questions. Of late we have had those who hav<j
dared to think of world peace. The Hague, with its Peace
Monument, speaks to posterity of these larger visioned
We are today considering the conflict of minds con-
cerning a League of Nations. It seems that at last lead-
ers of public thought have been forced by world calamity
to think of a whole world. The back alley local murders
and small town scandals were forced from the front pages
of our dailies for at least four years, and the news of a
world's troubles and woes was given to us for breakfast
instead. To at least twenty-five per cent of the world's
population the geography of the globe has changed. They
now know, to some extent, where Belgium is, and Hol-
land, Germany, Russia, France, and Great Britain. They
were forced to follow their boys ; they had to buy a map
or use the one in the dailies.
Is it not a terrifying conclusion that, with the masses,
there must be world agony before there is world thought ?
If world consideration is so hard to obtain, how much
harder, and therefore rarer, is world sympathy. A world
man — that is, a man with a whole world on his heart, is
a rare man and a man close to God, for God alone loves
the world. Enoch walked with God and talked with God.
His talk was of the whole world of men and the coming
flood. Enoch gave his boy a name of warning, Methuse-
lah, meaning, "When he dies the flood will come." Abra-
ham talked with God, left his own and stepped out for
a life that would mean a new race and a blessing through
them finally to the whole race of mankind. Peter met
Christ and believed that He was God. Then came that
dream of a sheet let down from heaven. There God
gave him a vision, not of one race — his race — but the
zvhole human race for whom Christ has died. Paul met
Christ on the road to Damascus, and went to the whole
world to tell the news of salvation. Other men who have
come close to the heart of Christ have caught a vision
of a whole world and a Christ who loves and has died for
all men. Race prejudice vanishes with a vision of Christ
for a world of men.
My outstanding impression of Dr. A. B. Simpson is
that he was the foremost world man of our generation.
Many great men of missionary vision have joined hands
with others to spread the Gospel in the darkened lands.
Here is a man who, single-handed, started and carried
forward a movement to the "regions beyond." He
planted his workers in sixteen great mission fields of the
earth, and did it in twenty-five years.
With his God-given message from pen and pulpit he
gathered a constituency to stand behind his recruits.
Time, money, energy, writing, preaching, prayer, ambition
— all was poured into a funnel that poured out in bless-
ing on the whole world. Yes, Dr. Simpson talked with
God until he became a world man. He is gone to be with
the Lord, but with such master workmanship did he estab-
lish his society, that blessing is still flowing from it in a
greatly increasing stream.
No founder ever held an organization with so light
a hand as Dr. Simpson held the Alliance. Since the Lord
has called him higher, we find that the Alliance, as always,
is not in the hands of man, but in the hands of God, and
underneath are the everlasting arms.
Three things the Alliance was raised up of God to do.
Dr. Simpson said in an outburst of soul, looking back over
the years, 'T can well remember the nights I walked up
and down the sandy beach of Old Orchard, Maine, in the
summer of 1881, and asked God in some way to raise up
a great missionary movement that would reach the neg-
lected fields of the world and utilize the neglected forces
of the Church at home, as was not then being done. I
little dreamed that I should have some part in such a
movement, but even then the vision was given of souls yet
to be born like the stars of heaven and the sands upon the
seashore. The movement has been wholly providential."
Here then we have this world man's own words. So
it was, first, "neglected fields," second, "neglected forces,"
and God later led him to see the mighty, but largely un-
preached truths for which the Alliance now stands. There-
fore, thirdly, we have "neglected truths."
Dr. Simpson has been promoted, but the movement he
founded is going forth to a whole world to preach
neglected truths to neglected fields with neglected forces.
Let us look at these three neglected things in the reverse
order of the one in which we have named them. Very
decidedly we say that first and foremost the neglected
truths must be seen or there will be a movement without
a message. The most outstanding weakness of our time
is great movements without a message. The Alliance
still holds and preaches these neglected truths.
Jesus As Saviour.
We are in the heart of the apostasy. Many are fall-
ing away. The fundamentals of Christianity are being
attacked by a new and subtle method. The war is on
against the Bible, the Blood, and the Blessed Hope. It
is a highly organized war with highly educated, highly
respectable, and highly paid men as officers over its ranks.
"Salvation through social service" is the battle cry in this
war against the saints. There comes then a fresh call to
raise our battle cry of, "Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer, and
Coming King," above all this Cain religion.
In thousands of churches on this continent where the
blood used to be preached and sinners used to be saved,
there is no cry of new-born babes about their silent altars.
In thousands more no one occupies the pews, no one the
pulpit. Empty, forsaken, they stand in mute appeal for
men with vital breath and a soul-saving Gospel to come
and open them and pass the Bread of life to the multitudes
and villagers about them. It is imperative that some move-
ment preaching Jesus as Saviour step into this great
breach at once. The neglected truth of Jesus as all suffi-
cient Saviour must go forth. I did not say "be believed
and held," I said, "go forth." Though our founder has
gone, we, as an Alliance, say, "go forth," not in words
but in new systematic, powerful evangelizing methods.
This world man's evangelizing vision is still our vision.
When the Alliance was born, the message of Finney
was still in the air, Moody and Sankey were mighty in
power. Dr. Simpson caught his first vision of the neg-
lected crowds outside the churches through an evange-
listic meeting in his Kentucky town conducted by Major
Whittle and P. P. Bliss. That mighty man among us in
the early days, Dr. Wilson, fell at an old-time Salvation
Army penitent form, when already an ordained clergy-
man, because of the salvation fire of the Army of those
The very air was pregnant with Holy Ghost conviction
when the Alliance came into being, and sinners by the
thousands found a living, life-giving Saviour. What a
contrast to the atmosphere in which we, as an Alliance,
find ourselves now planning for the preaching of Jesus
the Saviour around the world. Where are the Holy Spirit
filled evangelists now? The war, with one fell stroke,
seems to have wiped commercial evangelism from the
earth. It has seemingly, also, laid a giant hand of frost
upon all evangelism. The AlHance takes for itself from
God to see to it that every last branch is a soul-saving
station through the week and on Sundays.
The old rescue mission is gone. The Alliance founded
by this world man will still open missions to the masses.
The incorporation certificate of the first Alliance society
stated that the object of the society was "to do the work
of evangelism, especially among the neglected classes by
highway missions and other practical methods."
We surely believe in defending the fundamentals, but,
as an Alliance, we will defend them by taking them with
renewed consecration and fiery fervor to the masses, any
way, every way — but take them and preach them. These
great fundamentals of the faith will defend themselves
in living witness of their life-giving power when
Yes, Jesus as Saviour is a greatly neglected truth in
our day. God will give us grace and practical sense in
planning a larger way of coming to the rescue as flam-
ing evangels in this sad hour.
Jesus As Sanctifier
When the Alliance was born, the holiness movement
that had its start with Finney and others was at high
tide. Camp meeting grounds dotted the groves near
great city centers as well as at the seashores and the lake
fronts. Methodism led the way under the mighty gen-
eralship and inspiration of such Spirit-filled men as
Bishop Joyce and Mallalieu and Dr. S. A. Keen of Ohio.
Much controversy concerning holiness and its place in
Bible doctrine was stirring evangelical forces everywhere.
Into this ripe hour God led Dr. Simpson, bringing the
great heart and power and cleansing message of the Al-
liance. Hearts that had hungered for the deeper life,
found in the Alliance message on the crisis of the Deeper
Life a splendid Bible ground for their feet, and thousands
found Jesus as their Sanctifier and were filled with the
Holy Spirit, counting not their lives dear unto themselves,
but finding Jesus all and in all. The heart of this mes-
sage of the Alliance is in the hymn which I consider the
greatest hymn that Dr. Simpson ever wrote :
"Once it was the blessing.
Now it is the Lord.
Once it was the feeling.
Now it is His word."
Especially in the lines —
"Once it was my working,
His it hence shall be.
Once I tried to use Him,
Now He uses me."
We find ourselves today in no such atmosphere as that
m which the Alliance was born. We feel the tramp and
the tread of the great army toward the winding up of
man's day. Above this army waves the world-movement
banners. The social service slogans fill the air. The
printed pages of rationalism are scattered all about. The
circulars concerning the isms of the day are handed to us
on car and street. The world attractions blaze on the city
highways. The movies have lengthened their reels to
accommodate church and theatre alike. The Church's
standards and social standards are dropping, dropping.
We can only gasp as the news comes of newer and wider
departures from the old fundamentals of the faith.
Is there lack of money, of organization, of attraction,
of eloquence, of education, of culture, of popularity? No,
NO. It all comes from no lack whatever of power with-
out, but the lack of the living Christ within.
Truly, the atmosphere of this day is far dififerent from
the atmosphere a quarter of a century ago; but, atmo-
sphere or no atmosphere, the Alliance has still a message
in Jesus as our sanctification for the crisis of the deeper
life which leads to the fullness of the Holy Ghost and
fire. This fullness and fire are the greatest needs of the
saints of all time, and surely today. There was darkness
in Egypt that could be felt, but we read further in God's
Word that Israel, at the same time, "had light in their
dwellings." It was supernatural light. It was a type of
tlie full light of the Holy Spirit for these last dark days.
There is teaching today, thank God, concerning the
Holy Spirit, and the setting forth of the doctrines of the
Holy Spirit. The need of the hour is for this movement,
with these neglected doctrines very clear, but with a
method just as clear. Our doctrine must be clear ; so must
be a time table, but the time table and the train are not
the same thing. The doctrine of the fullness of the Holy
Spirit, even when believed in, is not the fullness of the
Holy Spirit. There are those who preach these doctrines
without seeing any one filled with the Holy Spirit, be-
cause they never even clear the decks for action with an
altar service. They never even use the crisis moment at
the close of their teaching for a crisis decision right where
the hungry hearts are seated. God is moving freshly
upon us in power, with Holy Ghost directed altar work,
for clear cut decisions and definite Spirit-filling. There
is great need for a revival in the Body of Christ. This
revival will start and run through the Alliance ranks
like fire, for we are going back to our old altar services,
using the Word of God and keeping man's hands off
the wrestling heart.
Jesus As Healer.
Thank God, the home-going of our founder finds us
true as a Society to the doctrine and practice of Jesus as
our Healer. The hem of His garment is still being
touched by the hand of faith. True, the crowd around
are hurling their anathemas, but He still heals. It is the
great answer to Christian Science. God has brought many
workers to the Alliance through miraculously healing
them, and made the work a miraculous blessing in thou-
sands of homes.
His Return.
As the Wise Men followed the star, so the Alliance
company of faith folk follow lovingly the Blessed Hope.
It is the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day. We
never can stop in the forward march started by the mighty
man of God to the regions beyond until we see Him face
to face, since the vision of an open heaven and a descend-
ing Lord has reached our ranks.
The Alliance is going to the ends of the earth, to the
last tribe and tongue because of the Great Commission
and because His coming back depends upon the going out
with the message to evangelize the world. This move-
ment is following the God-given program in gathering
out a people for His name. Then He will return. The
Alliance heartily says, "Even so, come. Lord Jesus," but it
does not say it idly at home. It is saying it from every
quarter of the globe after these more than thirty years of
missionary effort.
The incense from the silent graves of more than seven
score of missionaries, the clarion call of their laid-down
lives comes up to God in mighty tones and sweet savor,
pleading His return. This call is not in sentiment but in
sacrifice and service. A few more Hves, a few more
members of His Body gathered out from the lost, and
He will come.
With a new Spirit-planned and anointed forward move-
ment the Alliance is going to the regions beyond to bring
back the King. He is still beckoning from Macedonia.
Thank God that bringing back the King is not only the
Blessed Hope of the Alliance, but the great business to
which it has consecrated its all.
The world man who founded this Society has taken off
his armor, but nothing better could be said of the fight
he fought than that the ranks he commanded are still
in the fight, with the same message, the same vision, the
same fire and with increasing victory.
WAR 2 3 t949